By Aseim, August 6, 2020
At present, humanity and planet earth are both undergoing and experiencing massive upheavals, planetwide changes, exposures, chaos, commotion, and to a degree, inexplicable amounts of violence and incalculable amounts of insanity. And yet, there is a sub-group within humanity that is having an even more difficult time of all this ‘pressure’ than anyone else, so to speak. And that group consists of each and every single one of you who are truly, drawn towards reading this message. For you yourselves are very well amongst those very beings, who serve the highest of the high. Who serve love, light, and nothing but the very highest levels and echelons of pure, unabridged, TRUTH no less.
Amongst you are the empaths, who are amongst the ones who are having BY FAR THE MOST difficult time of them all – having to deal with some of the darkest and most disturbing of collective thoughts, emotions and energetic debris. Then there are those who are lost in life, or simply struggling in some way, shape or form --- from addictions, homelessness and poverty, to depression, loneliness and utter despair even. And then there are many others such as myself, who, while somewhat (only so slightly ever) better placed in life, could well use a helping (and HEALING) hand or two just about now, especially so when it comes to energetic up-liftment and assistance here. And do you know who is best suited to help us all out at this time? Well, if no one else, then we always have each other to bank on here. Which is why, it is now time for EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US, to truly “step up” and assist each other ENERGETICALLY, above all else. For indeed, are we the ones we have been waiting forever for here!
So how exactly do we all go about even doing that? The simplest (and by far the finest and THE MOST POWERFUL) answer to this, is through a collective global mass meditation. Imagine the entire collective of the LIGHT, coming together in LOVE and JOY and PEACE and HARMONY to truly, thoroughly and completely, ENERGETICALLY LIFT AND UPLIFT one another --- especially so during this most critical of times and junctures within ALL OF planetary, galactic, universal, multiversal, and omniversal histories no less. For indeed, when just three gather together for putting out one cause and desire and INTENT all at once; the energies of their (positive) intentions are not just “added” to one another (as in: A + B + C); but, are instead, MULTIPLIED (as in: A x B x C), to drive TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS of change, transformation, assistance, healing, and what-else-have-you! This is not some wild crazy pseudoscientific theory; rather; this is now a 100% PROVEN FACT here no less.
Which is why, on 08.08(the 8th of August, 2020), at exactly 08.08 AM (by the GreenwichMean Time or G.M.T.), (please do re-verify this time for your specific location using other time zone converters, by the way) I implore one and all reading this to come together and meditate collectively, and send energies of support, healing, up-liftment, and en-LIGHTEN-ment to all of our lightworker and lightwarrior friends all across the globe; for their burden is indeed, quite huge. And while the “normal” humans have their very (and equally) “normal” friends, parents, relatives, counsellors, doctors, and boyfriends / girlfriends etc. and such to bank on during times of challenge and difficulty; those of the light, are usually (more often than not) all alone (due to the very nature of their spirit contracts); and to add to things, are also very much so simply rejected by their societies, ignored, un-understood, and uncared for for most of their very lives no less. Many of them won’t even be able to participate in a meditation such as this one because they probably have no internet where they live, or are currently doing an extremely challenging task of spreading light in a super-dark or poor place no less. And guess what. They ALL truly and unquestionably NEED our energies of assistance now, more so than EVER really so before. Like if even we don’t help them out, who even will? And yes, we aren’t going to exclude the rest of humanity from this amazing meditation and energetic assistance either, just in case anyone is thinking in those sorts of separation-based terms and concepts here. But yes, this meditation most certainly IS primarily geared and aimed at and intended towards supporting those of the light. And because, let’s face it folks, it’s rather hard holding the light here on earth. And particularly so in a world that is actively trying to shun, reject, or even outright MURDER you and your loved ones for even as much as attempting to spread the slightest bit of joy, hope, or love. And that, my dear friends, is a fact.
So, well before we get to the main meditation instructions however, let me address a few of the most commonly asked QUESTIONS here first.
