According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Full Moon will be in the fire sign of Sagittarius, opposing the Sun in the air sign of Gemini, on 6/24 at approximately 11:39 am pacific time. The energy is high and you may feel it for a couple of days.
It’s time to celebrate with your tribe and spend some time in nature, drumming, dancing, music, and offering prayers to raise our vibration here on planet earth. How can we balance our need to speak our truth, the passion to express our love for each other, and make a contribution; with our desire to communicate, have fun, and channel our creativity?
Mercury is direct and things may begin to flow more easily with our ideas, schedules, and projects that were on hold.
Are you ready for an awesome soul lesson that we’ll be experiencing 6/24 - 7/3? There is a powerful T-square in the heavens with Saturn in the earth sign of Capricorn, opposing Mars in the water sign of Cancer, and squaring Uranus in the fire sign of Aries. We’re being asked to integrate these very intense energies personally and collectively.
How can we express our strong emotions in a loving way, and redirect the negative energy that may arise? Then we can release the limitations and frustrations with Saturn in Capricorn, and trust that the old matrix is being destroyed.
Uranus wants us to awaken now and be the pioneer to lead the parade as we begin the new era of NESARA in the US, and GESARA, throughout the rest of the world. 1,000 years of peace and prosperity.
What are some practices you can use to open your heart, mind, and spirit during this cycle to raise your consciousness? Is there someone that needs your love and encouragement, that is struggling?
How can I support you during these transformative times and empower you to create an exciting way forward on your journey?
Let’s maintain our attitude of gratitude and celebrate our amazing progress we’ve made in June.
The best is yet to come.️
The Full Moon in Sagittarius: The Adventure Continues | Ami Sattinger
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/23/2021 08:46:00 PM