Your Rights | Aurea via Sharon Stewart

September 17, 2020

"Your only hope is to read this, wake up and start to stick up for your true rights, not the ones that have been given to you. Yes, you have been given some "rights" - the rights that have to do with what they want you to do, and then you have called it freedom." - YOURUNDERGROUNDNEWS.WEEBLY.COM

What has first priority on this earth is MONEY.

If you need proof of that, watch this video, where people are protesting the noise of London City Airport, which is in the Docklands area, which was a newly redeveloped area to bring more business to London. The people, as you can see here, can just suck it up and live with it.

Behind The Scenes - London City Airport. Part 1

This is not by any means the only example of this. When you think back to it, how many times did you see business take priority over people's lives? You're a link in the chain, a cog on the wheel, you're part of the system that takes priority over your best interests but claims to have your best interests at heart. It doesn't. It has someone's best interests at heart, but not yours. If it did, you'd be rich. However, consider still, that having a lot of money is STILL not in your best interests. Going beyond the need for money is. Why do you have to pay to survive? We do on earth and we're the only planet that does.

The company has to make the shareholders happy, not the citizens. The Board of Directors directs the company's functions, not the citizens. The citizens get the complaint box. The goal is to make more money, not to aid the people. Why can't people stop and figure that out? The prices of everything keep rising, yet people think that all this is being done for them. I might suggest that all this is being done TO them. I know people who can't even afford Christmas decorations for their trees. Isn't that sad? Of course, I gave them some. (Best time to shop for Christmas stuff is after Christmas when prices are slashed. Then stash it away for next season. Or make your own! Pine cones and white snow spray go a long way! Icing cookies, paper mache balls, and bits and bobs you collect during the year. Check the dollar store out because you can make great stuff from what you buy there.)

But I digress, LOL, I just saw a meme cutting down socialists, ridiculing socialists because if they had $20 million dollars, they'd spend it making sure others have a living wage. Yeah, gee, that's awful isn't it? Why don't I just keep the $20 million dollars and watch all the people I would've given the money to struggling and suffering? It's because I have a heart, that's why. I won't take shots at democracy, but we have to put into place systems that ensure nobody suffers anymore because the entire collective is kept down whenever even one person is. Twenty million is a lot of money. How much do you need to float you through life anyway? I happen to believe that our business practices need a lot of changing, and I will emphasize A LOT. I believe they're fear based, they're not based on universal law and why wouldn't you give money to others in need? What if, one day, you lost all your money? You sure would hope that people were more generous than you were when you had it, wouldn't you? Yeah, maybe a socialist....

I have to remember to be patient. This planet is on a steep learning curve. And it's starting at rock bottom in some cases. But seeing attitudes like this from someone who claims to be awake really frosts my backside some days.

If you had the power to change around someone's life from misfortune to prosperity by giving them a hundred thousand dollars, wouldn't you do it? If I had the money, I'd think nothing of it. Making them happy and taking away their struggle, isn't that a worthwhile way to spend your money? To me, it's the only way. Empowering others through self empowerment. That's what I think I'm doing with these videos and the channelings. From the feedback I get, I hear some people get teary eyed as they read the messages so I must be reaching others.

In our system, which I might remind you is a democratic system, there are people starving and suffering, living on the streets. They have few rights because they have no money. So there you go. That's where your rights come from – your earning power. The less you earn, the fewer rights you have and that makes up the class system.

We live in a “pay your own way” system. Everything from water to at times oxygen, is paid for. The more money you make, the more you have. You are a materialist. You think the way through life is paved with expensive trinkets but you forget about the biggest asset you have – your mind. Remember, when you die, that's all you'll have to take on your journey. You can't take trinkets with you and what you'll have left is your consciousness. What did you do to enrich your consciousness during this lifetime? Did buying stuff help? Did having everything help? Did it appease your mind? Did it calm all your worries? Do you feel a better person for any of it? Did you leave the world a better place?

I'm not saying that you need to dispense with everything in this materialistic world, after all, you are physical as well. So enjoy some of what it has to offer. But be sure that you enjoy your mind more. And the way to do that is to understand what your soul wants to accomplish here on earth, not what the banksters want you to do. Whose tune do you dance to? Your own or the banksters and politicians? What's your priority?

Poor people, and particularly beggars, are here to remind you that this world still needs love.

When you break away from “the money equals my rights” mentality (and your power is your spending power,) you break away from limitation. You understand that the sky is the limit and THAT LIFE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIMITED. Even physical life can be an experience of unlimited joy, if you are about making it that way. Helping other people would give me far more joy than buying a swanky house outfitted with all the trappings in Malibu. Much as I like the water, I don't need a private beach to enjoy it, and I don't need the fancy address either. I'm not one for hanging out in places that others decide are the right places to be seen. I've never been that way. I decide where I need to be, and most of my life has been spent living among the poor, who taught me a lot.

Give up the limited set of rights that the Matrix affords you, and learn to understand your rights as a divine child of God. These are different values, and it's a different system. It has little to do with paying your dues, exercising power through material gain, and it has a lot more to do with helping others and working to improve the system here on earth. We are humans and belong in a humanitarian system.

I've helped all kinds of people in any way I could. Helping blind people find their friends in the subway, for example. As it happens because I can read energy fields, I found the guy who was being looked for. Helping children who are being bullied. Taking a lost child home on the subway. Helping out with groceries, giving people a place to sleep until they're back on their feet. Just caring about others. Money doesn't demand that you do that. You have to demand that money does it for you. It's how you use it.

Work outside the system. This world runs on love. Everything is energy and everything is love. Tap into that system and leave the materialistic control system behind.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Your Rights | Aurea via Sharon Stewart Your Rights | Aurea via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/17/2020 03:09:00 PM Rating: 5

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