The meditation instructions have been provided below for all to make the most out of. And while the meditation requires you to utilize your visualization / imagination techniques, it is all still PERFECTLY OKAY just in case you so happen to absolutely suck at it. All you need to do, is set a very clear INTENTION (whether verbally, in writing, or telepathically) of what you wish to see happen here, and then, simply FEEL as if it was already happening. And that too, right at This. Very. Moment no less. And that’s it! You need do nothing more! Try your best to feel AS MANY of the (physical and emotional) sensations and feelings that accompany the said visualization / imagination or intention in question, and that too, as if you were indeed experiencing them all RIGHT THEN AND THERE no less. And then, simply let go of it all and go chill. That’s your meditation method right there – whether you wish to access the intention visually or just state it firmly, that is entirely upto you and your preferences alone. Either way, it will work. Have ZERO doubts regarding any of that.
The meditation will be the most successful if ALL people wishing to participate in this gather together (in their own homes, outdoors etc.) and do it all at the EXACT SAME TIME. For only then, will we all be able to tap-in most powerfully and beneficially into the astrological alignment that is the 8/8 Lions Gate portal. The energies put forth collectively during such a time will also be magnified and amplified EXPONENTIALLY and INFINITELY during such a time by the very PRESENCE of the said cosmic / energetic portal in question OPENING and truly ACTIVATING in here. But hey, it is still WAY better to do the meditation at a different (but more suitable) time as suited to you on the same day (of 8/8) -- than to NEVER REALLY EVEN do it at all, right? So given that, here are some other ways by which you too can participate within this global mass meditation, if time is something of a troubling or challenging constraint for you at all for whatever reason in here.
One: Do it at 08:08 PM by the Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) on the 8th of August, 2020 instead of 08:08 AM. And then, simply INTEND that your energies be added to the main mass meditation energies by simply having them transcend all time-space and space-time barriers here.
Two: Do it at 08:08 AM or 08:08 PM by YOUR LOCAL TIME on the 8th of August, 2020 instead. And then, simply INTEND that your energies be added to the main mass meditation energies here by having them simply transcend all time-space and space-time barriers in question.
Three: Do it absolutely whenever you so possibly can on the 8th of August, 2020. And then, simply INTEND that your energies be added to the main mass meditation energies by having them simply transcend all time-space and space-time barriers here again.
Four: Just do it anytime that you possibly feel like and then, simply INTEND that your energies be added to the main mass meditation energies here by having them simply transcend all time-space and space-time barriers in question here. So yes, you can well do the meditation RIGHT NOW if you so like.
That having been said, I’ll now take a quick moment to explain two super KEY things here: One, the choice of G.M.T. as our time zone is because that is the place from which all other so-called “time zones” within our (planetary) collective time-illusion are “counted” upon this planet, and that too, by your very own collective consciousness agreements no less.
Secondly, if energy and intent transcends all time-space / space-time boundaries anyways, why even bother following the given time restrictions in any case? Well, that’s because simultaneous collective PHYSICAL presence during a mass meditation GROUNDS the said meditation energies onto / into the Earth that much more effectively, powerfully and TANGIBLY. This ‘GROUNDING’ component, which is quite the powerful component when it comes to effecting powerful changes, assistance, and shifts within the collective consciousness, is of more criticality than what you could ever really imagine. Hence the requirement for everyone to be “physically” present all around the globe for doing this, all at the exact same time. Hope this makes things all the more clearer. In any case, and this is SO very important to know in here: There is NO POSSIBLE OR IMAGINABLE WAY by which you can get any of this “wrong” in here. For NO good intention or energy is ever, ever, EVER truly “wasted.” Hope this helps.
Let us now just dive right in into the practical action steps for the actual meditation in question!
