Create a Universe of Love | Heavenletters
JAN 11 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
There may be a correlation between how you open your purse and the opening of your heart.
Possessed of an open heart, nothing gets in the way of your generosity.
When you find yourself holding back, to that degree you have closed your heart.
Strange, isn’t it, that heart and money should go hand in hand. How different the two are, as different as can be, and yet they seem to walk arm in arm.
When you are attached to the monetary, of course you withhold. Money and love appear to go in tandem. It’s hard to let go of the purse strings when money comes before heart. Which is going to dominate you?
How you spend your money may well be how you spend your love.
This is terrible to contemplate, isn’t it?
No one wants to be a miser, but everyone wants to accumulate money.
If you must be a collector, collect love.
Now, no one is against money so long as it is a medium of exchange or a form of barter. Yet the possession of money has sometimes become a duel, with one person trying to get the better of the other.
Perhaps some have lost sight of fair play. And some of this lack of fair play has also been carried over into the arena of love which, then, therefore, is not love but usury.
Do you remember the story of the miser who was granted his wish that whatever his hands would touch would turn into gold? He was gleeful until he touched his beloved daughter.
Put love first in your life, and let love rule in every aspect of your life. Love is not to be reserved for special occasions. Do not leave love by the wayside. Make love your main path, and follow it.
What could make love hard to follow except for selfishness? So now it is for you to put aside selfishness. If love has an opposite, it is selfishness. Forget selfishness, and remember love.
Let your love stand at the top of the mountain, and in valley and dale. Sing love from the rooftops. Do not pinch your purse nor your lips. Unpurse your lips. Free your heart. Above all, free your heart. Unmask it. Take your heart down from a shelf, and dust it off. Keep it at the front door of your life.
Above all, love. If you are unpracticed in love, then you may have to make a conscious decision to put love foremost. No longer will your love be hidden behind your back. No longer will you withhold love. It is from yourself that you withhold love. Be generous with yourself, and you will not be selfish. You will be well-versed in generosity.
You are not generous in order to be seen as generous. You are generous because generosity is meant to be the way of life on Earth. It is unnatural to be ungenerous. Generosity is in your genes, beloveds. Selfishness does not become you. Let nothing stand in the way of your generosity. Be father and mother and brother and sister to the Universe.
Create a Universe of Love. Why not, beloveds, why not?
Let love pull your cart. Let love be the sign you carry. Allow “love is here” to be the expression on your face. What if you were known as love? Why should your love be kept a secret? Why would you keep it from view?
You are not finished with love yet. Do not put it away. On the contrary, take it out for all to see. Flourish with love in your heart. Love is the only nutrient you can be lacking. Scatter the seeds of your love so that all may see who you are really are. Start now, if you please.
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Create a Universe of Love | Heavenletters #3372
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/11/2021 09:47:00 PM