(Golden Age of Gaia)
We know what’s happening and why and we know every bit of it is due to the current Universal Ascension Process. We know this on numerous levels, all the way down to our painful swollen electrified evolving cells and nerve endings and yet, at times, it’s easy to momentarily become genuinely concerned about the current state of insanity, greed, violence and old bottom-of-the-barrel negativity happening locally and globally.
Mental and emotional illness, plus what I’d call serious negative Neptunian ego delusions from the ending Piscean Age, are easily seen and heard in so many people now. The dark negativity used to be hidden in plain sight in the predominant global dark negativity that was believed to be normal. However, throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process it’s been increasingly perceived by more and more people as greater Light continually arrives. Now in Phase 2 there’s nowhere for the dark negativity and matching frequency people to hide (or remain) in all this NEW Light which is the reason for the escalating pressures between the ‘Service to Self’ frequency and consciousness people, and the ‘Service to Others’ frequency and consciousness people. Said another way, that is the Separation of Worlds & Timelines, that is the reason for the shift, separation, split or whatever you want to call it. A human is either currently ‘Service to Self’ oriented energetically or is ‘Service to Others’ oriented energetically which is why the need for the current Separation exists.
Although we know the Ascension Process is happening, and the separation shift is finally taking place, there are repeated periods where I am, where you are deep in some dark nasty negative waters once again. I felt we’d entered another area of dark negativity before Mother’s Day, May 9, 2021 and it lasted most of that week. We’re sailing along in our Ascension Process and separation shifting when suddenly we’ll encounter another period and area where old lower frequency dark negativity rebels and pushes back a bit again, doing it’s best to survive and maintain its old life and lifestyle.
Typically these periods are experienced as greatly increased human noises like “partying” outside all night like they’re the only human(s) on Earth. Also excessive dog barking for hours every day is common during these periods as is increased illegal actions, violence, vandalism, thefts, arguing and fighting, vehicles racing through the streets, and vehicles on the street that are not street legal and on and on. In other words, the lower frequency people push back against the latest recently arrived Light frequencies for a while and they’re not consciously aware that’s what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. Every time more Light arrives and causes more positive evolutionary changes, the people that are negatively affected by that get louder and more self-absorbed than they were before and often violent and more unstable and destructive.
Another aspect of this are the myriad ‘Chaotic Nodes’ we’ve been navigating and will continue to sail our way through as best we can for the rest of this year and 2022 and probably beyond that but gradually reducing each year. In another article I used the imagery of numerous different overlapping freeway on/off ramps to visually depict Chaotic Nodes, which to me look more like this image of numerous different colored energy lines. They intersect in certain areas (for periods of time for those traveling through them) and that produces turbulent energy knots and locations that are easily felt by most. I’ve often clairvoyantly Seen Higher Awareness images much like this photo of different colored energy lines coming into contact with each other which energetically create what Tom Kenyon’s Hathors call ‘Chaotic Nodes’. I’d call these abundant energy lines and intersecting points probable worlds and realities and points where some people get on another “freeway on/off ramp” to a different ascending or descending Earth world. Other ascending and descending Earth worlds with their very different potential realities and physical events.
Realities and events like war or multiple wars. Like the end of democracy in the USA. Like dictatorships in all countries globally by the most negative ‘Service to Self’ humans you can imagine. Like global famines. Like global sea rise reducing productivity, foods and livable land areas worldwide. Like revamped old religious beliefs by people that still believe themselves to be separate from Source God All That Is. Like very young infantile levels of ascended groups and groupthink beliefs with gurus and followers. Like very young levels of ascended groups that still believe all power, healing and knowledge etc. is outside themselves, not within themselves individually. In other words, all sorts of different ascending Earth worlds with matching frequency and consciousness levels for everyone.
Look at the photo above of the different colored energy lines of Light and how they intersect with each other creating many different energetic knots or ‘Chaotic Node’ points. Now in your mind’s eye add to that photo a tiny ascending Earth world ship that you’re on doing its best to navigate all those different probable worlds and reality lines, those numerous ‘Chaotic Node’ knots and intersecting points and remain on course and Steady as she goes.
I know some of you also feel the many times we’ve already come OMG!!! close to one or more of these other ascending and/or descending Earth worlds energy intersection points. We know this because the Earth we’re on suddenly again feels darker, vulnerable, more volatile, endangered, exposed and susceptible because of the startling abrupt proximity to one or more other energy probabilities lines, aka Chaotic Nodes, intersecting numerous energy lines and therefore Earth worlds. The overall ascension sea gets very choppy and dangerous again for a while as we continue sailing through these numerous volatile energy intersection points where it feels, seems, sounds and looks like we’re on the brink of being blown completely off course and thrown into the sea and sucked into a lower frequency Earth world.
If you’ve noticed however these reality pirates come in repeatedly, puff themselves up and display their silly negative selves and agendas and after a temporary period of increased chaos, ego bluster, old patriarchal saber rattling, outrageous lies and other negative attempts they always disappear under the waves and we, well we just continue on, Steady as she goes.
Hold the highest Light. Hold your highest Light. Hold the higher course. Hold your higher course. Take notice of the rocks, coastlines, storms, huge waves, choppy seas, occasional sea monsters and reality pirates but always remain Steady as she goes because it works and we ARE getting to where we want to go despite these probable reality intersection points, different worlds and reality on/off ramps, Chaotic Nodes, other people’s different levels, agendas and beliefs. See them, feel them, be aware of them all yes but do not get lured or worried off course my fellow helms people by any other reality you honestly do not want to be on or participate with. Continue sailing through and beyond all of them if you know where you truly want to be today and end up tomorrow. These temporary periods of upheaval, rebellion, interference, attempted coups, chaos, violence and insanity are indeed temporary on the higher ascending Earth world ships. Never forget that when the seas again become dark, stormy and dangerous for a while, which they will this year and next. We have been and will continue to navigate our ways through all of them and reach where we are going. Steady as she goes.
Denise Le Fay
Steady as She Goes | Denise Le Fay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/21/2021 12:19:00 AM