By Steve Beckow, September 10, 2020
A new light player – I haven’t heard of them before – has arrived, called The Light System or TLS.
Their video is on YouTube. If that link ceases to work, it’s also on Hooktube. (1)
They’re said to be terrestrial, roughly 5,000 years old, with very well-known people among their ranks.
“Their ultimate purpose of existing in the first place is to help assist and guide Humanity to reaching a higher level of awareness and consciousness,” Kat says in her transcript on Intel Dinar Chronicles. (2)
The historian in me is interested….
Let me mention here, folks, that I’m editing books in the background, to prepare for the release of funds. I have the internal sense that I must get ready. One book is due for release in a few days and two more are on the drawing board, to be done with others.
I’m not equipped at the moment to offer the same coverage that I was a month ago. I’m spread very thinly at this exact time.
Kat is offering a number of interesting transcripts, over on Intel Dinar Chronicles. I won’t be trying to “keep up” in reading or reposting the wonderful material that’s coming out right now.
No, I have no more info on the Reval than you do. We’re probably following the same signs and sources.
When I look, I see that I’m strictly responding to internal urges. My internal urge is to be prepared, get ready. That’s all I know.
(1) At https://hooktube.com/3SmjBXwH3Rs
(2) “Charlie Ward Presents The Pyramid Code (TLS) 9-7-20″ by Kat – 9.10.20,” Intel Dinar Chronicles, at https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/09/charlie-ward-presents-pyramid-code-tls.html.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
New Player, The Light Source | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/11/2020 12:07:00 AM