THE MEDITATION “PRE-INSTRUCTION” (you need to do this one right now itself, by the way):
Just imagine / visualize / intend and FEEL the HIGHEST numbers of people from all across the globe coming together for this meditation -- ALL healing, uplifting, and assisting one another energetically during this particular global mass meditation, and that too, ALL AT ONCE at that no less. Imagine an outpouring of intense JOY, LIGHT, UNITY, ABUNDANCE, WELL-BEING, HEALING, TRUTH, SUPPORT, ASSISTANCE, EN-LIGHTENMENT, and PURE UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS AND LOVE rising up within our collective consciousness during this most incredible of times. Send (and FEEL) gratitude towards ALL amazing participants of this beautiful collective outpouring of love and support towards one another --- for their contributions are indeed, UNIMAGINABLY kind, precious and beyond what any words can ever hope to convey or sum up here indeed!
MAIN MEDITATION – STEP 1: Find a nice and comfy place to meditate. The more quiet, pleasant and “chilled-out” it is, the better! But just in case you don’t even have as much as even a bit of it, that’s okay too. Try your best to find such a place, if you at all can! Or just do it wherever you possibly can. It will still work! Also, just to add here, you can do this meditation sitting, standing, walking, sleeping, or whatever-else-it-is that possibly floats your boat! And NO, you SO do NOT need to strike some crazy-ass Yoga pose and posture for this one to truly be effective! ProTip: Nature and outdoors make for a FANTASTIC place for meditations, by the way. Just saying. Just go choose your best / favourite spot for this!
MAIN MEDITATION – STEP 2: Ask ALL higher beings and energies who are willing to assist you to do TWO key things for you here. One, that they EXPONENTIALLY AMPLIFY and MAGNIFY ALL of your positive energies, intentions, prayers and blessings here, and INFINITELY at that. And two, that they add in THEIR very own energies, intentions, prayers, blessings, activations, downloads, ideas, wisdom, light, love, healing, guidance etc. to this entire collective mass meditation exercise of ours. KINDLY NOTE here that they simply CANNOT do EITHER of the above aforementioned stuff here without YOUR “express free-will permission” to do so as per Divine Law here. So yeah, just make it easier here for both you as well as them here lol. For as they all say, the more the merrier (and the faster and better!) when it comes to bringing forth positive and BENEVOLENT global manifestations! You get the point.
MAIN MEDITATION – STEP 3: Intend that ALL of your energies and intentions only and ONLY be used and utilized for the highest good and the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL ALONE. Doing so prevents your energies from EVER being misused or stolen by beings of less-than-the-highest of intentions. So yeah, ALWAYS do that. And do that ESPECIALLY SO for mass meditations such as this one here. Enough said.
MAIN MEDITATION – STEP 4: Imagine / visualize / intend and feel ALL of humanity being healed, loved, supported, UP-LIFTED, and being taken care of FULLY and THOROUGHLY. Imagine child-like pure and unadulterated joy spreading on everyone’s faces. Imagine everyone finding their highest passion, excitement and purpose within their own respective lives. Imagine everyone finding INFINITE levels of abundance within ALL aspects of their lives – wealth, health, love, relationships, friendships, self-expression, creativity, wisdom, joy, bliss, healing, peace, and what-else-have-you! Imagine children playing and laughing blissfully, plants blooming joyfully with flowers, beautiful rainfall, snowfall, sunshine, autumn, fall, or whatever amazing season it is that floats your lightship! Imagine dogs bow-wowing and cats meow-yeowing in joy. Imagine INFINITE amounts of prosperity and peace and love and harmony and togetherness and joy all around --- from humans and animals to every single aspect of nature, plants, air, water, soil, and what-else-have-you! And then, simply, and very deeply, FEEL as if you were literally LIVING within this reality, RIGHT at THIS VERY MOMENT no less. Feel the sheer SMILES unfolding upon your face and your loved ones’ faces as a result of all of this. The cheer, the laughter and the sheer joy. And most importantly, yes, MOST IMPORTANTLY, the sheer GRATITUDE that results from this all. Yes folks, the sheer heart-felt FEELING of infinite and endless gratitude is THE GREATEST SECRET behind ALL successful reality creations, manifestations, and meditations alike! So yes, FEEL it for as long as you can. Taste it. Touch it. LOVE it. Revel in it. For THAT is indeed what ultimately changes all meditations into successes, after all. Go enjoy it! : )
MAIN MEDITATION – STEP 5: Visualize / imagine ALL beings working for the light and the love and the peace and the TRUTH upon this world. Include within this list all of your favourite spiritual teachers, spiritually-awake and awaken-ing friends, communities, and what-else-have-you. And then, simply imagine / visualize all of their hearts all “lighting up” together with the energies of pure and unconditional LOVE, peace, HEALING, joy, bliss, and pure, unadulterated, UP-LIFT-MENT no less.
