Monday, April 12, 2021

Programs, Programs, Programs | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

April 11, 2021

Programs, Programs, Programs

Don't you get it?

Turn on the TV – programs.

Go on line – more programs. Bill Gates wants to program your computer to limit your choices. All his options come up before you've even gone on line.

Go to church – more programs.

Get a job – more programming.

School – early life programming.

Holiday comes – what do you do? Refer to the program. There was programming given to you by the travel bureau. You can do this and this and this. Programs.

Long weekend – what do you do? Look at the food flyers. There's your programming. This is what you have to buy. And this is what you have to do. Or go to church. They have special programs running there too.

Summer's coming. Now what? Check the flyers. Your programming is in there. You've got assistance staying in the program at every turn.

How much unstructured time do you have? How many hours each day? How many days of the year do you have time to just decide what you want to do?

Now you're in lockdown. A program. You can't go anywhere. You have to wear a mask to do the few things you're actually allowed to do. Programming.

Now you're 65 and you can actually walk away from the biggest program you've been subjected to – the work world. You buy an RV and go traveling around America. Or you start chocking up frequent flyer miles vacationing in Europe. Programming. You're doing the same thing every other retiree is doing. Are you enjoying it? Is that what you really wanted to do, or what you think you have to do?

Will that programming make you happy?

Or you can be like people like me, crack up and leave at 40 because you can't take it anymore. Programming. Put on your suit, put on your tie. Slave away till the day you die.

So you go see the doctor. He gives you pills and starts programming you to try to fit you in again. What program is he trying to fit you into? The “go back to work after you've cracked up” program. Maybe you can weave baskets for minimum wage somewhere. You can push a broom.

Look at our rehabilitation centers for autism and retardation. Yes, they're even programmed to work. Even a person with a disability isn't exempt. They have to go and work too. They need to follow a program.

Even one person thinking for themselves is a threat to the Matrix. One happy, authentic, self fulfilled person. Too much of a threat.

The weekend newspaper. Eight sections: News, life, home and garden, religion, entertainment, sports, classifieds, travel. All programming. Look there to decide what you're supposed to want to do.

You're hungry. What do you eat? You refer to your program – the diet. More programming.

When the hell do you decide what you want to do and who you want to be? How much time is there left over after you've given over most of your day to these programs? Ask yourself, “Is this me or is this programming I'm following?”

When do you get to be you? When do you get to decide you make the choices and pick which one you want?

When do you ever get to use your mind and think for yourself? Are you actually thinking or just acting from pre-programming?

No wonder Pink Floyd sang, “We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control!” Yes, we're just another brick in the wall, that's for sure. Glued together by concrete, we are. All shuffling along in our stress inducing world. They were rock 'n' rollers, but don't kid yourself; there's a program for them too. It's the, “We think we're not programmed program.”

When was the last time you did something really different? What did people say? Did they tell you you were weird because you don't fit into a program? They can't understand you. And now, you're listening to this message. Do you think I'm weird because it's anti-program? Do you want to turn it off because I sound like I've lost my marbles?

All I can say is once we get past all this programming that this earth is going to be phenomenal. Why? Because you see the creativity and inventiveness in the human mind already even with it being so programmed, so I can imagine what this place will be like when we lose the programming.

There's only one program and that is universal law. You even have the choice not to obey it, but that's at your own risk.

Some of us would freak if we had to get out of bed to nothingness. Nothing to do, nothing to view. Have you ever lived through a black-out? I lived through a three day black-out in Toronto (August 14 to 16, 2003) and it was amazing. At night time it was so quiet and I started to hear strange things: people talking to each other. Yes! People dropped their programming. They had to decide what to do without being able to refer to the programs, which are often electrically/electronically assisted. Did you notice that? Is the electrical outlet our best friend or our worst enemy?

Yes, I realize I'm risking my mental health rating with you by asking you questions like these. But ask them I will. What if the power were turned off? And who does it have power over?

