As the World Ascends | Heavenletters
AUG 24 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
My heart yearns for yours as your heart longs for Mine. I know your heart is already Mine, so what I really long for is your knowing My heart is yours inextricably. We ARE One, and yet you, who lives in a human body on Earth, cannot quite fathom how this can be. You make mistakes. The world has well taught you the error of your ways, while I see your coming to Me. The Promised Land is already yours, and yet you long for it. You crave it. And yet you are not quite able to believe in it as a Reality. It may seem like fantasy to you, another fantasy you have let float before you, a fantasy that you fear is only a made-up sedative. Surrounded by what you call reality, looking at the endless facts that surround you, a happy hunting ground seems far away from you.
Stubbornly, I tell you that what you dream of and yearn for is true. Dreams are founded on Truth, and yet everyday demonstrations of less than Truth confound you. The tendency is for you to think that Shangri-la does not exist, cannot possibly exist, not in your lifetime anyway. I think other thoughts, beloveds. I know Heaven intimately, and I know you intimately, and I know the beautiful Creation that you are in the midst of.
Are ripe mangos a dream and that they grow ripe on a tree a dream? Ripe mangoes and grapes and berries and squash and carrots grow for you, each in its season, each in its own way. Is there not a wonderful design that produces food and produces you? You are ongoing. You have your seasons. At the same time, you bloom for Me eternally.
I am food for thought, and yet I am more than thought. I AM. I definitely am not your imagination. I am beyond what you imagine, and so are you.
If the best you can do is imagine Me, then imagine Me. Keep on imagining Me, and soon enough you will discover that your imaginings were always Truth. And then you will do handstands, so joyous will your discovery be. I have been the Truth all along, and all that you were sure was Truth was made up. With all love and regard for you, you have had many things backwards.
You have thought you would be wealthier by stealth. You have thought that grabbing was the way to gain and that giving was the way to lose. Do somersaults with your thoughts, and turn the world right side-up. Take off your thinking cap and press your hand to your heart. Your heart is where life is. Your thoughts are accessories. Your thoughts march proudly. Too often your thoughts have pushed back your heart.
Bring your heart to the forefront. Your mind is an interpreter, and the mind does not always know whereof it speaks. Your mind is like a know-it-all. No mind knows it all. Minds tend to skim over the surface and pounce on certain aspects that aren’t worth pouncing on. But the heart, ah, the heart, the heart alights and smooths away the worry lines erroneous thoughts deepened.
As the world ascends, so does your heart. As your heart ascends, so does the world. Not only are you and I One, the world and you are also one, also inextricably entwined. The beanstalk that grows to Heaven is your heart. Your heart is a beautiful woven braid that reaches to Heaven and this braid of your heart asks you to climb it, and climb it, until you reach Heaven and you reach Me, and your vision becomes clear, and all your dreams were always true.
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As the World Ascends | Heavenletters #3515
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/25/2021 01:51:00 AM