Discovering that Which Wants to be Found | Heavenletters #4932

Discovering That Which Wants to Be Found | Heavenletters

MAR 28 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

Ease off correctness in the world. You do not have to look to the world for your Being in the world. You do not need to hold on tightly to what the world portrays as correct or incorrect. You know that styles change. Of course, stop at stop lights. Correctly drive on the right side of the road or the left according to where you live. Left or right is arbitrary, like so much in the world. The relative world is an arbitrary world.

The geniuses of the world sought new ways. They saw on their own without the world’s holding them down or back. They broke boundaries, beloveds, that were implanted into them. They thought for themselves. They were not on a short leash in terms of the world nor were they disrespectful. They simply went beyond the restraints of the world.

The world said it was impossible to create a flying machine. The world said that the world was flat. The world too often says no. Do not say no to yourself so much.

Once upon a time, there were rules to poetry that had to be followed. Poets followed the rules and yet surpassed them. Free verse was born. Shaped poems were born. What will be born next?

Consider that rules and such, spoken or unspoken, were originally intended to be a guide and not a corral.

The world is not to tie you up. You can be a good citizen and walk backwards if you want. Do you understand Me? What new discovery adheres to the old rules, whether written or not? Do not let the world hold you back from that which is yours to discover. If you are going to brainstorm, break free so you can brainstorm. Be a little irrational once in a while. Do something you never did before. Think in a way you never did before.

Discoveries are made. You find them. Discover that which wants to be found. Somewhere deep within, you already know what you can discover, would discover. You already know it. It was on the tip of your tongue. It was on the tip of creation. And then the discovery popped in. That’s when you say Eureka! You are really saying, “I knew it, I knew it.” Somewhere somehow deep down, you knew what was waiting to be discovered that you were meant to discover.

What great artist painted the way everyone else did?

I am telling you that you can be original. It’s okay to be different. You can write words upside down if you want. You can walk on your hands. You can make nouns verbs and verbs nouns. I am saying to free yourself from restrictions you have bowed down to. I am saying it is all right for you to be yourself and not somebody else.

I do not tell you to be lawless. Oh, no, never. I am telling you to be free. The world does not have to lead you by the nose. There are restrictions in the air, as it were. You do not have to kneel to them. Be kind, considerate always. You do not set out to show your independence from the mores of the world. You don’t set out for dreams of grandeur. You simply do not restrict your heart according to the world’s view and your perception of it.

Columbus needed funding for his journey to discovery. He persisted in asking. He had a big knowing inside him. He did not put his knowing aside. Truth was calling him. Finally the Queen granted Columbus his opportunity. She bowed down to his dream. Herein was the glory. Right there is the story.

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Discovering that Which Wants to be Found | Heavenletters #4932 Discovering that Which Wants to be Found | Heavenletters #4932 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/28/2021 01:48:00 PM Rating: 5

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