Dr. Marcel Vogel, the Power of Crystals, Water, and the Divine | Para Kas-Vetter

Dr. Marcel Vogel, the Power of Crystals, Water, and The Divine

Dr Marcel Vogel - Brilliant Presentation Regarding Therapeutic Use of Crystals - Part 4


15.09 Minutes

Dr. Marcel Vogel offers valuable information about the formation and importance of crystals, and significance of hexagons.

He also explains why Crystals have colour and the critical importance of information to know about the colour of crystals.

Dr. Vogel also explains that upon noticing changes in a crystal’s colour has a lot to do with your connection with the crystal and thus, your energies transmitted into the crystal you are holding. Thus how your energies changes the colour of crystals.

Crystals are a wonderful psychic sponge.

A new concept of the Power of Crystals to Healing and The Power of thoughts.

“The forces the crystals can accumulate and release...”

Dr. Vogel also states the importance of Love, and the effects of emotions can have on crystals. It is imperative to understand that crystals are to be used for pure and loving intent, for healing, and to help.

Dr. Vogel also speaks about how he self taught to read and the Book of Knowledge. Being an encyclopaedic of information, he has a deep passion for knowledge.

He speaks about how there is a “contradiction of words” and the concern of how those contradictions of words do not make sense. Especially in religion and theology. It is meant to be so simple. Dr. Vogel speaks of how the Bible is a hidden document designed to go within and not just read it as words. And so he became the Bible. He leant that people say one thing but the bible reads differently to what is being interpreted from words.

What is the truth? Dr. Marcel Vogel discovered that truth can be found by going within and let the teacher speak within him.

He speaks of the essential of Silence and to go within rather than be dictated to. That in Silence you built your own belief system from within, based on the truth found from within.

The video also gives importance of LOVE and how projecting love has an impact on life. That it brings life to an individual. The essential of needing each other and the link that must be continuously formed and refreshed for a bond to continue. That this encourages the continuous vibration essential to keeping the link intact.

And finally Dr. Vogel touches on the topic of:

What is a woman? Dr. Vogel in his beautiful philosophical views provides an answer. And concludes the video that Love is the core ingredient that helps a Woman “blossom like a glorious rose.”

It is a remarkable video to watch.

I have a deep love for and have worked with crystals for a long time. However, I have so much to learn about them still. I learnt that raw crystals are natural elements of earth and that to work with raw crystals is thus considered naturally better. And so with Dr. Vogel’s Invaluable depth of experience of crystals, I wonder if he would not mind if I said right now that with time and advance methods of research being done in recent years, it is fair to state that raw ‘natural’ crystals that are not tampered with or manipulated to perform a function, are now considered to work better with natural rhythms of life and that we can instil the energy of pure intent and Love into them as raw elements.

I can fully understand though the concept of why Dr. Vogel’s cut crystals are so powerful. As stated in the website http://www.marcelvogel.org “Since early in this century it has been known that quartz is a resonator and amplifier of energy. It is a vital component in many electronic devices. What was not known is that quartz crystal is also capable of amplifying "subtle forces" including thought energy. The reason this had remained difficult to demonstrate is that, regardless of how fine the quality of the crystal tested, the conditions under which it was formed were highly individualistic. Simply stated, no two crystals are identical, and in science, a theory cannot be based on a single case. The amplification of thought energy includes so much "static" (other vibrations) that it becomes lost in the noise. Marcel discovered the answer to this problem. He found that when quartz is cut along the c-axis (the line of symmetry within the crystal perpendicular to all other axes) in the shape of the Kabalistic Tree of Life, it resonates to ONE frequency. It so happens the frequency (which turned out to be 454) is the same vibratory rate he also measured for water. Therefore, Vogel-cut crystals are powerful instruments capable of taking thought impressions and literally injecting them into the matrix of water. From this work he developed three tools: the double terminated healing crystal, single terminated meditation crystal and the Star of David crystal medallion.”

Thank you to Dan Willis for writing on the website http://www.marcelvogel.org the following, as this helps me to honour what I have learnt in recent years about the power of raw crystals, although I work with cut crystals also. “I do not wish to infer that this understanding is by any means complete or fully accurate in it's total understanding, but rather an indicator toward a direction of understanding a newfound science of the future. This understanding appears more mystical than traditional science, but in essence, science in it's depth of understanding is truly mystical. I can say that I have never met a scientist like Marcel that could bring that which is mystical into a scientific framework of understanding as he could.”