Send them ALL your loving thoughts. Your healing vibes. Your supportive prayers. Your infinite blessings and your endless gratitude no less.
IMAGINE / VISUALIZE ALL of them standing right there in front of you, together as ONE. Speak words of INTENSE ENCOURAGEMENT to them. Words of INCREDIBLE UPLIFTMENT and HOPE and TRUE, UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT. And above all, words of pure and unconditional LOVE.
Tell them how much they matter. How much their TIRELESS, unconditionally loving, healing and supportive WORK for all of you matters. How very much their TEACHINGS to your world matter. How very much their very EXAMPLES matter.
Shower them INFINITELY with your love and your blessings, your hugs and your kisses, your pride and your appreciations, your joys and your peace, your light and your healing --- and above all, an ENDLESS surge of pure, pristine and heartfelt GRATITUDE no less.
For while it is 100% TRUE indeed that no one out there ever really needs to “earn” love, joy, healing, gratitude, appreciation etc. from and within all of this incredibly beautiful and amazing divine creation; if anyone at all “deserves” to hear and truly feel those energies like right about now, it is, without question, THESE VERY BRAVE SOULS AMONGST AND WITHIN US. Many of them have been attacked (more often than not, physically so) just for merely existing; let alone for bringing you information of the TRUTH and the highest LIGHT no less. Many of them have put their VERY LIVES on the line for bringing you the energies, healings, and teachings -- without which planet Earth would’ve well become a morgue right now. So yeah, send them all a little “thank you note” here today for a change. And then, simply KNOW that these beautiful feelings, intentions, energies, prayers, blessings, thoughts and words of gratitude of yours will reach them in some way, shape or form very, very, SOON. For energy knows no time and space. And “thoughts and prayers” are oh-so-much-more-powerful than some meme out there (refuses to) acknowledge it to be. As also because LOVE is indeed, the most truly and powerfully up-lifting force out there that there ever really is, was, or ever shall even be. Know this. Know and FEEL THIS from the very bottoms of your hearts. And totally and thoroughly from the very CORE of your being. KNOW this to be the TRUTH.
And then, simply FEEL all of their faces lighting up blissfully with all of these outpourings of pure and unconditional LOVE emanating towards them from ALL parts of the globe no less. See them all smiling with beautiful tears of joy and gratitude running down their very faces. FEEL them all feeling that inner-warmth that only true LOVE, true infinite GRATITUDE, and true APPRECIATION can ever really hope to bring. FEEL them as truly and quite so tangibly EXPERIENCING all of that, literally ALL of what they’ve ever done (usually sans ANY special public fame, appreciation or recognition from this world of ours) for humanity till date, to be all so very well being WORTH IT in the end. ALL of their incalculably brave and benevolent sacrifices, challenges, hardships --- ALL to see that one special day when humanity comes together in true LOVE, PEACE, UNITY and true HARMONY no less. Yes, they most certainly DO deserve ALL of this love and upliftment. This encouragement and this, truly infinite, GRATITUDE no less. For they are the real unsung warriors of this land. The true blue champions of this world. The great-est of the greats. The true heroes of humankind. And none, absolutely NONE of the above used terms and adjectives are an exaggeration here in the slightest. See them ALL experiencing the joy and upliftment that they’ve ALL worked so very tirelessly and endlessly and SELF-LESSLY for, often for COUNTLESS (and extremely challenging) lifetimes upon lifetimes no less. See it. Feel it. KNOW it. And it is done. It is done. And it is done indeed.
