Unleashing Avataric Omnipotence | Tiara Kumara

By Tiara Kumara, March 2, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Dear Ones,

Our current spiritual initiations are guiding us into the ‘enlightened global mind’ and integrating more of the singularity of divine intelligence.

This naturally unleashes greater levels of personal power with ability to positively affect the whole. At the level we are now vibrating, however, true personal power can only come from strong coherence with the evolving collective.

This is an extremely important area to focus on due to what is occurring in our world. There is great need for us to function as an omnipotent forcefield of both ascending vibration and consciousness stabilization.

We are certainly learning the art of bridging timelines. We are keeping a part of ourselves bridged to the world of chaos to help transform and stabilize it.

Another part of ourselves is dynamically moving into the higher dimensions of light while strengthening the ascending merkabic field. We do this to serve humanity and to assist as many people as possible to awaken and evolve.

Functioning as an Enlightened Collective

We are rising up to purely serve as a channel for the greater mind, which is like a giant web of awareness. We are now functioning as an enlightened collective with extraordinary abilities and an extraordinary power of influence. We are owning this truth as self evident. We are walking shoulder to shoulder as Group Avatar.

Personal identity no longer holds water, only in the denser vibrations when we must play the game and pay our bills. Our awareness, however, is moving as a collective Avatar field.

There is no more waiting or preparation to be done. We have moved into this frequency field. This is how everything will be addressed from this moment forward. We recognize ourselves as a collective consciousness and function now from this truer reality.

Group Mind is our Greater Self

We are realizing that the only thing about us that is real, is that which vibrates with the unified field. Everything else is a facade.

Our lessons now are about how to remain aligned and connected to the ‘enlightened group mind’ without falling back into separated thinking. We are learning how to perceive, not from the personal identity, but from the level of the Group Avatar, and of this inclusive spiritual prowess and superior skill.

From this point forward, we are to hold in our constant awareness our responsibility to the collective enlightened mind. Our individual choices, preferences, decisions, all of our shifts big and small, everything we do affects the whole of us.

Each of us has a big responsibility to maintaining the integrity of the evolving group field. We are linked up now and move as a seamless field of great influence upon this planet.

Realizing the Self as Group Avatar

Group Avatar is our Greater Self as the next step up in the earthly evolution. It is highest vibration that we can go before transcending off of the planet into dimensions invisible to the human eye.

It is from Group Avatar and our unified intelligence that we are energetically bonded. We selflessly think as one, feel, move, create and serve together within the unified field of omnipotence. Group Avatar is truly the way through which, we as individuals, can cultivate the greatest levels of personal power, authentic power.

We can Shift Unserving World Outplay

It is from this efficacy that you are strengthened as a catalyzing forcefield to sincerely and positively affect the whole. It is extremely urgent that many more of us advance into this vibrational attainment to help shift unserving world outplay.

When we are functioning from Avataric frequency, we have already surrendered our personal will, and all of the self over to the unfolding Divine Plan. In this surrender, comes the realization that we have a big responsibility to the collective. The group self is our more authentic self and it is here where we find greater strength, fortitude and dynamic intelligence.

Our Thoughts Instantaneously Create

This is because, from Group Avatar, what we focus on truly becomes our reality and quite quickly. Our thoughts instantaneously create. They instantaneously project to affect others. When we each experience a revelation, the entire collective who abide in that vibrational resonance receive it also.

When we expand in awareness, the entire group benefits. This is why everything is quickening now, exponentially. Many more people are reaching these higher states. We have to be very careful because our thoughts are very, very powerful and instantaneously manifest.

We have Extraordinary Mass Scale Influence

We are all getting powerfully juiced up, becoming like live wires. We have the ability now to bring through remarkable manifestations such as shifting the mass mindset, big healing and transformation, great calming and stabilization, even directing the action of the elementals and devic forces.

Imagine, just imagine what we are capable of doing for our world. The vast majority of us barely use our spiritual power. Maybe because we don’t know we even have it, or know how to use it. Perhaps we don’t believe we are authorized to command our spiritual omnipotence because we still remain identified the human self illusion.

If you would like to go deeper with this…

Join us this month in Avatar Blueprinting and learn how to make this transition into the enlightened group mind.


With love and blessings,

Tiara Kumara
Unleashing Avataric Omnipotence | Tiara Kumara Unleashing Avataric Omnipotence | Tiara Kumara Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/02/2021 11:18:00 PM Rating: 5

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