January 11, 2021
I am Ashtar Sheran, here to help calm the frazzled nerves of the Light community across planet earth.
Yesterday's events were not the events that many of you expected. To hear today what appears to be a message of concession from Donald Trump is also another shock. So many of you expected that he would lead your world into a new era of freedom for humanity.
But as Sharon has pointed out on so many occasions, what do you define as freedom? Is freedom still going to work? Is freedom having to earn a pay check to feed yourself? Or is there a broader definition still?
Sharon has also asked if Trump is to free the world, then why are lightworkers here? Why are they to gain access to unlimited funds in order to create communities for the more enlightened of you?
Mr. Trump's task is only to expose the deep state. And he has done that. He will, again, take the helm in a new administration, in some form, perhaps not as president. He may, in fact, decide to step away from the lead position and appoint a new candidate in his stead. This is as yet undecided. Your next administration may look very different from that which you have become accustomed to now, simply because of the fact that so many of Mr. Trump's current associates are criminals, to be taken away and locked up.
Trials will begin. The QFS funding will be released to more candidates who qualify for these humanitarian funds. Extraterrestrial visitations will become more frequent, as Sharon noted, our ships are hovering just above your planet under the cloud deck now. We are so close and it is because you have called us here.
Expect surprises within the next two weeks. But understand that new people will be taking responsibility upon your planet and the personal responsibility of each person will grow, considerably. It is time you all take part in your future.
The governments will still exist, however, they will be cleaned out of criminals and dark beings. You can have my assurance on that. Their existence on planet earth is as much a galactic issue as it is an exopolitical issue for earth.
Change is the new buzzword for earth. The Alliance will step forward and yet more of these kind souls will become known to you.
Breathe deeply and be comforted. All is not lost. All is in flux.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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January 7th | Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/11/2021 10:06:00 PM