By Catherine Viel, June 28, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
June 27, 2021
Sometimes the lights all shining on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long strange trip it’s been
Truckin’ I’m a going home…
Back home, sit down and patch my bones
And get back truckin’ on
~ Robert Hunter, Truckin’
Those old rockers, they knew a thing or two.

This last year and a half has been a bizarre whirlwind of astonishment, despair, glimmers of hope, hope dashed…and it ain’t over yet.
Now, with the cautious reopening of parts of the world as the Covid pandemic farce appears to wind down, perhaps we’ll all get back to truckin’ on.
I am curiously reluctant to re-engage with life in the so-called new normal. I think it’s because I’m not done with becoming fully aware of and assimilating all that we have been through these last fifteen-plus months.
I’m guessing that’s not much of a concern for most people. Who would want to dissect and analyze the amount of crapola we’ve been subjected to? Sheesh. Get over it and move on.

But I don’t want to move on in the expectation that everything is going back to normal and all is (or will shortly be) wonderful, just because that’s what we’re told.
Perhaps it’s because I don’t trust our governing bodies as far as I could throw them, and cynically believe they’re just going to keep yanking us back every chance they get.
I doubt that governments will commit to everything fully reopening until the globalists reach whatever moving target of worldwide vaccination they desire. Eighty percent? One hundred percent?
Then there’s their program of perpetual booster shots, and new experimental gene therapies (disguised as vaccines), and whatever other reprehensible rabbits they can pull out of their deep black hats.

It may become more difficult as time goes on to convince people of how beneficial the “vaccines” are. Even head-in-the-sand types might start to notice the alarming number of deaths and vaccine injuries. It’s estimated that only one to ten percent of adverse events are even reported to these systems, since reporting is voluntary.(1)
So it’s uncertain how successful the globalists will be in reaching their intended number of vaccinated / controlled individuals.
Which tells me that they may never deem us “ready to fully reopen.”
Which may have been the point all along. Some form of perpetual lockdown.

Truth can’t be locked down forever. As the level of desperation behind the scramble for a one-hundred-percent vaccinated and controlled population becomes more obvious, more people will surely step back and start asking the questions they haven’t asked over the last year and a half.
Questions that alternative media sources and slightly more mainstream outlets like Fox News have been posing all along.
I wonder, how long will it take before a significant majority of people accept the likelihood that Covid was deliberately sicced upon humanity for the primary purpose of rigging the 2020 American presidential election?

And from there, the globalist agenda may be clearly parsed from the many publications and programs they have blatantly produced and which may be found through many reputable sources.
I’m not sure when I will feel that I have sufficiently assimilated all that has happened. I’m also not sure I have the luxury of waiting to catch up to whatever arbitrary standard that may be.

Election integrity is not the completely back-burner topic it was even a short while ago. A young neighbor, when I mentioned the Arizona election audit, nodded knowingly. “I’ve heard about that,” she said.
A very small sample size! Nonetheless, it tells me that “ordinary people“ may not be the unaware and credulous bunch that populated this planet a year ago.
I may not feel ready; I may not feel I have had time to assimilate what I want to assimilate.
But wherever I am, I feel I will be ready to have informative conversations with people I happen across who are gradually waking up. I can have faith that whatever level of awareness I have achieved will most likely be well beyond what the majority of people have attained at this point.
The long strange trip continues, and I am ready to participate to the fullest extent I can.

(1) See, for example, https://vaers.hhs.gov and https://childrenshealthdefense.org in the U.S., and https://www.adrreports.eu/en/index.html for European information.
What a Long Strange Trip it is | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/28/2021 11:43:00 PM