By Steve Beckow, March 5, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
We’re told that the Alliance and the Company of Heaven could not interfere with the dark’s plan for a pandemic; instead what they did was make use of it.
One of the uses the Alliance made of it was to continue the lockdown to keep people inside while the Alliance took down DUMBs (deep underground military bunkers) around the world, public officials, human-trafficking operations, weather-warfare systems, deep-state labs, etc.
The Company of Heaven, rather than the Alliance, encouraged people to use the lockdown as a pause in which to take stock and create our future direction.
I wanted to take advantage of the pause for that purpose, myself.
Here I am taking stock and creating my future direction (as far as it lies within my power to manouver, given binding financial and other soul contracts).
To take stock of what I’m interested in, I’ll use a scale of 1 to 10, ten being extremely interested and 0 being not at all interested.
As far as worldly possessions go, I can take ’em or leave ’em. I don’t want a chateau in the south of France. I don’t want to gamble at Monaco. I don’t want to own a jet airplane. (1) I give the desire for material possessions a 1/10.
I give metaphysics a 4/10. Even though I know that creation is a wonderful process, I definitely have no great or enduring interest in the metaphysical. That reflects my interest in humanism rather than science, qualitative studies rather than quantitative.
I give the mystical 7/10. I’m definitely interested in the divine qualities; especially, love and truth. I know my long-term task is to discover the reality of the mystery that I am and we are. But that task is not present enough to grip my attention day by day.
Moreover, I’m not, and never have been, interested in ceremony, ritual, etc., even though I respect those who are and know the value of those activities. These pursuits just don’t suit me and I’m not worried about missing out. I know that all roads lead to Home.
But the thing which I’m boundlessly interested in and which I give 10/10 to is personal growth and enlightenment. So not just the gradual growth but also the sudden illumination, for which the growth is preparation.
Personal growth includes such topics as awareness, responsibility, self-expression, integrity, transparency, etc.
Even here I specialize in awareness. God for me is SatChitAnanda. Sat is Truth. Chit is Awareness. Ananda is Bliss. Awareness of the Truth brings Bliss.
Now, as I wrote that, I caught a wave of bliss and felt elevated for a moment.
Joseph Campbell said to follow your bliss. I agree with him that bliss is maximally satisfying and optimally elevating and that following it in our work leads to incredible satisfaction.
The Mother advises us only to do that which causes us to want to tap our toes, blissfully.
“Does [the activity you’re considering] bring joy to your heart? Does it ignite that wonderful smile in your tummy? Does it make your feet tap, wanting to get going? Does it feel like love?
“Does it feel that you could take this project, whatever it is, and show it to me in full confidence and pride that this is something that you are offering yourself, each other, and the multiverse, the omniverse.
“Now, if it does not give you that feeling, then set it aside. Go on to the next idea. Because the inspiration that you are being flooded with — and I mean each and every one of you – [means] you are not in a lull. You are overwhelmed with ideas. So go to the next one, and say, all right, is this the one that makes my heart sing? And it may be a multitude of steps.
“Do what feels like unbridled joy. That is how you create Nova Earth. That is how you say, as a human, as a creator race, this is how I work with the elementals, with the kingdoms, with the devas, with the planet, with my guides, with my star brothers and sisters, with the Company of Heaven.” (2)
Writing brings me unbridled growth and so does working out in a growth retreat or workshop, sharing in an enlightenment intensive, meditating in a Zen retreat, rebirthing, body work, etc.
We talk about personal growth, the term “growth” seeming to point to expansion – of our self-confidence, authority, heart consciousness, etc.
But there’s another, equally important part of personal growth, which involves going inwards. Sri Ravi Shankar once summarized it beautifully: “Settle into being.”
Settle – to allow, to release resistance to, to rest in. Being – Our heart, our soul, our Self. To rest or, to use Ramana’s phrase, to “abide” in the Self, which is to say, to abide in love.
Some people love walks in nature; some people love to dive deep in the ocean; I love to rest in awareness of my Self.
You know that I don’t regard awareness as neutral, but as dissolutive (my word). Resting in awareness of any unwanted condition causes the condition to lift.
And I burrow down into being by remaining aware of whatever presents itself and allowing it to disappear, removing one layer of the onion after another.
To rest in awareness is my favorite activity and most favored state. Here I am on a ferry, returning from family duties in Victoria, and I’m repeatedly drawn to close my eyes and settle into being.
I let the cares of the moment disappear and calm down, settle down, and rest in simple, bare awareness.
At this moment, life could not better be.
(1) But I do harbor a secret desire to fly in a Supermarine Spitfire.
(2) “The Divine Mother Blesses Nova Earth Day, Feb. 14, 2013,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nova-earth-day/the-divine-mother-blesses-nova-earth-day-feb-14-2013/.
Resting in Simple, Bare Awareness | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/06/2021 02:00:00 AM