Do Not Fear your Spiritual Power of Command | Tiara Kumara

By Tiara Kumara, March 4, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Dear Golden Gaia Lights,

It is very interesting to observe all of the predictions and speculations being made concerning our shifting times on planet Earth. It seems like the ‘doom and gloom’ projections are now getting extremely loud. It’s time to act big time and to squelch unwanted potentials.

The absolute truth is, not one person knows exactly what will occur or how and when all of these potential imaginings will unfold. What we are witnessing, however, is the great façade of deception blowing up and the collective ego trying to maintain its positioning in the crumbling illusion.

We are reminded that all speculated future scenarios only exist as energetic potentials. No matter the size and scope, these potentials can be molded, shifted, amplified or diminished by the time something materializes.

Together with the realms of light, we help direct the show, do we not?

We are encouraged to focus our collective attention upon shifting and transmuting certain conditions of outer world activity that are not aligned to human evolution. These are the activities of a vicious and destructive agenda that violate the sanctity of the human spirit.

This concerns the extremely distorted powers of duality that reflect through conditions of aggression, oppression, mass mind control programming, bio warfare, manipulated poisoning, human abuses, among many other gross nefarious activities.

Our task is not only to invoke the light into these specific appearances, but to focus and transmit the light of transmutation into the core causes, effect, record and memory of these distortions that still exist in the human hologram.

Remember, we are a microcosm of the macrocosm. We are each a part vibrating with the whole. Every mind contains the pattern of the whole consciousness. Through that resonant link, we each have direct access to the entire pattern. When we add to this the universal Law of Cause and Effect, we find that small causes can have large effects. A single intention strengthens and multiplies when we focus together.

We actually have the power to shift the hologram of world consciousness. It is here that these destructive imprints remain alive and retain strength in the strata of the Earth, thereby influencing the way mass consciousness perceives. The holographic imprinting upholds the fear based matrix.

Due to escalating potentials of totalitarian extremes, we are moving swiftly into action to shift these possibilities.

We are unlimited in our group ability as transmuters and transformers. We must continue to rewrite the timelines, dissolve dooming projections, shift the holographic reflection and build a new matrix of perception. This all culminates towards a more harmonious and peaceful planet.

We can shift all that is currently happening right now on the global scene. Knowing that you are an integral part of Group Avatar, please assist in any way you are guided to put into motion the complete and immediate dissolve of this prevailing destructive energy and its accompanying potentials.

Proceed in bold, commanding confidence in your power of Avataric light, an omnipotent forcefield of catalyzing change. You have the skills, the knowledge and tremendous overlighting assistance awaiting the call to action. You are Group Avatar! The power and might of a thousand suns can be unleashed through you, as an “us”, right now in this instant.

With determination and heart felt energy, even our words are divine commands of spiritual power. From the unified container of Group Avatar, which is one with the realms of light, we lead through divine omnipotence.

We have the power and the authority to command the light forth!

We have the power and the authority to command the elemental forces into action to clear out and consume all crimes against humanity and the perpetrating energies responsible.

These forces of darkness have no power! As the stewards of Earth, we can command them out of our world, swiftly and forever. There will be no new rules under a globalist plan to enslave us and to thwart human evolution. It is not going to happen. We command this to be so!

Be very adamant dear hearts. Let’s seize the moment and make our divine commands, to transmit transforming energy to all people everywhere with the messages of love, hope and unity. The Earth shall not be taken over by those who attempt to decimate it and desecrate it. It will not happen. It cannot happen.

Let’s shine our light upon the darkness and consume it!

Higher vibration always consumes the lower. Greater is more powerful than the lesser. The whole is more cohesive than the part. We are that wholeness. In the name of God and Group Avatar, we command the new reflections of peace, equality and goodwill to come forth now.

Go deeper with us this month in learning HOW
to unleash your avataric omnipotence!


with love,

Tiara Kumara
Do Not Fear your Spiritual Power of Command | Tiara Kumara Do Not Fear your Spiritual Power of Command | Tiara Kumara Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/05/2021 12:16:00 AM Rating: 5

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