By Catherine Viel, July 25, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 24, 2021
I find no peace, and all my war is done.
I fear and hope. I burn and freeze like ice
I fly above the wind, yet can I not arise;
And nought I have, and all the world I seize on.
~Sir Thomas Wyatt, I Find no Peace
Peace, like good health, is one of those things you don’t really notice until it’s gone.
My peace has been greatly interrupted by something prosaic: an ant invasion. It’s pretty pathetic as invasions go, but still.
This, in combination with what passes for a busy week in my household, has left me in a jittery state where I feel slightly under attack on a continual basis. And I finally realized that I have allowed these externals to destroy my most precious state of being: peace.

I also allowed the announcement by Santa Barbara City College that it is seeking to mandate student vaccinations to disturb my peace. The article noted that my alma mater, UCSB, and Westmont, the private Christian college in Montecito, have already mandated the vaccine.
I keep trying to convince myself that “it won’t happen here and it won’t happen to me,” but it sure feels like mandatory vaccines are creeping their way ever closer. The specter of a vaccine passport hovers in the wings.

As often as we are reassured by channels and commentators that “the light has already won,“ for me it is extremely difficult to discern solid evidence of this in my surroundings.
I experience a seesaw effect, despair then hope, despair then hope. We have been encouraged by many channels, in particular Lori Ladd in a recent video, to acknowledge and experience all of our feelings. That is what we’re here for and that, in part, is how we contribute to progressing through Earth’s rising vibrations.
Observing my feelings reminds me of watching a needle swinging back and forth, tugged by competing magnets. The magnet of peace. The magnet of fear. Surely it is up to me which end of that spectrum exerts the strongest pull on me.

There are eminently practical contributors to my state of peace. Communicating with others provides perspective, balance, and, frequently, commonsense solutions and advice.
I remind myself how extraordinarily valuable it is, for me and for all, to allow and feel all my feelings, so I acknowledge and express my distress about the ants and about the possibility of a vaccine passport.
Then I text a friend, asking what kind of ant bait she uses because her home is subject to arthropodal takeover. I put that brand on my shopping list.
Finally, I pet the feline who is emanating peace and tranquility on my lap, and take a breath, and do my level best to emulate his natural wisdom.
I find that this last effort yields the highest return. Instant tranquility that cuts through the fog of fear and sends it trailing away back to the darkness whence it came.
Peace is always stronger than fear.

Peace is Always Stronger than Fear | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/25/2021 11:54:00 PM