Dr Marcel Vogel has a profound knowledge about crystals and you will find countless videos on the internet of Dr Vogel and crystals.

The website created by Dan Willis http://www.marcelvogel.org is dedicated to Dr. Marcel Vogel. It is very informative!!!!!!!!

In the early 1980's Dan Willis had a remarkable privileged of working with dear friend of his, the late Dr. Marcel Vogel who founded in later years the Psychic Research Inc.

“I have always felt that the laws that govern these sciences have a profound basis that goes far beyond that which scientists can presently measure. “ Dan Willis

Some key points to consider whilst reading the website are as follows:

“Love is our primary responsibility and is the power in the universe that keeps matter in form.”

“Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.”

“The Tree of Life of the Kabbala, an ancient symbol of energetic flow from the universal to the personal that came to Marcel in a dream as a form to cut the crystal to transduce energy and focus thought. The upper triangle (female end) represents the Universal, which in the Tree of Life is what all is created from. The lower triangle represents the physical or personal manifestation which is where the focused energies of the individual are cohered and focused. (male end). The crystal is cut along the "C" or growth axis, the Universal or female end he cut to an angle of 52 degrees, the angle in which occurs naturally in quartz and exhibits the mathematical ratio of Phi (1.618) same as the Great Pyramid.”

"The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a state of perfection and balance. When it is cut to the proper form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the power of the user's mind. Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will.” - Marcel

“The crystal, when used with Love, makes the energies of mind coherent. It brings these energies into a pattern exactly fitting the life force energies of the person seeking to be healed, then amplifies them for healing.”

“Over the years he developed various methods for proximate, remote, and self healing using the crystals.”

“The latest evidence in quantum physics shows all things are "entangled" and indeed connect to each other.”

“Ruth Drown once stated,"Everything in the universe is here now, all we have to do is tune into it".”

The website http://www.marcelvogel.org also gives insight into holograms, which I must admit to this day I am still trying to grasp further, especially when I have been told that we are an illusion or that earth is a hologram. Mind you there were scientists who once said the earth was flat to now admit it is not.

I am sure with time I will fully grasp the word hologram. In fact I agree with Dr. Marcel Vogel and Dr. Simone Gold that words are so ambiguous in that some words can means one thing and can be interpreted or misled to mean something else. It is why recently I made the decision that I don’t want to learn new words or words that are ambiguous or sound or spell the same or have slightly a letter different. Example: desert and dessert. One relates to nature and one to food. Hear and here ect ect. Hence one day I will fully grasp the concept of hologram in terms of REAL LIVE LIVING ENTITIES.

Having said that I was fascinated about the camera and photograph research Dr. Vogel also did.

“This is the mystery and this is what I wish to share with you in the time that we have together, the realization that we are here on a forefront of new science the science of mind the science of spirit and above all the science of the soul. That which brings man into the image and likeness of a divine mind or God. Working with these instruments, I come to total realization of the divine supreme mind that exists everywhere, I come to the realization that we are one, that there is only a mind mutti of differentiation in this physical form which we call matter, but when we step up the vibration then that matter takes on this divine aspect and radiates that perfection of the one mind and that is what you can see in this camera, provided you set the rates and the dials correctly.”

“I wish at all times in this work to remain a scientist to be focused in thought to achieving truth and not a mass of illusion because one can be lost in a quagmire of information which has no substance to it but it is our intuition that guides us it comes from a higher power….”

“I'm trying now to take this which was done in 1971 into 1983 with a camera capture these patterns of thought and bring him into physical form that we can study as doctors scientists physiologist because we permeate space with thought we inject our mind into everything we do and we must learn to be prudent of how we act and the way we think. Now our mind, your mind releases a coherent vibration composed of a fundamental tone which is your body vibration, modulation of this tone is the FM modulation of this carrier wave with the information data and through this means we move matter and bring this information into form. Man is made to the image and likeness of God, in the beginning was the word, and through the word, matter came into being. We are capable of creation.”

