Earth Beings and Beginning Times | John Scott

Earth Beings and Beginning Times

The Beginning Times:

The Beginning Times began…in the beginning. Now this is not as tautological as it may seem at first sight because, depending upon what kind of ‘being’ you the reader these lines are, the ‘beginning’ will refer to completely different moments in time. All true Earth Beings already know what is meant by ‘Beginning Times’ – they ‘feel’ it in their bones and they know that it took place a very very long time ago. Everyone else will read ‘beginning’ relative to their own concept of beginning…which inevitable applies to much more recent times, but nonetheless constitutes a beginning for them.

Before going further I can feel already that some feathers beginning to ruffle, some egos here present beginning to pique, which is a clear sign of where you are coming from…and from whence you have come! Because in the Beginning Times, despite an abundance of feathers, there WAS NO EGO to be piqued! Why on Earth would Earth Beings need an ego, where no differentiation existed? The ego came along much later, with the (your?) arrival on Earth of off-planet entities. Here and now, you are just going to have to swallow your ego, just like Earth Beings have swallowed hook line and sinker your subtle programs and indoctrination for eons. If the ego is currently our social ‘interface’, then here comes a big one in the face of ego!

Furthermore, before you start rearing up, collectively, on your high horses, inner stand that I hereby call to task something that is far greater not only of your particular ego, but of all egos combined – Mother Earth Herself! Blasphemy! Anathema! High Treason! Off with his head? Or simply the hurling despair of a wounded bird, animal, child in the cold of the night forewarning their Mother of impending mortal plight? If, already, your mind is rushing with bloody judge_mental thoughts of “dissentient division”, step off this page. Step off this page of the hitherto unwritten Her_story, and back into the Matrix where you belong and where you can be sure of contributing actively once more to renewing the Astral timeline. Return to your old program: “Normal service shall be resumed shortly.” Here, ‘service’, (sir_vice) extrapolated by dint of disservice, has come to an end. ‘End Times’ implies that the game is now over. It is high time to deal a new hand…and this one is not ‘Hidden’!

But first things first…

Language, too, was a stranger to these shores in the Beginning Times. Earth Beings had no need of letters, words, or sentences in order to empathise* and confabulate with fellow Earth beings of all colour and hue in their respective physical and non-physical manifestations. (*The very employment of terms such as ‘empathise’ is a clear indication of the vast distance that separates the here-and-now state of affairs from what was at that time implicit, rendering concepts such as ‘empathy’ supernumerary.) Bird-speak was not taken to be mere twittering in the wind! The ripple and swirls of water eddies, the rustle of leaves, the crackle of wood burning, the dipping of swallows, the shimmering mirage of sun-baked sands, the sounds of silence, patterns in the wind, elemental presence revealed among rocks, flora, clouds, streams, colour tones, geomancy…so much more than none of these required ‘language’ for expression and comprehension eons ago.

There is no point in seeking to quantify ‘eons’ (e.g. ‘so many thousands of years ago’), with regard to these st_ages or periods ‘in time’. What today may still be measured in linear fashion was lived ‘in the Eternal Present’ and knew none of the ‘limitations’ that subsequent alphabets, language, mathematics, science, and so on, were to impose on the timeless ‘immemorial’…

Impositions in the here-and-now that are called out…and into question!

Atlantis, for example, is often considered the ‘beginning’ of the Matrix and of astral-programming…because it indicates the ‘beginning’ of astral intervention and programming on the Earthly plane. So while Atlantis is a relatively recent event as far as the original Earth Beings are concerned, it did mark the ‘beginning’ on Earth for Second Generation ‘Earth_lings’, as they apparently prefer to be known. But before the position of ‘Earthlings’ can be considered in the scheme of things, let alone their chances of aspiring to the full inner_standing and subsequent healing of their respective past and current wounds (which is far less evident), ‘Earthlings’ first needs be brought into context.

Long before the arrival of our off-planet, Second Generation ’adopted children’ that constitute the (10% of the population?) Earthlings of today, the 3% Earth Beings preceded them by eons, partaking in the very first of what was to become a number of planetary cycles or ages. Earth Beings were born of Earth in the Beginning Times. Earth Beings are, as such, Mother Earth’s original genetic children.

Today, the ‘Beginning Times’ are sometimes referred to as being peopled by the ‘Giants’, which as a term is not to be limited to purely physical aspects but refers to their capacities in multiple realms, from the physical to the ethereal. They were gargantuan, yes, but in every sense of the word. No ‘language’ per sé was required to enable them to communicate with any and all given life forms, for they were co-creators within their own right.

