The Role of the Mother and Celestials in our Enlightenment | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 7, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

If I were to bake a pie … if … I’d put it in the oven and turn up the heat.

If I don’t turn up the heat, I won’t bake the pie.

If you take a realization event, like seventh-chakra God Realization or Brahmajnana, the penultimate event, as far as I’m aware, before Ascension, and leave the heat in the oven down – that is, turn down the bliss – well, it’s no different; you won’t bake the pie.

I’ve had several potentially-rich spiritual experiences in which the heat (bliss) is turned down, which totally changes the experience.

One evening I was surprised to see a sudden eruption of a river of molten gold racing over top of me as I lay there and emptying into my crown chakra.

But there was no bliss.

We always say that bliss elevates us, uplifts us, or raises us up. For me, realization is simply seeing events from that higher-dimensional level which bliss raises us to. Thus, no bliss, no higher-dimensional level, no realization.

I’ve had a few truncated experiences so I wasn’t overly surprised and just accepted the experience as if it was one of the perks of the (communicational) job.

But I did ask Archangel Michael about it the next time we talked and the discussion is definitely of interest because it shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that the celestials (and, we’ll find below, the Mother) actively participate in shaping and delivering our enlightenment experiences. This is something that is not generally known.

Steve: [Emptiness of mind] was followed next by what appeared to be the kundalini completing its circuit at the seventh chakra. Is that in fact what happened?

Archangel Michael: Yes. …

Steve: Hmm, interesting! Ordinarily you would experience Brahmajnana at that point but I felt that it had been muted, toned down.

AAM: When you use the term “dramatic enlightenment experiences” [as I did earlier in the reading], you are talking about Nirvana. You are talking about the unity of all with One.

It is not to say that you will not experience that, but you cannot (well, you can if you wish; it is a choice to) simply remain in that state of unity, of One, or be fully conscious, [and be] in service, in action….

So, it is a toning down, if anything. It really is the middle ground. …

You know that enlightenment is right there in front of you. It is yours to access. But if you are in service, you will not choose to live there. …

You can think of it as keeping two feet firmly on the ground. (1) [My emphasis]

If we know the why of something, we’re usually OK with it. I know we lightworkers are part of a concerted effort and I’m good with staying within my role.

But bliss is irresistible. I’ve never met anyone who said “no” to it and many people who’ve fallen into addictions that I see as really addictions to bliss.

I took the direct route and asked the nearest celestial for it. Well, doesn’t that flow from what we’ve just learned? Ask and ye shall receive? Ask who? The celestials.

So I asked Michael:

Steve: Fill me with bliss, peace, joy … I am ready!

Archangel Michael: Yes, you are. …

Steve: Is it bad to say, “Speed me along?”

AAM: No, it is not. It is simply a declaration of excitement, of willingness, of preparedness. I will speed you along, my friend! (3)

Buuuuutttt there will be an upper limit because:

Archangel Michael: If you fully enter into the bliss, into the One, you will not be interested in returning and serving. It will be a different experience, and it is not the experience that you have selected and chosen for yourself at this time. (4)

The Divine Mother amplified:

Divine Mother: [Too much bliss and] you would have simply departed. …

We don’t mean die but you would have departed the life that you have designed – yes, with us – for yourself, for the service you are providing – you would have departed and simply said, ‘I do not need to do this. I will just simply sit in the bliss of love and good luck, everybody!’ (5)

Never mind that I don’t want to go against the Plan. Put that aside for a moment and witness, if you will, Archangel Michael and the Mother saying why they moderated an individual’s enlightenment experience. Their participation is what I want you to notice.

You’re watching in real time, so to speak, the Divine Mother and her servants, the celestials or angelics, work with our enlightenment experiences as a potter works with clay. They mould them, extend them, refine them, round them off.


These conversations are not about me; if you think they are, you’ve missed my point. I’m just a guinea pig.

Reporting these conversations is about illustrating the ways in which the Divine Mother and celestials work to fashion and deliver our enlightenment experiences.

Originally spiritual scholars thought they came about only because of our own efforts. You had to work hard, climb a mountain, live twenty years in a cave.

Then it was a great leap forward to see that, if we took one step towards God, God raced a mile towards us; i.e., our enlightenment was not in our hands but was solely the gift of God.

Now we’re starting to hear from such sources as Michael and the Mother that they fashion our enlightenment experiences to fit the Plan which we’ve all agreed to. We’re getting down to the details now.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon,Feb. 14, 2012. Hereafter AAM, ibid.

Here’s a second example of a celestial role in our enlightenment: Michael offers to help me ascend early if that’s what I really want:

Steve: Should I be orienting toward ascending early or not? I have this sense that I’m supposed to be here.

Archangel Michael: You’re supposed to be here. … If you sit with me and you ask of me to come right away, then of course, I will work with you. Such is my love for you. That has not been our plan.

S: No … well, I understand that I’m supposed to be doing what I’m doing. I don’t want to be going against the plan.

AAM: Then stay put, dear heart. (AAM, ibid., Sept. 13, 2011.) [My emphasis.]

(2) AAM ibid., Feb. 14, 2012. Here again you see unmistakeable evidence of the role of the celestials in our enlightenment experiences.

There is so much mystery that surrounds subjects like enlightenment but here – in their channeled messages – they reveal all manner of things to us.

In this passage, the celestials have just revealed that they can turn the dial, so to speak, and tone down an experience. And they’ve further revealed that they do this to serve a purpose or to serve the Plan – in this case, by having me stay grounded, present to everyday consciousness.

If I had fully experienced Brahmajnana in its fulness, I’d be leading an entirely different life to what I am now.

(3) AAM, ibid., July 22, 2016.

(4) AAM, ibid., Feb. 14, 2012.

(5) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.
The Role of the Mother and Celestials in our Enlightenment | Steve Beckow The Role of the Mother and Celestials in our Enlightenment | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/08/2021 04:27:00 AM Rating: 5

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