(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 1, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com
The period of dissolving the old structures is upon you. There will be dismantling and dissolving all around you, manifest in unexpected ways, times and people.
Destroying through hate will happen, but this carries within it the energies of the old, of fear, of power/resistance, of oppression; it is a necessary dynamic for some.
However, it is more powerful to create through love, to understand that the time has come for expansion, and creation through love, through passion and compassion. This is the higher path through these destructing, de-structuring, dismantling times: focus on the reconstruction, the re-conceptualisation of all that it means to be human and journeying on Gaia at this pivotal point in time consciousness.
Your focus creates your reality, and also your power. While awareness of the dismantling is good, if you find that the old is depressing you, bringing you down or lowering your vibration, then you would be right!

Do not give it your power. Shift your focus instead to the new, become aware of what you can do/be today to embody the light and the love that is the signature of this planet and all upon Gaia, as you create Ascension. It can be as small as an act of kindness or as great as clearing all debts owed to you.
What is conceived in love and born through love has sacred DNA running through it. It’s vibration is inherently high, whether it is a being or an organisation or a creation of any kind whatsoever.
Lightworkers are called to be bold, to be daring in their ideas and imagination, to know that the purity of their intent will create support and miracles to bring the changes they believe in to fruition.
The vibration of love, harmony, peace and reconciliation is unstoppable now. All thoughts, words and actions aligned with this energy are destined to succeed and multiply, blessing all whom they touch, to the degree of the purity of their intent.
So be bold, be daring, be brave! Be the ‘you’ you know yourself to be within your deepest heart. Now is Your moment.
We are with you and we love you.
(c) 2021 Jennifer Crokaert www.jennifercrokaert.com
Construction and Destruction | Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/03/2021 01:02:00 AM