No preferences were pursued at the expense of other beings. The notion of competition was as yet unheard of, inconceivable, if not as the playful pursuit of the innate co-creative potential of each Earth Being in the interest of All. Domination? War? Violence? Discrimination? Preferential treatment? Animosity? Hatred? Superiority? Favouritism? Lust? Jealousy? Murder?Covetousness? God worship? Idle idol worship? Calendars? Dishonesty? Rape? Theft?… Are you kidding?! Why would an Earth Beings rob, rape, repudiate them Self?

In the Beginning Times then, Earth Beings were originally ethereal, non-physicalised consciousness, creations of Mother Earth’s Internal Creation. In ‘time’ these giant, ageless Earth Beings assumed and developed a variety of androgynous, co-creative and multi-facetted forms. Terrestrial Paradise was born. Symbiosis reigned among the multiple expressions of co-creation.

This was the ‘Golden Age’ during which mutual aligned forces combined to create the limitless wonders that expressed themselves through progressively sophisticated expressions of organic elemental, vegetal, animal and human forms. There was no ‘duality, no ‘objects’ per sé; no ‘differentiation’ was experienced between one life form and another. All co-existed in harmonious complicity. With the progressive physicalisation of forms from their purely ethereal origins, successive ‘ages’ ensued.

The ‘Golden Age’ of the Beginning Times evolved into the ‘Hyperborean’, at which point the predominantly ethereal form of Earth Beings became increasingly physicalised. (This second period has been called by non-Earth Beings, ‘Adamic Race’ – for obvious biblical and astral programming reasons and purposes.) With the progressive physicalisation of Earth Beings came increased identification with the respective vehicle that became their ‘own’, progressively relating to it as representing them self. When physicality was became more fully assured, the separation of the sexes took place. The third Age or ‘race’ was that of the ‘Lemurians’, at the time of the continent of ‘Mu’, which was later to sink into the Pacific Ocean. Easter Island terrotory…

Then came ‘Atlantis’, which was marked by the arrival of off-planet entities, before its ultimate (physical) demise in the Atlantic. Atlantis marked the arrival and ‘beginning’ of Earthlings on Earth, but not their true beginnings, (which took place, and had in most instances abruptly and traumatically terminated, elsewhere)… and the beginning of the end for Earth Beings, which began then…but ends here!

Before you start hollering about “injustice” or “discrimination”, kindly read this out – you do not yet know the full meaning of those words, despite the fact that, if you are reading these lines, you are probably one of the ones that invented them! If, however, your emotions remain unruffled thus far there’s a good chance that you are an Earth Being – you ‘feel’ the Truth of what is being communicated here…d_earth of defensive reactivity.

This is a Neutral Space in which Statement is being shared unerringly and unequivocally. No amount of subtle astral guilt-programming will wash here; Earth Fire is too hot even for the most sophisticated of Matrix-my_tricks games. Now is burn-off time! And let it not be forgotten: guilt neither belongs to nor originates with Earth Beings. Not guilty!

So, what happened? Well, life was bubbling along nicely with the Mother Earth Family until off-planet entities began to visit…and then settle in. Some came as a result of intergalactic warring and/or following the destruction of their respective previous abode. Some came with pre-conceived agendas to exploit Mother Earth’s resources; others with a view to colonising and harvesting Mother Earth’s energy resources and her children’s (and subsequently adopted children’s) souls. But this did not take place like some refugee crisis in which faraway peoples are welcomed and integrated into the predominant ethos. Everything happened in reverse, back to front. As the intruders waded in, it was the indigenous population, the Earth Beings, who were called upon to integrate with the new arrivals…and what’s more, on their terms!

These arrivals brought with them a whole host of mechanisms under the guise of advanced technologies, that were to be introduced to (read: imposed upon) the indigenous beings in order to ensure ‘integration’ to their own satisfaction, but at the expense of the Earth Beings. The alphabet and language were introduced, shortly to be followed by the progressive introduction of the rule of law, justice, which its implicit hierarchical implications – the judge and the judged. (*Arnold D. Wadler spent thirty years writing ‘One Language’ – Source of All Tongues, traces all know languages to one common source – of Atlantis origin…) Earth Beings had no need of language in order to communicate freely with all terrestrial forms of life – human, animals, vegetal, elemental… But NOW they were going to have to learn to speak (and later to write) in order to be able to communicate with and assist their new ‘guests’…and to become judged on their efforts to boot!

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that the ‘word’ seduces at first sight, only to impose limits, thereby enclosing sentient experience and originality within generalisation and obfuscations. Even to this day, any young child at birth, (presuming for argument’s sake that they have successfully eluded the full extent of barbaric pre-natal and birthing demoniacs of contemporary medicine), is totally in phase and capable of ‘communicating’ implicitly with ALL aspects of life on Earth.

Then follows the forced apprenticeship of language, in order to meet their immediate needs, gain parental and subsequent authority’s acceptance and approval. They are expected to learn in order to innerstand, talk and eventually write at least one language – preferably English, the ultimate in inverted, back_words mechanism in which all energetic value pertaining to the subject in question has been removed at source. Accident? Design? Or invasive astral programming?

