(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’ve been working and playing and chatting with the Divine Mother as I prepare for the upcoming webinar series on Conscious Creation with the Divine Mother. I don’t think it gets much kewler. It’s rare however for the Mother to ask me to send out an entire channeling, especially an unpublished one, but She has. The Mother asks for you to sit with this message and allow the energy to penetrate your heart and soul. Enjoy my friends!
The Divine Mother on Conscious Creation
“It is important, sweet one, to pay attention. It is not adequate as your ascended self to simply be in the inspiration, to simply be in intention. After the stillness, in order for creation to truly take place, action must be an integral part. If you sit simply in inspiration, if you sit simply in intention without the other components of the Creation Formula, what ends up happening, dear heart, is you are frustrated and sad – and that is not the purpose. It is not the purpose of creation, and it most certainly is not the purpose of your life.
“You have come, along with your sacred circle, to resurrect, to rebirth, to reintroduce, to re-anchor and to be the Creator Race. How you do this is by the anchoring in the fullness of not only your inspiration, not only your intention, but the fullness of your ascended self. And your ascended self, bright one, only lives in the 13th Octave. For all intents and purposes, is home base.
“You may send, beam, direct your love, your creations, into those that are still in transition, but where you live, the only place – let me be very clear – the only place you can live as your ascended self is in the 13th Octave. That is why we have anchored the energy of the ascended self, of the Creator Self, in form, on planet, for decades. Now it is time for you to do the same.
I do not speak just to the collective in this matter, I speak to your heart, beloved daughter. It is time to bring to fruition, not some amorphous ambition, but your heart’s desires. I have taught you, Uriel has taught you to dream with me – and what that means is also that I am dreaming with you, our energies are merged, they always have been, but now there is the conscious cognition that that is so.
“In this, you move from dreaming to the dreaming of physicality, for yes, in many ways, the physical existence to which you are playing in is but a dream. But it is a tangible dream; it is a dream that I have created that you will have the experience of love in form, in tangibility. So, it isn’t just thinking or merely dreaming about your heart’s desires, it is actually physically living the life not only that I desire for thee but that you desire for thee. Nothing else will do! And in the deservingness, in the brilliance, in the might of who you are, this is what you claim, this is what you wear – this is what you deserve.
“Is this a time of New Beginnings? Yes. And is it a time of dramatic change? Yes.
“There is a conjunction, there is a point at which – think of this – the incoming tide meets the outgoing tide. Think of this – that is the point of implosion-explosion, that is the point of creation, and that is where you are right now. And you do not stand there alone. You stand there surrounded by many, in and out of form, but most importantly, sweet one, I am standing there with you.
“You do not need to swim out or surf out to the Mariana Trench. You do not need to try and swim and hurt yourself and tire yourself trying to conquer the Tsunami waves. Stand at the shore with me. Stand at the shore at that moment when the incoming tide and the outgoing tide kiss, embrace and create. It is time.”
From my heart to yours, all my love xxx Linda

Linda Dillon
Founder, Council of Love
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]
I’ve been working and playing and chatting with the Divine Mother as I prepare for the upcoming webinar series on Conscious Creation with the Divine Mother. I don’t think it gets much kewler. It’s rare however for the Mother to ask me to send out an entire channeling, especially an unpublished one, but She has. The Mother asks for you to sit with this message and allow the energy to penetrate your heart and soul. Enjoy my friends!
The Divine Mother on Conscious Creation
“It is important, sweet one, to pay attention. It is not adequate as your ascended self to simply be in the inspiration, to simply be in intention. After the stillness, in order for creation to truly take place, action must be an integral part. If you sit simply in inspiration, if you sit simply in intention without the other components of the Creation Formula, what ends up happening, dear heart, is you are frustrated and sad – and that is not the purpose. It is not the purpose of creation, and it most certainly is not the purpose of your life.
“You have come, along with your sacred circle, to resurrect, to rebirth, to reintroduce, to re-anchor and to be the Creator Race. How you do this is by the anchoring in the fullness of not only your inspiration, not only your intention, but the fullness of your ascended self. And your ascended self, bright one, only lives in the 13th Octave. For all intents and purposes, is home base.
“You may send, beam, direct your love, your creations, into those that are still in transition, but where you live, the only place – let me be very clear – the only place you can live as your ascended self is in the 13th Octave. That is why we have anchored the energy of the ascended self, of the Creator Self, in form, on planet, for decades. Now it is time for you to do the same.
I do not speak just to the collective in this matter, I speak to your heart, beloved daughter. It is time to bring to fruition, not some amorphous ambition, but your heart’s desires. I have taught you, Uriel has taught you to dream with me – and what that means is also that I am dreaming with you, our energies are merged, they always have been, but now there is the conscious cognition that that is so.
“In this, you move from dreaming to the dreaming of physicality, for yes, in many ways, the physical existence to which you are playing in is but a dream. But it is a tangible dream; it is a dream that I have created that you will have the experience of love in form, in tangibility. So, it isn’t just thinking or merely dreaming about your heart’s desires, it is actually physically living the life not only that I desire for thee but that you desire for thee. Nothing else will do! And in the deservingness, in the brilliance, in the might of who you are, this is what you claim, this is what you wear – this is what you deserve.
“Is this a time of New Beginnings? Yes. And is it a time of dramatic change? Yes.
“There is a conjunction, there is a point at which – think of this – the incoming tide meets the outgoing tide. Think of this – that is the point of implosion-explosion, that is the point of creation, and that is where you are right now. And you do not stand there alone. You stand there surrounded by many, in and out of form, but most importantly, sweet one, I am standing there with you.
“You do not need to swim out or surf out to the Mariana Trench. You do not need to try and swim and hurt yourself and tire yourself trying to conquer the Tsunami waves. Stand at the shore with me. Stand at the shore at that moment when the incoming tide and the outgoing tide kiss, embrace and create. It is time.”
From my heart to yours, all my love xxx Linda

Linda Dillon
Founder, Council of Love
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]
Conscious Creating with the Divine Mother | Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/18/2021 12:24:00 PM