By Steve Beckow, December 19, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
We’ve been discussing the ways to study (global) culture and I’d like to post an email related to that discussion.
It was a letter of explanation I had with a reader who expressed an interest in posting and wanted to know what we post on. He appears to have had a compelling enlightenment experience.
I encouraged him to write biographically. Why biographically?
Because we need new maps of Ascension and travellers’ accounts of their experiences are the raw material for them.
The same points I made earlier about the study of culture can be made in the case of personal accounts or ethnographies, narratives or biographies.
Anyone else who has had experiences along the way, I encourage you to write about them and send them in. They then form the raw material for other people’s research and out of that our understanding grows.
I may post this (anonymously) on the blog because it applies to all folks who’ve had “spiritual experiences.” … I apologize for its length but the subject is foundational.
You appear to have had at least one of the more senior experiences on this journey and, since we discussed what you might post, let me explain to you why I encouraged you to write biographically.
We’re involved in a mass/physical Ascension: That means it involves everyone who wishes to go and can hold the higher vibrations of the Fifth Dimension. It also means we take our bodies with us so the process has to be slow or our bodies would burn out.
There are twelve dimensions so our Ascension is not the end of the road. (Neither are the dimensions themselves the end of the road.)
Hindus call liberation from birth and death moksha or mukti. It happens beyond the seven-chakra system, as Da Free John noted. (1) Liberation from birth and death is … what? Ascension. Salvation. Redemption. Vijnana. Nirvana, call it what you wish.
We ascend from the consciousness/dimension on which one has to be born and die (the wheel of birth and death) and enter a more refined space in a more refined body that doesn’t need to be born or die.
My point is that we need new maps of Ascension for those Gaians who come along in search of an explanation for what’s happening to them and for entire civilizations unknown to us who will study our Ascension for their own needs.
Anyone who’s visited any of the waystations is welcome to write biographically about it. All waystations need to be known and described.
Ramana Maharshi calls the waystation of Ascension, Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Sahaja = Natural; Nirvikalpa=No movement in the mind; trance without consciousness of form; Samadhi= Concentrated state of attention.
Sahaja is a full and permanent heart opening (not a heart-chakra opening). (2) It is Ascension, as I’ve confirmed with the Divine Mother, who is the active face of God. (3)
Ascension follows the climb of the kundalini up the spinal column to the Sahasrara. The last stop on the train before Ascension or Sahaja is Brahmajnana, seventh-chakra enlightenment. You may have had that. Perhaps you’ve had Sahaja. I don’t know.
The stop before that is Cosmic Consciousness or Savikalpa Samadhi (trance retaining consciousness of form) when the kundalini reaches the sixth chakra.
The stop before that is spiritual awakening or stream-entering when the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra and the heart opens for a time and then closes.
In regard to all this, we lack ethnographies, biographies, narratives, personal accounts from people who’ve made all or part of the journey.
These ethnographies are then gathered together to create structural snapshots, synopses, or analyses.
These analyses are then gathered together to create evolutionary or developmental histories of Ascension, used by this and other civilizations in the future.
So we need to know about your spiritual experiences, just as if you were travelling on a train and passing towns along the way. That forms the raw material for numerous studies down the line.
That’s the context for my request of you to consider writing your biography. Who cares where you’re at on the journey? You’re on the journey; you’re aware that you’re seeing unusual sights; and that’s all that matters.
All parts are lovely and as yet largely unknown.
Love ya,
(1) “In February I passed through an experience that seemed to vindicate my understanding. … I saw that what appeared as the sahasrar, the terminal chakra and primary lotus in the head, had been severed. The sahasrar had fallen off like a blossom. The Shakti [the Mother’s energy], which previously had appeared as a polarized energy that moved up and down through the various chakras or centers producing various effects, now was released from the chakra form.
“There was no more polarized force. Indeed, there was no form whatsoever, no up or down, no chakras. The chakra system had been revealed as unnecessary, an arbitrary rule or setting for the play of energy. The form beneath all of the bodies, gross or subtle, had revealed itself to be as unnecessary and conditional as the bodies themselves. …
“Now I saw that reality or real consciousness was not in the least determined by any kind of form apart from itself. Consciousness had shown its radical freedom and priority in terms of the chakra form. It had shown itself to be senior to that whole structure, dissociated from every kind of separate energy or Shakti. There was simply consciousness itself, prior to all forms, all dilemmas, every kind of seeking and necessity.” (Da Free John, The Knee of Listening. Original Edition. Clearlake, CA; Dawn Horse Press, 1984; c1973, 117-9.)
(2) The heart aperture or hridayam opens. It first opens in fourth-chakra enlightenment and then closes; in Sahaja, it opens completely and forever. This is not the heart chakra. The closed heart aperture is two digits to the right of the breastbone.
(3) The Divine Mother confirmed that Ascension was Sahaja and that it lies beyond the seven-chakra system:
Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to. And I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?
Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of [as] your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement. ( “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
Recently she also predicted the falling away of the chakras:
“As this [spiralling ascent and descent of energies] is occurring your gateways are opening. What you think of as chakras, or portals, these are gateways and far more than simply inter or multi-dimensional gateways… these are your freedom centers. Feel them fall away as if the ancient bridges that defended the castles have finally simply disintegrated.” ( “Linda Dillon: Our Lady of Guadalupe – The Re-Opening of 12:12 Meditation & Activation,” December 13, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/12/13/linda-dillon-our-lady-of-guadalupe-the-re-opening-of-1212-meditation-activation/.)
Why Write a Biography? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/19/2020 07:43:00 PM