By Steve Beckow, July 25, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Peace is Our Destiny – Part 1/2
I can’t regard what’s happening in the world as theater because people are dying – on all “sides.”
James Gilliland put the matter well:
“Self-righteousness that stems from spiritual ego or narcissism is usually an attribute of the leaders of division. They will gather as many people around them to validate their position [as possible] yet it all goes back to division, wounds, traumas, spiritual ego, or narcissism.
“The division necromancer has many faces but the way to avoid it is to heal the chinks in your armor, the wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences, the triggers and doorways used by unseen negative influences to create division. This takes brutal honesty with self and others.” (1)
Brutal honesty in the beginning and then it gets easier.
If I’m not willing to look at my own behavior and start with that, clean that up first, my appraisal of the situation will always be superficial. And that makes me prey to memes, sides, psy-ops, propaganda, and other features of us-against-them divisiveness.
If one wants to do some clean-up on Aisle 3, that’s what needs to be cleaned up and that just so happens to be within the power of everyone to do – self-examination and release of old trauma.
What I’m saying goes against the voices of “patriotism,” “the people,” “democracy,” and every other meme.
Or perhaps I should put it more precisely: What I’m saying goes against the voices of all those who would seek power for themselves over the people and use some rallying call to achieve it.
Watch who my opponents turn out to be.
Those who try to rally the people for their own ends, seeking power over others, don’t want us to free ourselves from our own self-limiting trauma and the resultant self-programming.
Then we wouldn’t tolerate any of what’s happening in our world, plain and simple, whereas now we do. Now we’re subservient to the meme.
Of course all of what I’m saying is a “conspiracy theory.” (Notice how strong the tug of memes can be.)
Now we believe the mainstream media. Now we follow the “American way.” Vive le France! Rule Britannia! Our chests swell with pride and we make war upon each other. And millions die. And weapons manufacturers – and arms traders – prosper.
This will not be the way of the future and the sooner we begin to curb ourselves the better and the more lasting will be the result for us and the world.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) “James Gilliland: The Art of Division,” July 24, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/07/24/james-gilliland-the-art-of-division/

By Steve Beckow, July 25, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Peace is Our Destiny – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
The way of the future is peace. If Ascension is our destiny, then peace will automatically reign. There’s no reason for war on the Fifth Dimension. One has all that one wants.
The folks still clinging to the belief that war will ensure that they achieve their ends won’t be found on the Fifth Dimension. Their vibration is too weak to take the higher and more refined energy levels in that realm.
It’s in their interests to sincerely make peace as well – inner as well as outer – to erase any barriers and free their vibration if they intend to come along with us.
Sorry. I wax a bit passionate on this theme.
As kids we used to sing songs about the River Jordan and the promised land. The promised land that Jesus pointed to, over the River Jordan, over the rainbow bridge, is the higher dimensions. Redemption, Salvation, Resurrection are other names for Ascension.
We really do stand on the banks of the River Jordan and anyone fighting with his human kith and kin at this time of the world’s life has to be mad. Or completely ignorant of what lies ahead.
Not gold. Not power. Love, man, love. Flowing like milk and honey. All our needs satisfied. You blossom, come alive. Now you can really get down to spiritual work.
Life is moving in that direction, no matter who flows with it or stands against it.
There’s no reason to look down on those who are making their calculations based on less evolved programming. We were once all miles behind where we are now.
In our 3D lives, we’re less evolved than everyone from other galaxies here to help us. We don’t want them looking down their noses at us and our “foolish” decisions – like war.
We really are going up together. Some are just playing the role of the rearguard and some are handling the baggage train. But all are moving forward as life moves forward.
None will remain untouched by the events of today, no matter what their final choice is.
Peace is our Destiny | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/26/2021 12:17:00 AM