(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Suzanne M. Baker
You and I are uniting together now with total unconditional love. You and I are falling back in love with each other because we are each other, and we have always been spiritually united. There are no conditions to our love for each other, and indeed, why would we want to impose any? Why would we want to limit the gorgeous, glorious love that unites us so perfectly in bliss?
You and I are uniting together with total love, and we are falling back in love with all life! We are uniting with love for every living thing because we are everything that exists already. And again, there are no requirements for our love. We don’t have to prove ourselves to earn the love that is already ours. Do you realize what this means for us now as human beings? We are finally ready to accept ourselves without conditions. We are finally ready to accept all humans and unite because we already are each other.
We can now love each other unconditionally. This is what we have all been waiting for. We have been waiting to open our hearts to include every human being, no conditions. We have been waiting to love ALL of us—not just a select few or those we think deserve it but everyone on this earth, no matter what. We are all invited to our evolution party. Unconditional love makes it happen.
It took us forever to figure this out. We humans have been blinded by so many conditions. We have felt the brutality of these conditions acutely, repeatedly so. We have seen and released the pain and trauma that we experienced from all of the conditions that we placed upon love.
We have released so much human conditioning. We have gone through a gut-wrenching healing process where we have learned to stop feeling like helpless victims and to help each other instead. We have bravely faced our wounding so that we can clear this wounding for everyone. We have done this even for those who don’t know what the hell we’re talking about or don’t understand the spiritual work we have been doing for decades. It turns out that my healing is your healing, and vice versa, and we are all brave to be here in our own way. We are one Divine People now finally able to embody unconditional love.
Of course, understanding unconditional love is one thing, but acting with it when challenged is entirely another. I learned this recently by practicing loving acceptance in a moment when I was feeling wronged repeatedly as a mother. The situation was getting intolerable, but I overcame my desire to react negatively and instead felt all-accepting love for the one who would overpower me. I acted with complete unconditional love and acceptance—and wow, the peace that I experienced was powerful! It changed me forever, just as my soul planned, and in that moment I felt the world shift along with me. I experienced an exciting spiritual truth firsthand: when we feel wronged, we can choose to feel total love instead and act with complete, peaceful acceptance. We then harness unconditional love, and this love shifts our entire world.
We can love everyone and everything that we encounter with all of our hearts instead of looking for validation for our wounds. That validation will never satisfy us but love for all most certainly will. Fighting, suffering, and controlling will never make us feel better, but acting with unconditional LOVE for ALL will—every single time. It turns out that love is our most natural reaction anyway. Our love was simply conditioned.
Unconditional love is our greatest power to shift into a higher paradigm. Our challenges have been teaching us what that unconditional love really is, and we have been suffering severely until we get it. But when we overcome our challenges with unconditional love, we help all of us to evolve. We release ourselves from our painful stories with compassion, creating yet more love for each other. Those who are hardest to love open our hearts the most, and we actually thank them. By being all-supporting, we become fearless and free of our human conditioning. We become Walking Divinity.
Oh beautiful soul, when you create unconditional peace instead of strife, it touches everyone involved and radiates out exponentially! Your heart expands and blesses all of humanity. Personal challenges become opportunities for more love that shifts our very world. No one can hurt you any more, including yourself, because you include everyone now. You live and let live, and everyone can do what they want, whatever that is. You finally unconditionally love ALL of us, beautiful US, and you go with the flow of love.
When you love and let love, you no longer fight against the current of life. You ride the waves of love into perfect turquoise water in cool ripples of shimmering bliss. You surf in service instead of drowning in ancient sorrow, and you glide gracefully—with actual Grace—onto the pristine beach of your dreams.
Surf’s up now, beautiful ONE. See you on the pristine shore : )
Uniting Unconditionally Now | Suzanne M. Baker
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/23/2021 12:02:00 AM