(Golden Age of Gaia)
“We are indeed in the middle of intense things happening on all levels now, and these are happening in the invisible realms and mostly on an exceedingly high vibrational frequency level.
The great purification by the Sacred Divine Fires is escalating and indeed this is going to go deeply into very core of the heart and soul.
I was shown yesterday, how this the beautiful Sacred Fires are descending and are a beautiful Golden-white-platinum color. This is acting like a huge purification network and indeed I saw how the souls who are ready to ascend and who are purified are being lifted into the New Earth and thus new existence.
At the same time I was clearly shown how souls choose to not go through this process because of fear, and because of clinging onto the old. More than this, a deep stuck-ness in the lower frequency bands and thus choosing to stay in what they feel is familiar and refusing to let go of pain and suffering.
This purification process will now truly escalate and indeed it will take some time before all is purified, as each soul will be given the free choice, whether they wish to be purified or not, indeed whether they wish to fully stand in the fullness of their highest soul truth and who and what they in truth are and live it in the New Earth.
Every soul will now be challenged to make these choices.
Indeed it comes to the fact that each soul is solely responsible for their own choices at this time. For as the lifting happens, as said before – two will stand next to each other, one will be lifted, and one will choose to remain. No one can piggyback any other soul into the higher state. It is impossible. One can show the way – but one cannot go through the purification process for another soul and nor can one do this for them.
I have never experienced anything like this before, but indeed, once lifted you assume your new light-body and indeed will not wish to ever sink back into the quagmire of the Old Earth and old 3D again. The challenge though here is to maintain that exceedingly high frequency band and to grow ever higher and higher into the truth of your Soul and its highest Universal Mastery.
Indeed, this is the moment.
Each one will be given to the measure that they are ready to receive and are ready to completely let go of the old, in all and every form and way.
The choice is yours.
For indeed with the Fires of Purification, the Power of Divine Love and Wisdom and Light expands, and the sacred Keys and Codes are activated and given as the soul is ready to receive them. These are Divinely activated.
Indeed, the inner earth energies are now fully reactivated and thus the purification now is happening from deep within and without.
So much is happening and in all aspects of life on planet earth and indeed the New Earth, more than I can even try to put into words, although I am being shown.
Judith Kusel
Purification | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/24/2021 11:01:00 AM