Thursday, September 3, 2020

Yes or No | Matt Kahn

By Sitara, September 3, 2020

via email

Opportunities don’t always come into your life to be received. In its highest evolutionary value, opportunity is the refiner of intuitive knowing.

That which you are meant to welcome in elicits a resounding yes in your heart.

Any hesitancy or lack of inner response merely being the chance to say no with confidence without doubting yourself or questioning the opportunity being passed by.

If a no is ever meant to be a yes, somewhere down the road, it will instinctively cultivate the resounding feeling of total and complete desire.

If not, it is but another chance to sharpen the skillset of discernment, only saying yes to things that feel like a yes across the board —without a moment of doubt, panic, or hesitation.

Since you are a living expression of a unified eternal nature, opportunities are infinite, ensuring that you will never say no to something that is meant to be a yes.

In essence, you’ll know what to do exactly when you know it. Until you do, a grateful polite “no thank you” is far more powerful in vibration than a fearful disempowered “why not.”

And for those struggling to discern between their own inner guidance and responses of fear, the distinction is profoundly simple.

There is no such thing as fear outside the system of human conditioning.

There are merely no’s and yes’ to each and every moment that determines the precision of divine timing.

You might feel as if it’s fear causing you to say no to an opportunity, but fear is merely a conditioned response or imagined explanation to something that was meant to be a no, until it becomes a yes.

In essence, fears are ways in which a conditioned mind assigns meaning and blame to the things that come and go. All the while, the reasons why anyone accepts or declines any offer or opportunity is always the perfection of the Universe.


Source: Golden Age of Gaia