By Steve Beckow, December 14, 2020
There are four things that are missing for me in our contemporary political and social discussions: clear seeing, balanced expression, universal applicability, and appropriate focus.
If we’re to have truth and reconciliation in society, I see it coming from us taking these four factors into consideration in our proceedings.
The people running the process will undoubtedly be aware of what I write here, but the public may not be. I’d like to raise the subject here for the public.
Seeing clearly
In Kathleen’s recent article, (1) she quotes Archangel Gabrielle as saying:
“So much of gender… we will not call it inequality, we will not call it disparity; let us call it what it is ― hatred. Because when we use such a strong word it will evoke the emotion that has need to be brought to the surface and cleared. . .
“There is this admiration, this true love, and this jealousy at the same time. And in that there is this discordant energy that says, well, let me prove that I am stronger, that I am the master, that I am slightly better than or incredibly better than [you].” (2)
Archangel Gabrielle has just clarified the situation and, as Kathleen points out, “recognizing and naming this energy, especially jealousy, dissolves it.” (3) Yes, awareness is dissolutive (my word).
Seeing the truth clearly can set us free from the immediate condition or upset. In other cases we may need to process the upset further but usually it lifts when the (whole) truth is known. (4)
All the dissonance of meme warfare and other partisan, divide-and-conquer behavior obscures the truth and only serves the purposes of those fanning – to use Gabrielle’s word – hatred.
In our public discussions, we need to return to what used to be called “civil discourse,” with the accent on the “civil,” as in “respectful,” rather than simply “public.”
But, even more importantly, we need to return to discourse that valued and offered the truth in clear and unequivocal terms, respecting only the higher need, as Gandhi would point out, not to harm, but to be of loving if firm intent.
Expressing in balance
Our meme war keeps getting more and more violent and hateful. Participants seem to vie with each other to see what the most feared meme of all is.
I’d say today two memes rule the Internet: “communist,” if the adversary wishes to deny us access to political power and “conspiracy theorist” if they don’t want anyone to hear our protest.
The louder and more extreme these viewpoints are expressed and acted upon, the better. We saw rioting and looting in America, that shows us how far some antagonists in this war may go.
We talk about peace. Peace in truth and reconciliation involves, I believe, remaining in the middle, in the center, in balance. It involves declining to swing out onto the extremes, raising the temperature, and doing that which shocks and intimidates.
Once their funding sources are removed, I expect the rioting and looting to stop. And once the election is resolved, I expect Coronavirus to disappear along with blockage of the Reval, etc.
But what just happened can only leave us sobered and reinforce the need we have to educate our citizens on the value of remaining in the middle, the center, rather than swinging out to the extremes.
Seeing globally
I don’t think Archangel Gabrielle ever intended us to think of hatred as the sole property of males. I think she’s using the situation of gender inequality as an example of the outcome of hatred.
We have only to think of female guards at concentration camps or female Illuminati to see that males don’t exclusively own hatred.
We can find many examples of whole populations supporting hatred.
One is Hitler whipping up hatred of the enemy within (the Jews) and the enemy without (the Communists), until the population was prepared to start what became a world war to rid the planet of these undesirables.
It’s time we now began to think globally, to consider the problems facing humanity, and proposing worldwide solutions. We had a saying in the Sixties: “Think globally; act locally.” Never was that more appropriate.
Notice if, in the face of discussions of subjects like pollution, child labor, or forced marriage, you suddenly feel lethargic. Notice if you have the thought, “Yah, but no one will ever do it.”
Not now perhaps. But the ideas will be in the collective consciousness and on the Internet.
And, most of all, we’ll be in motion. We’ll be building momentum. It’s momentum from the grassroots up that’s going to stir sincere movement at the top on things.
Seeing behavior
If we’re to make the shift to planetary forgiveness, granted with safety issues addressed, then we first must make the shift from seeing things as some humans doing wrong to seeing things in terms of behavior that’s socially acceptable and behavior that’s not.
Murder is not acceptable behavior. Robbing a store is not acceptable. Driving while drunk is not acceptable. We need to end the behavior but not exterminate the perpetrator.
Obviously any system of governance or jurisprudence is subject to corruption. We see that all around us today. That doesn’t mean we scrap them both and make no laws (not yet anyways).
It means we assure their restoration to integrity and take steps to preserve it.
The first step is to stop the behavior. There’s more than that, really, but that’s the non-negotiable starting point.
Stop making war. Stop raping women. Stop enslaving children.
Stop the behavior, globally.
I don’t see a host of viable solutions at this moment, but I also don’t think the time is far off when we will see them.
I think this is the time to begin the global discussion of universally-unacceptable behavior, in the clearest of terms – free of memes and other partisan tools.
Then frame conventions, laws, and treaties. When the time arrives, we can train – or re-train – the judiciary, police, and other public services. (5)
But we can start the discussion now.
(1) Kathleen Mary Willis, “Deep Hatred and Jealousy Arising to be Let Go of,” December 9, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=315516.
(2) “Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel: ‘Dear hearts, you have done it all…,’” Council of Love, March 31, 2015, at http://counciloflove.com/2015/03/archangel-gabriellegabriel-dear-hearts-you-have-done-it-all/.
(3) Apparently we’re in a time when we don’t need to name or experience a feeling to completion. We’re able to have it removed by universal law. But this is our fallback.
(4) There may be more truth to know. We may feel only partial release. There may be multiple upsets running as happened with me recently.
(5) Then reform our structures of government to get rid of the bottlenecks and chokepoints that partisanship breeds.
Watch the deep state call the thrust towards universality “communist” and me a “leftist.” I’m actually a universalist in outlook and a centrist in politics.
The Need to See Behavior Clearly and Globally | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/15/2020 01:13:00 AM