The Grand Event | Heavenletters
OCT 24 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
When you feel your life is in a slump, sit up straighter. Reach your arms up. Immediately, you will feel better.
If you could know that this very minute, I am before you, I do not think you would slouch. You would sit up straight. Oh, how alert you would be. I am not mistaken in this.
And yet, here I am, right in front of you. All the while, I am here.
If you cannot really believe or imagine that I am eye to eye with you right now, then imagine that We have an appointment, you and I. Let Us say, In one hour, I appoint myself to meet with you.
Of course, you will think that you must get ready. How you will scramble! Certainly, you will become alert, and your whole posture will change. You will prepare yourself somehow for the Grand Event which is, in actuality, the day to day reality. What did you think “I am always with you” meant?
Your posture has been a posture. It has been your stance in life. All because you couldn’t quite believe in My presence.
Maybe you can believe in My presence at a distance, but as an intimate companion of your life — you are not so sure, for you wonder: “How can Almighty God deign to pay attention to me, as I am, in this unkempt world? How can God Almighty possibly spend any time with me, let alone all of it? Wouldn’t that be a waste of His time? Surely He has better things to do.”
You may think that you are not equal to an occasion of Me. Perhaps you feel that My eternal presence at close range would be too much for you, you couldn’t keep up, and when all is said and done, you would rather get along without Me. Perhaps you feel that I am the kind of company you have to knock yourself out getting ready for and that then, when they leave, you breathe a sigh of relief.
Yet it is not possible for Me to leave your side for even one minute. If that were possible, you would know the difference instantly. You may have spent your life in an imagined state of existence without Me but the actuality of life without Me is unimaginable. It is too terrible to think of. Fortunately, there is no way to experience My absence, for I am never absent, and I would never pretend to be.
But you do pretend life on your own. You have thought you can go somewhere without Me. You may have thought you have been without Me right along. That is how far from truth your thinking has been.
I am One Who lives with you. Your life is shared with Me totally. I am a close participant in your life. You may think I am in the background, but I am in the forefront. Whatever you may imagine you are going through, I am with you. I am in your corner, and I am right smack in the middle of your life. I am everywhere. I am not your detractor nor do I distract you. Truly, you would not have made it this far without Me. There is nowhere in life and nowhere in what you call death that you can be without Me. I am the only Absolute in your life. I am the only reliable there is.
You have great imagination, you who have imagined your life without Me. Now use that selfsame imagination to conjure life with Me. Pave your way in life with thoughts of Me.
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The Grand Event | Heavenletters #813
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/24/2021 08:09:00 PM