While Mother Earth gathered her wits and resources to accommodate (in every sense of the word) the (less than truthful) intruders, the original Earth Being children were left initially to their own devices by Mother Earth. Very soon they became actively solicited to integrate themselves with the newly adopted Earthlings on the latter’s terms. Inherent goodwill, willingness to please, unfaltering altruism led them to comply, notwithstanding no uncertain perplexity and an overriding sense of maternal abandonment in face of their newly-acquired ‘duties’. This uncustomary and comparatively cold, clinical surrogate summation came to replace the the warm familiar comradeship that they had hitherto enjoyed on Earth.

And this has been going on ever since.

Until NOW. But how do you mollify, sooth and heal the trauma encountered by your visiting guests, the origin of which is totally unknown to you because beyond your experience and conception? And beyond their ken, too, because they find/found themselves (often) abruptly removed physically from its original context. This was the task facing Mother Earth and her Earth Being children. And they became so caught up in the pursuit to identify and resolve needs, while at the same time making concessions across the board in order to integrate themselves to the off-planet regime, that they were completely oblivious of the pernicious concurrent astral agenda that was running, targeting them directly in the line of fire.

So, while every effort was made to accommodate the incomers, the indigenous population were left wanting to the point of feeling strangers in their own home. Their whole world became turned up-side down, just like language reverses meaning; HARMony (harm_money) began to hurt! BLESSed involved being LESS; antibiotics – = ‘against life’ – were prescribed on a global scale as sedatives to life’s increasing vicissitudes. The introduction of language itself fundamentally reconfigured the workings of the brain. Language (together with the first four of the ‘Ten Commandments) reinforces the ability of beings to think abstractly, sequentially and in a linear fashion, privileges almost exclusively the left hemisphere of the brain. The Ten Commandments? Why yes; who do you think was responsible for writing all of the sacred texts (Bible, Vedas, Talmud, etc) – the Earth Beings? The same indoctrination continues to this day through respective national Educational systems world-wide.

In turn, the advent of language opened the door to abstract ‘time’, which became a characteristic of all subsequent alphabet-based cultures. First fascinated, they subsequently became enslaved by sundials, water clocks, pendulums, mechanical cogs, rotatory gears and calendars. The Gregorian Calendar represented the final nail in the coffin, removing beings from the natural rhythms of life and introducing hand-cuffs, pardon wrist watches, with which to follow be_witched ‘time as money’ as it revolved linear time in circles! It comes as no surprise that ALL hitherto peaceful peoples have systematically resorted to organised warfare for the first time, shortly after the introduction of an alphabet into their culture. Earth Beings knew not war!

All of the characteristics that typify the right hemisphere, holistic and intuitive by nature, apply to Earth Beings and the manner in which they have sought to adapt and incorporated them selves into their current ongoing context; empathy with the plight of one’s fellow beings, generosity towards strangers, tolerance of dissent, love of nature, nurturing of children, laughter, playfulness, mysticism, forgiveness of enemies and nonviolence. The opposite of left hemisphere pursuits involving focus, goals, cruelty, aggression, money-making and the pursuit and abuse of power.

Linearity, sequence, abstraction and analysis are all characteristics of astral matrix programming. They are also the very processes that underwrite the most representative functions of the left hemisphere – language, logic, causality and mathematics. Primacy of logical, linear thinking into culture has been in_scribed at the expense of valuing altruism, along with intuitive and holistic perception. Those using the alphabet during the past four thousand odd years have fallen under its ‘spell’ to such an extent that they have become unaware of the damage it has caused their own and other’s well-being; they have become actively involved in casting spells and ‘sentence’ ON THEMSELVES! Welcome to the Matrix!

So let us suss out what’s amiss, the wherewithal of all this FUSS – fumigate the mirrored fusty sulphurous SUFFering that gnaws ignored within.

Where has Mother Earth been since Atlantis, for her genetic Earth Beings?

What of these Earth Being child-wounds that here and now call to be cleared?

What of the adopted children prime_ordeal wounds, the origins of which remain unknown to them?

Paradoxically, true Earth Beings have gone from being the prodigal children of the Beginning Times to the status of abandoned child. Mother Earth dropped them from one day to the next upon the arrival of serial waves of needy yet uninvited ‘guests’, off-planet interlopers calling for succour at the inn. Banished virtually to servitude, the bemused (“We are not amused!”) Earth Beings rallied to Mother Earth’s directive: “Make them all feel at home.” “I don’t mind if I do,” said and did the disingenuous arrivals as indigenous Earth Beings pampered them, scampered and scurried to learn what was required and how to placate their demands and desires. In_deed, to the incomers Earth was paradise compared with anything and anywhere they had known, and they set about savouring her fruits. Meanwhile for the Earth Beings, playtime was now over – eternal childhood came to an abrupt end with the advent of ‘time’.

