The Good Fight
January 11, 2021
Message from John F. Kennedy
Note from Losha: The same day that President Trump got banned from Twitter (then subsequently Facebook, Instagram, etc), I was also banned from Twitter. I had only 292 followers...lol! However, ever since that event happened, I have been feeling that JFK wants to give another message...and I think he is pretty frustrated! We shall see what he has to say, right now. Thank you.
Greetings to all my fair weather friends and Patriots!
Yes, my muse was correct with her interpretation as to why I was wanting to provide another message at this time.
As you all know, based upon the latest “intel” that you regularly follow, this is a very critical moment in our American history. In fact, it is a critical moment in our world’s history...and I am not exaggerating at all.
For those who have a good understanding of our United States of America history, you know that our beloved Founders of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill Of Rights were known for their independence of thought and actions. They were the first Patriots! They were unified by their desire to break away from the old regime, the British Monarchy. They believed they were being oppressed economically, socially and ideologically. They believed that they could do better than their “masters”, and wanted a chance to prove it.
Well, the hope of breaking free from their oppressors and showing they could govern themselves better than the others, didn’t last long. Even though the colonists fought valiantly, and ultimately won the fight, and with it the separation from the British they had long sought after, it wasn’t very long after that war, that a group of “elites” began to lean heavily on the new U.S. lawmakers, and obtained more and more power, by either blackmailing or bribing those in such lawful positions to do their bidding.
So, even though we had won our sovereignty once early on, it did not last very long, unfortunately. Subsequently, here we are again...valiantly fighting to regain our independence and sovereignty...only this time we are attempting to take it back from our very own “government”. Hence, it is much harder to convince some of the “conditioned” population that this is the true situation, as many cannot believe that their own government officials, whom they have admired and trusted for many years, would indeed commit such treasonous acts against us, their own “electors” (the ones who elected them). I will not even discuss the elections themselves as to their veracity a second time, but suffice it to say, it has been many, many years since the United States (and many other countries) have had a true, authentic election, without some form of cheating being utilized by the infamous cabal.
So, that brings us to our current, critical situation. I am so very proud of all you Patriots and Lightworkers, who have understood how very important it is for you to keep contributing to the greater good, in whatever way is unique, and passionate, for you. Each of you has a very special role to fill during these challenging, and ultimately liberating, times.
I will tell you that I was very surprised as to the extreme lengths the dark ones have gone to recently, especially when they banned Patriots such as my muse from social media, who had very small followings. I believe however, that such extreme reactions by these ones, who have devolved over time into a “shell” of what a human truly is, indicates how truly terrified they are about getting “caught” and having to deal with all that will go with it...such as prison for the rest of their lives, and for some others, the ultimate “penalty”. Now, I have never been an advocate of capital punishment in the past, however, after the general population finally sees “proof” of the many treasonous and truly terrible crimes the dark ones have comitted, they might end up agreeing with capital punishment for some, just as I ended up doing.
I know I don’t have to even ask this of you, my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers, but I will do so anyway...and that is just to keep praying for our President Trump and family to be protected as he continues to face the most cunning, fraudulent, and evil group of people who would like nothing better than to take him out, permanently. In fact, they have tried to do so many times, and I am so very glad that our President is surrounded by a multitude of angels and protectors, who have worked to keep him safe at all times.
We also need to pray for all those in the Alliance who are on the front lines of this epic battle. They are sacrificing much because they believe so fervently in regaining our Sovereignty, and we thank them, and bless them all. Last, we need to pray that the Highest Good for All be made manifest during this ultimate test of wills...and that our devotion to God and His will, be kept at the forefront of our thoughts and prayers.
I am with you in this challenging moment, and I love you always. Keep up the Good Fight!
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
Photo: 2 Lt. John F. Kennedy's WWII Medals: NAVY MARINE CORPS Medal and PURPLE HEART
Channeled by Losha
The Good Fight | John F. Kennedy via Losha
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/12/2021 02:32:00 PM