By Steve Beckow, June 23, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
When I try to get my head around the scope and scale of the operation underway to end the cabal’s rule on this planet, my head swims.
There’s never been anything like it. It’s taking place on, above, and below the Earth. It’s involving most of the nations of the world. It’s been meticulously planned and coordinated. And all of it or a great deal of it foretold by Q.
None of this would have been possible in World War II. There were no computers, no Internet, no satellites, no spaceships.
No lasers, no weather warfare, no Looking Glass.
Meanwhile I’m in a blissful space at the moment and being persuaded that this is where I need to be because I’m uplifting consciousness, as the 9D Arcturian Council remind us:
“Yes, you are there to help, but the help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness; it is not through the completion of tasks.” (1)
Blossom’s Federation of Light made a similar observation recently:
“Many of you have found that you are reaching greater Heights within your Beings regarding the understanding of what is taking place.
“We do not mean, necessarily, of what is taking place on your outskirts, your outer world, but that which is moving along so beautifully within YOU. YOUR TRUE SELF. YOUR INNER SELF.” (2)
Oooo-Kay! I’ll relax on the matter. My being practically incapable of lifting a spoon is right where I need to be. My wanting to lie down indoors and meditate on a perfectly-gorgeous cloudless day is what I need to to.
It seems counter-intuitive but I can’t let any belief come between me and a draw as tangible as this I feel.
(1) “The 9D Arcturian Council: Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines,” June 22, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/06/22/the-9d-arcturian-council-humans-in-all-universes-realities-timelines/.
(2) “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, June 8, 2021,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/06/08/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-june-8-2021/.
Up-Leveling Consciousness | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/23/2021 12:48:00 PM