Worry Not | Heavenletters #363

Worry Not | Heavenletters

SEP 17 2020

God said:

Worry is worry, and it serves no purpose but itself. Worry on big or small is still worry, and it does not become My children to worry. It does not matter over what. Worry for the world is not better worry than worry for a little thing. Worry is its own thing and serves itself. It serves not the world, nor you, nor Me.

Love knows not worry. Worry cannot exist amidst the love that We are. Love is strong. Give love instead of worrying. Focus on love. If you cannot focus on love, then focus on Me. If you cannot focus on Me, focus on a point of Me and love it in My Name, as you love all of Me. Focus on a star. Focus on a leaf. Stare at it. Find Me there. Find love there.

Worry is a rumbling noise you hear from you know not where. Listen to something else.

Worry is a shadow you see. See something else.

If news leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, replace it with other news. Or replace it with a sweet candy.

Come to know sweetness. And you will know love. And you will know naught of fear and its ally worry.

Join a different camp. Join My camp. Join God Almighty and serve in My forces. My forces carry no arms. My forces carry truth, and truth needs no force. Truth is its own strength.

Keep looking high. Look above the ruins of cities. Look to the sun that shines on high or low alike. Look to the sun that knows no highs and no lows. The sun knows only that it shines. It shines its light. And that is all you have to do — shine the light that I gave you to shine. There is naught more you have to do.

Worry is for laggards. Worry is when you don’t know anything else to do. I am telling you what to do. Shine. Be. You who are in My light can shine brighter than the darkness of any dark. When you light others, you light your own heart. Remember who you are and Who sent you on earth and what I sent you for. Forget the worry you have learned on earth. You learned it. I did not bequeath it to you. Take off the cloak of worry and replace it with My light.

The light I shine on you is greater than any man-made cloak. My love on you is light, and it is effortless. Worry is an effort you make to lift that which is not yours to lift and which is nonexistent anyway. But it is your light that will lift the world, not your worry.

Nothing will undo you. I made you, and I made you the light of love to shine. Nothing less.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/worry-not.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Worry Not | Heavenletters #363 Worry Not | Heavenletters #363 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 9/17/2020 03:02:00 PM Rating: 5

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