I’m outta here (This redhead is not Donald Trump)
By Steve Beckow, January 23, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Donald Trump wanted to know who his friends were once upon a time and so he told everyone that he’d declared bankruptcy. Some stayed; some left.
This is another of those times.
Some people are staying. Some people are leaving.
I see a pretty influential lightworker calling Q a psyop, for instance. I don’t think Q was. I think Q was brilliant and I was much educated by reading Q’s posts.
Meanwhile, the Alliance did not rally, declare themselves, and train for all these years (A) to fail or (B) to fold.
Neither failing nor folding is an option. I’m sure if I were listening to their briefings right now it’d be: No surrender. No retreat. (It’s that way for me.)
I’d also hear: Follow the law. Minimal force.
I’m not keeping track of political quotes and references so I just have to say rather than quote, that I read a Q post this morning saying that the Alliance had the Looking Glass (google).
If so, they know the future. Including timelines. They know what they’re doing even if they have to make a change in the plan.
The body of Q posts I’ve read? I’m in awe at what Q accomplished. The wrath of God may descend on me for saying so but the truth is more important to me than anything else.
Vengeance is already coming from the winning camp. Censorship is rampant. Trump supporters are reported as having been fired.
Don’t they know that by doing so, they’re bringing Trump supporters together? And the latter are by far the majority?
As for me, gads, I think I’ve been whacked so often, there isn’t much to take away.
I’ve already lived in the Downtown Eastside for eight years, to see what might face me in my old age. The 2012 Scenario was born there. I’ll be quite cozy cocooning there and posting the Golden Age of Gaia from there as well.
But I won’t leave Trump, the Alliance and Q. (1) And I invite you not to either.
All of this has been very useful for me because it’s shown me where I stand. I’m not anti-Biden. I’m anti-corruption (behavior). And I definitely am pro-Alliance.
No, I’m not non-dual about this. Not dispassionate. And I don’t see this as the time for me to be so. I’m very committed to the deep state falling and that it be now. Let the chips fall where they may.
That having been said, I intend to remain as balanced and loving as possible, observe the law, human and universal, and keep my attention on behavior (corruption), not people. But I regard this as the time to remove the cabal from the world stage.
With the Alliance losing, and then winning, and then losing, quite a few people might jump ship, as just happened with my influential friend.
Aside from my comment here, I’m ignoring the exodus and keeping my eye on the bouncing ball. My task is to help build the alternative.
We’ve been told by our sources that this is the year of revelations and transition. Jesus coached us:
“The time for self-centered, arrogant, mischievous, and dishonest ‘chiefs and leaders’ to hold the reins of power over humanity is finished. The revelations of enormous corruption in high places that are now being released in an ongoing flood of previously secret files and documents cannot be suppressed. The truth is out there, and it is being revealed.
“As further revelations – that to many will be amazing, stunning, unbelievable – of the unconscionable activities and plans of the so-called ‘elite’ are made public it is up to you, the Light bearers and Wayshowers to focus powerfully and determinedly on being loving in all your thoughts, words, and actions. (2)
Wow. Jesus didn’t mince words. I sound positively peaceful next to him!
But he points to the tightrope we walk: Stopping the global corruption (behavior) but doing it from a loving space and in the service of love. That’s a tall order.
Balance off the worries you have about a new administration with your knowledge that the Mother’s love energies are rising and will gradually incapacitate evil. Evildoing will be like a windup toy that runs down.
I did not say “Democrats” or “Republicans.” I did not say “left” or “right.” I did not even say “evildoers.” The desired outcome is the cessation of harmful behavior; it isn’t revenge or “punishing” or “shaming the enemy.”
If people visiting harm on others won’t stop – read: the deep state – then they need to be arrested, charged, and tried in uncorrupted courts, according to the law. “Arrested,” after all, means “stopped,” does it not?
Society has the right to protect itself. However if we visit harm on others, unless necessary and justified (as with a surgeon inserting a knife into a patient), we have to know that the universal law will visit the same treatment on us.
As things unfold, at first, people in shock will jump out of trees (affiliations); then everyone will be shaken out of any they’re not holding on to; finally we’ll be shaken out of all trees (period). Trees will be gone. Disappeared as the illusion they always were.
And on that day, safe in the Fifth Dimension, we’ll all look at each other in surprise and relief and say, “Let the past be the past. Here, away from it all, can we all be friends now?”
(1) And I know of Trump’s failings. But he’s put his life on the line to take down the cabal.
(2) Jesus via John Smallman, July 16, 2014, at http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com.
“Those who have held power behind the scenes in every country of the world will not be able to keep their secret activities from being exposed to the world at large. The new energy influxes demand transparency in all interactions between all parties on the global scene and also amongst all people in general. The time for secrets is over.
“Every cell in every inhabitant upon the Earth is being transmuted, purified, and transformed. There is soon to come a time when any darkness or shadow will be clearly seen within each person’s auric field, and this revelation will assist everyone to walk in their light and live in truth and integrity.” (Hilarion, July 13, 2014, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarionsweeklymessage.htm.)
Some Staying; Some Leaving | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/23/2021 10:41:00 PM