“Dr. Masaru Emoto, the author of "Messages in Water", was the first water researcher to discover a method for visually revealing the structure of water. Through high-speed photography, he has been able to capture how our thoughts affect the structure of water at the moment of freezing. Dr. Emoto and others have theorized that water has the ability to receive and transfer what the Japanese call “hado” (vital energy) Water is a network of hydrogen-bonded molecules. It can form numerous structures, depending on how individual molecules bond together. One of these structures is the hexagon - composed of six water molecules. Hexagonal water forms an organized crystalline matrix with properties that are different from ordinary water. Hexagonal water appears to play an important role in biological functions. It is being linked with improved hydration, enhanced nutrient absorption, DNA function and improvements in metabolic efficiency. The amount of hexagonal water in the body has even been correlated with aging. In this work by Dr. Emoto it was shown how thoughts affect this crystallization process.”


Other resources to consider: Hexagonal Consciousness Movement || Para Kas-Vetter


“Marcel found that information mentally impressed into quartz crystals could be transferred to water. The process was called "charging water," and once charged, the result was both permanent and measurable. He found that charged water developed a new absorption band in the ultraviolet. This is like saying it changed color!”

Dr. Vogel even experimented using crystals, wine. It is remarkable what I have learnt.

“ I believe we are seeing in the wine a critical transfer of information which can then cause abrupt changes in the chemistry of the system."


There are videos also on the website of the structure of water and crystals and the power of and healing with crystals. I have not watched all of them as yet but I am learning so much.

The website explains how plants have emotions and the experiments done to prove this. This I have known for a while now and it is why I am trying to grasp this whole ecosystem and why it is so. As for gardens, flowers and trees and ocean and everything to do with nature I love. I Love gardens blooming. I often speak to my plants and I hug trees and connect to ocean waters. I kiss flowers and send them a lot of love. I even pray all the sheep and cows and koalas that they are safe and live a long life. I feed the birds I meet and show gratitude for the signs I am shown. I might not swim in the ocean, or know the names of most flowers, or not able to pronounce the terminology of where certain trees come from, but what I can do so well is utilise and send LOVE-ing energy nature. That I can do so well.

What is remarkable is that in recent years I learnt that the rising of consciousness is also changing the molecular and biological aspects of our bodies into more crystallisation format. I am still learning more in that area also. It would explain why it is said that conventional medicine seem to struggle these days and seem to not know how to accommodate nor serve for the changes that are becoming more mysterious recently, such as symptoms associated with ascension.

“The bones, tissues, cells, and fluids of the body have a definite crystallinity about them. The structure of the fluids, cells, and tissues of the body tend to become unstructured or incoherent when dis-ease or distress is present. The physical body is comprised of liquid crystal systems in the cell membranes, intercellular fluids as well as the larger structures such as the fatty tissues, muscular and nervous systems, lymph, blood, and so on. Through the use of an appropriately tuned crystal, to which these structures are responsive, balance and coherence can be restored by delivering the necessary “information”.” http://www.marcelvogel.org

“Energies of consciousness or the environment can be either in harmony or discord in coherence with the fundamental structure of life reflected in the degree of water structuring. The greater the degree of geometrical structuring of the water, has been shown to be an indication that it is more in alignment with that of the consciousness of love, gratitude, happiness etc.”

……….our sciences are just now beginning make to the connection between geometry and consciousness.”


And with that said it is now time to set ourselves free and fly like birds…... to discover, learn, love, grow, to go within, to find the truth, to live and to evolve. Be, go within, Focus on rising consciousness, Love, Embrace Light, and know the times have come to focus on encouraging Blooming LIFE, and hence create a ripple or The Butterfly effect…...

By the way my husband Otto, being German told me that ‘Vogel’ in German language translates to BIRD!!!!!

I still recall the “Double slit experiment” that proves consciousness exists. Further more that consciousness has a mind of its own that can be united to form part of a whole.

And did you know that water and crystals have memory. And so does our cells…………….

Para Kas-Vetter

“There is truth in the saying that sometimes truth is so simple it evades the mind, which is looking for complex answers. The mind is such that, you put a question pattern out and then without questioning your ability to receive the answer, allow the mind to show you in whatever manner it may want...” Daniel Willis

“Love is the integrative force that brings things together in harmony.”

Para Kas-Vetter
*"Philosophia" *Writer *Oracle *Spiritual *Creative


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Dr. Marcel Vogel, the Power of Crystals, Water, and the Divine | Para Kas-Vetter Dr. Marcel Vogel, the Power of Crystals, Water, and the Divine | Para Kas-Vetter Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 1/29/2021 09:55:00 PM Rating: 5

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