So many contrivances the spin doctors have broadcast to us as being the newest greatest innovation, yet looking back turned out to be another brick in the wall that held your soul in captivity.

What about amalgam fillings? Don't you want to kick yourself now for ever going to the dentist? I do. I have a face full of the leaky things, and can't afford to get them replaced, not that I even want to. I have no inclination to sit in the butcher's chair yet again. Really, they're drilling at your teeth. Isn't that like surgery? Who cares if they're small and easily accessible by the dentist? It's still part of your body being cut away. I used to have fun with my dentist and tell him that I was on a disability leave for anxiety. Then I'd sit and watch. He'd be super nice to me but the sweat on his forehead was telling. He was worried I was going to freak out on him.

It looks like you have a choice. It looks like you can choose. But the best choice you can choose is to leave it all behind and see what's within. Everything that I'm talking about is externally focused. With so much programming, how do you know who you truly are? You don't. And that's the point of it all.

We don't even know ourselves. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Ivo: I keep telling you this, my love. What if you did do that? Turned off everything and sat there all day. What would you do? What would you think? For many of you releasing yourselves from the programming that is being piped into your heads right now still, will be like going off heroin cold turkey.

Everything you believe about yourselves is given to you through programming. And that is the stuff that flows through your mind every day, and it has nothing to do with you. Nothing at all.

What if you were to go off line for a week? What if you were to live as a monk in a monastery of quiet? Why do you think they do that? Because there is no outside interference. They live totally within their own minds.

What if you went with a camper into the woods and sat in contemplation of life for weeks on end? You would initially go through many fears, a withdrawal of sorts. You do not have your gadgets, your coffee makers, your toasters and ovens. You have to boil a pot on the fire to make coffee and food. Now you must relate to nature.

Me: Yeah, I went camping and at one place I loved it, listening to the wolves howling at night time. The next place I went camping the raccoons got underneath my plastic tarp and kept me up at night, thinking some big bear was going to eat me. I slept in the car.

Ivo: You should have stayed, my love. It was not the raccoons but your inability to live without your gadgets that got to you. The gadgets you live with are your security. Without them, many feel a sense of insecurity. You are used to your creature comforts but what you are not used to is your own real mind.

What thoughts would come down to you at this lower level if you were alone for months at a time, living in nature? How would you feel being absolutely alone? How would you feel running no programs through your mind, having all day to do as you wished?

Me: I couldn't even imagine that, Ivo.

Ivo: Which is my point. You are in a good position to attempt something like this because you live alone. You can live easily enough without programming. You have no TV, do not read the flyers, the newspapers, the only vice you have is the computer. What if you sat with a pen and a notebook and wrote down your thoughts?

That is why people go on retreats, my love. To go within. Even remaining away from other people is relatively easy for you, because others, of course, are followers of programming.

Me: I'd probably be fighting programming, Ivo. Because we're still experiencing mind control. It'd be interesting to see what's behind that initial feeling of boredom, though.

Ivo: Yes, exactly. You will see how trained you are to do things rather than to not do things. You will see how your thoughts default to programs that are ingrained in your mind rather than free thinking. Eventually, they would lose their power over you, though.

Me: Would they?

Ivo: Yes, do not practise the programs and they lose power over you. Do you feel like watching TV?

Me: No!

Ivo: Even youtube has become boring.

Me: That's because everything I like is censored. I put video's up to my “watch later” selections and never see them again.

Ivo: They want you to watch video's of people's puppies.

Me: No thanks. I tend to be more about learning and educating myself, and I don't consider a video of a dog that entertaining, really. I'd rather see it for real.

Ivo: Yes. But so many others are losing the ability to discern which is real for them now. So many watch video's so often that they prefer to do so rather than engage in the real world.

Me: Wow.

Ivo: The time will come where your technology will enhance your life, but at the moment it is running it. There is a difference. When technology prohibits the use of free thought, then there is a problem.

Me: Welcome to earth!

Ivo: It will change, my love.

Me: Thanks, Ivo.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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