How Can Oneness and Patriotism Work Together for the Good of All? | Heavenletters
MAY 21 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Beloved, patriotic in the world doesn’t seem to mean Oneness. Patriotic contains a certain amount of camaraderie, yet not seemingly Oneness. A limited Oneness isn’t the Oneness We speak of. A separated Oneness isn’t the Oneness of love. It is a limited Oneness. It is a Oneness that goes only so far. True Oneness includes total Oneness: Every family, every country, every planet, every gathering, every soul. I am thinking that every trouble in the world comes from lack of Oneness and the profusion of being under the power of differences.
However, it’s clear that differences are also to be loved. There are many varieties and personalities, and they, too, merit their preciousness. Ten children in a whole family are not alike, yet may each be held preciously, although there may be those who are more or less favored than others.
Nevertheless, love cannot be ordained. Love isn’t an attempt. Love loves, or it does not. Love is easy.
Every child is My favorite. I love all fully. I love all first-rank. I love. My love loves everyone fully up hill and down dale. Second best isn’t good enough. Love is natural, or it is not.
My children, the thing to do is to love yourself first. Love yourself first, and then you don’t have far to go to love all others as yourself. This could make love universal. It could.
I remember a story once of a loving man whose son was killed by a man of another race. In the story, the mourning father confessed that love no longer remained in his heart toward anyone of the so-called other race. He had lost all his love.
Whoever it was who counseled the father told him he had to soon adopt and raise an orphan child of the other race, and he, the father, would then become wholly cured.
You see the wisdom, don’t you? Divisiveness isn’t wise.
I also know a true story when segregation was being undone, and, about time, in American schools. There was busing. At a PTA meeting one night, included were the parents of the bused students who did not yet feel any more welcomed any more than their children. Now doesn’t this seem ridiculous?
A black mother in tears in front of the all the parents, said to the white principal , “But Mister, these are our children.”
The principal replied: “They are my children, too,”
Oneness is unbiased.
Praise be to Oneness, and praise be to the erasure of hurt feelings and erasure to any hidden or outward sense of superiority. Simple goodness and mercy for all matters. Of course, all children are Mine front and center.
Oneness is of itself. And Oneness is truth, and love has to reach all corners to unite the One Love to all. Oneness means Oneness with love for One and All – no reservations, no holding back, no love to be kept in a corner, no kidding yourself, no imitation, no excuses. All means all with a full heart, which is an even heart without any subterfuge nor necessity for doing better next time.
Be humane the first time.
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How Can Oneness and Patriotism Work Together for the Good of all? | Heavenletters
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/21/2021 01:12:00 PM