The Emptiness of Peace | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, June 23, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

June 22, 2021

I sigh for the heavenly country,
Where the heavenly people pass,
And the sea is as quiet as a mirror
Of beautiful beautiful glass.

~Stevie Smith, The Heavenly City

It’s very still this morning, and I am still and calm. The June gloom fog has blessed us for days, replacing the predicted week of high heat and fire danger for Santa Barbara County which fizzled out in just two days. I have not tracked the rest of California, but a friend up north says that their horrific heat wave also failed to fully materialize.

She speculated that the cabal is resorting to making dire predictions to generate fear because they can no longer create the actuality of weather warfare.

How lovely if that is so.


My reaction to the possibility of high winds and fire danger was, as always, completely over the top. There didn’t seem to be anything I could do to talk myself out of the state of paralyzing fear that comes over me when I see wildfire smoke – which I did last week from a fire about forty miles away – and the wind starts kicking up.

I had another Emotion Code session with the practitioner last Wednesday. (1) She said, “I have to tell you, when I meditated and tuned in to you before I called, the first thing I saw was that you are running an emotional program of terror in the background.”

“Yes! I know! Let me tell you about it…“

This launched a dialogue about the cabal (after I mentioned how furious I was about weather warfare), and various other Ascension and Accountability topics.

We had another session on Sunday, and she said, “There’s no longer any fire danger, but that background program of terror is still running. Let’s see what’s going on.“


One of the blessings of the Emotion Code is that it can release trapped emotions that are inherited from our forebears. And when we release those trapped emotions, it also frees our ancestors in spirit, incarnate relations if they inherited the trapped emotion, and any future children we may have.

Apparently, trapped emotions can be passed along through the DNA from parent to child. A scientific explanation. It still sounds like the stuff of sci-fi or some improbable kind of voodoo, doesn’t it?

But stories from those who’ve been treated with Emotion Code protocol demonstrate that something is definitely happening. Trapped emotions are released not only from the person receiving the release, but, when queried, affected relatives also express that it is gone.


There are many methods for releasing trapped negativity from ourselves and others to help promote good health and well-being. I’ve just barely explored a few healing modalities and have limited expertise. All I really have to go by is personal experience.

And personal experience tells me that I’m sitting here today with a sense of calm and a pleasant emptiness that I don’t recall feeling before.

When I detected this unfamiliar state, the next thought to crop up was: of course you feel empty, and yes, it is pleasant! There is no longer an underlying program of terror twining through your body and causing you to feel like a hunted rabbit on a continuous subliminal level.


The inherited trapped emotion of terror came from the male lineage of my father. Four generations back. The original incident was, possibly, of a military nature.

It doesn’t really matter. The beauty of this work, as far as I’m concerned, is that it’s not necessary to know what caused the trapped emotion. It’s not necessary to re-experience anything.

The basic protocol is to identify the trapped emotion that the subconscious has presented for release, whether it’s ours alone or inherited; release it; check to see if it’s gone; and…

Experience the pleasant emptiness of its absence.

This, I am finding, is a quiet kind of bliss.

I can’t wait to keep doing this Emotion Code work and expand into the emptiness of peace.

(1) The Emotion Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson,
The Emptiness of Peace | Catherine Viel The Emptiness of Peace | Catherine Viel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/23/2021 12:46:00 PM Rating: 5

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