MAIN MEDITATION – BONUS STEP: Visualize / intend and feel EVERY SINGLE BEING ON EARTH finding their true connection to ALL of creation. To love, wisdom, and divinity. To peace, joy, harmony and true blue unity. Imagine humans and galactic / universal / multiversal / omniversal civilizations finally having open contact and co-existing, sharing, and celebrating with one another in joy, bliss, peace, abundance and harmony. Feel all of the Earth filling up with INFINITE abundance, peace, joy, healing, bliss, and equality for ONE AND ALL, eco-friendly and amazing galactic technologies, light, love, beauty and untold amounts of brilliant MAGIC being seen all over the place no less. And above all, FEEL / EXPERIENCE a world which is a literal heaven; and in which, only love, light, truth and UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS rule supreme. And then, gently let go of this intention and let it fly swiftly into the vastness of this inexplicably infinite and loving and caring universe. And KNOW that this simply HAS TO happen, and SOONER rather than later now. And that this IS HAPPENING / UNFOLDING RIGHT NOW (even as you read these very words). And that the very arrival of this reality (and that too, in a surprisingly short amount of time at that) is now, pretty much, IN-EVITABLE.
MAIN MEDITATION – STEP 6 (LAST AND FINAL STEP): Say / send a heartfelt “Thank You” (either verbally or telepathically) to all those who participated so kindly and graciously within this beautiful and truly INCREDIBLE global mass meditation of ours. And then, do the exact same thing for ALL higher beings and energies who so kindly assisted you, protected you, and amplified / magnified your positive energies and intentions so truly self-lessly for your greatest assistance here (other than having added their very own energies to that here as well). Send them ALL of your love and your blessings. And your infinite, heartfelt, GRATITUDE no less. And then, just stay DELIGHTFULLY within those feelings / energies of gratitude for some time. And then, slowly let go and just relax. Your job here is now fully, totally, and completely, DONE. Thank you ALL for your most incredibly benevolent, selfless, and truly unconditional service to all of humanity in here! : ) <3 <3 <3!!!
Last but by no means the very least, DO NOT FORGET to set an alarm for this one so that you don’t miss out on one of the most amazingly incredible mass meditations of this year! Yeah, it sounds like a chore, I know, but hey, better to take 2 minutes to set an alarm than risk forgetting this all for some silly random reason, right? Here is the EXACT SPECIFIC MASS-MEDITATION DATE AND TIME for all of you folks out there again! (Though please DO be sure to double check this time from other time-zone-conversion websites regardless, for I indeed have NOT used this specific time-zone-conversion technology all too well myself! Just adding that in as a quick disclaimer of sorts in here.)
And finally, please DO NOT forget to share, share, and SHARE this message all around! WHERE-EVER you possibly can. HOW-EVER you possibly can. Share this through your ALL of social media outlets and your chats with friends --- and through your actual conversations with friends, family members and neighbours alike! Invite your like-minded spiritual friends and groups and communities to join in (and help you spread the word regarding this as well!). Freely email it to your favourite spiritual teachers, groups, communities, and who-else-have-you! After all, when it comes to our future, it is indeed --- all for ONE, and ONE for all here, is it not? And so it is. And so it is.
I thank you, one and all, for being a part of this grand and global experience of monumental proportions. Your contributions to this are more appreciated than you will ever, ever, EVER really come to know, within this lifetime even so perhaps. Thank you. Thank you. And THANK YOU. One and all.
Namaste. And may the light be well with you all the way to ascension, and beyond!
Your Brothers and Sisters of the Light Need your Support Now, will you Answer their Call? | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/07/2020 02:17:00 AM