The Sweet Nectar of the Flower | Heavenletters
JUN 2 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
What is really different in different lives is awareness. Your life is what you are aware of. Your life is your perception. Your perception makes all the difference in the world. Your life is what you see. Your life is what you look at.
If you want happiness in life, then happiness is what you must see.
If you want to delight in life, then you must delight in it. You may have been pulling the cart before the horse.
Carry aggravation with you, and you are sure to have aggravation. If nothing is good enough for you, you will receive much that is not good enough for you. Be pleased, and you will be pleased. Be disgruntled, and you will be disgruntled.
It is wisdom to count your blessings. It is folly to add up your complaints. I cannot say it plainer than that.
This is the value in not judging.
If you want to go to Hartford, you take the train to Hartford. If you want happiness, then get on the train that goes there. You may have been on the wrong track, beloveds.
What are you grateful for? That is what will seek you. Guests you invite are much more likely to come than those you do not invite. Your thoughts meet themselves. Perhaps you are thinking this is not so. It certainly does not always seem so. I am suggesting that you play the odds. Life is self-perpetuating. Perpetuate that which you desire.
Trouble and tension are the fabric of story. Why send a get well card to someone who is well? Why send stress to yourself? Come to an end of worry. Life may not be your idea of perfect, and yet life is perfectly what it is. You have taken a picture of your life, and you model yourself after it. Take new pictures in a more favorable light. Sing another tune, and what music will you hear?
Life seems to be about what you tell yourself life is about.
Many of My beautiful children have been brought up on trial and trouble. If you were fed potatoes in childhood, you are likely to continue to eat potatoes. You tend to go for that which is familiar to you. Even when potatoes do not agree with you, you go toward them. The same goes for tension. Brought up on tension, you ready yourself to receive it. Ready yourself to receive something better. I think you have had enough tension.
There is a tendency, even as you cling to the past picture, to crave all that that you don’t have. You hold out one hand, and you withdraw with the other. You want what you think you can’t have. Know that you can be what you desire to be. Desire to be more than you crave to have.
There is an external world, yet look for yourself to deliver your goods to you.
A butterfly does not wait for the nectar of the flower to come to him. Butterflies zoom to where the nectar is. It is not politic for a butterfly to wait. A butterfly chooses where he will go. He chooses the flower on which he will land. He does not wait for the flower to choose him. The flower may call to the butterfly, yet the flower has to wait for the butterfly to come to him, and yet the flower knows how to attract the butterfly.
Be a proficient butterfly, and be a proficient flower. Seek that which you seek, and you will find it, or you will draw it to you, and it will come to you.
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The Sweet Nectar of the Flower | Heavenletters #3594
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/02/2021 11:44:00 PM