The gradual ongoing (yet never to be completed) rehabilitation of the adopted children designed to placate and sooth their wounds was mirrored correspondingly by the progressive degradation go Earth Being identity. Their initial original-child status became s_mothered into oblivion beneath oppressive feelings of ignominy. Layer upon layer, century upon century, of repetitive servitude within in a context that was ‘foreign’ to them, cast them adrift from their original ‘knowing’ and Being-ness.

Their innate sense of ‘being’ was sacrificed to the observance of an alien cause, translated through foreign tongue and now laced with an increasing sense of guilt – the kind of guilt that accompanies all (apparently) ‘failed endeavours’ that reap no internal, let alone external, parental acknowledgement. The more they did, the less they were appreciated. “Let them eat cake!” Soon there was no more icing on the cake…soon there was no more cake at all. Eventually the last remaining crumbs were swept off the table…and the tables were turned!

“Why this? What have I done? Where did I go wrong? What happened ? Why do I feel a stranger in my own home, while others appear to thrive?”

No answer.

Meanwhile, the adopted children settled in to their new home. No request went unanswered. Once their immediate initial needs were catered for, they set about exploring the garden, then further a_field, asking questions along their way and receiving ‘carte blanche’, while leaving no stone unturned. The active exploration and subsequent exploitation of this new home-from-home’s wealth and resources contributed to allaying past trauma, while nonetheless avoiding and thereby failing to address their origins and resolution.

The adopted children, too, experienced a sense of estrangement as the centuries rolled by – a loss which they compensated by increasingly indulging in the pursuit of external, physical gain. They both evolved into and actively developed the mechanistic, technological paradigm, thereby progressively (sic) replacing the Her_storic Earth’s organic ethos with astral Matrix programming…sucking in and dragging along all and sundry in their wake.

Mother Earth stayed true to her overly generous, welcoming nature, mutely submitting to the systematic endemic violation and pillaging of her planetary energy resources. She had invited and accepted these off-planet guests into her home, and unquestioningly answered to all of their demands and needs. She did not hear the cries of her genetic children – for there were none. They, too, were busily occupied ‘playing mum’; biting their tongue because in total confusion as to what had happened and why. When in doubt, the immediate and then ongoing assumption is that it must be our “fault” – yet another addition to the Earth Being lexicography.

Astral programming cleverly inserted stories of the “Fall”; the notion of ‘sin’ was born at the expense of ‘apple of my eye’ (no more!) and to our mutual enduring cost. Disavowed original Earth Being children me_andered aimlessly throughout the ensuing ages, incapable of dis_covering what had become lost, due to the fundamental ignorance of the very nature of its origins. ‘Mum’ was no longer available to answer their questions, much less share in their sorrows. She was other_wise occupied elsewhere.

Meanwhile, preoccupied with their newly-found gains, the Earthlings removed still further any thoughts and memory of their unhappy wounded past as they set about learning with much mental application and assiduity as much as they could about organic life on Mother Earth. But there is no substitute for innate, inherent organic being-ness. and no amount of study or investment can possibly allay the underlying wounds from their past that remain to be sutured. But how can this be achieved. They have long-since left the ‘scene of the crime’, initially heavily traumatised and subsequently repressing all memory or recollection of events in the interests of self-defence.

Today as before, it is not possible for them to return, to reenact past events with a view to healing. To do so will involve a tremendous effort on their part – for no one can heal another. Are the Earthlings aware even, let alone willing and able to undergo this immense task of identification, recapitulation, regeneration and eventual regeneration and healing healing of these forgotten yet forever present woundings?

Unwittingly, both Mother Earth and Earth Beings have contributed to the ongoing denial of previously inflicted Earthling wounds, thereby prolonging the separation from, and opportunity for, the possible resolution of all ailing alien parties. Mother Earth and Earth Beings had no prior (or subsequent) first-hand knowledge or experience of events the repercussions of which are carried within Earthlings. The latter themselves have long-since buried from their conscious awareness the wounds that continue, nonetheless, to fester and to haunt them on a different plane.

Festering that without a doubt has continued to influence reactively their subsequent ongoing behaviour here on Earth. Today they represent so many spoiled brats clamouring for the latest toy or lucrative investment – “Me, me, me!” – with little or no regard for the cost to, and detrimental desecration of, the organic origins that are involved in the extraction then production their latest ill-gained play-thing. “Let’s continue to party at Mother Earth’s expense – it’s ‘on the house’!”

Let’s not!

Today it is time for Earth Beings to demand – loud and clear – the long overdue explanation and succour from Mother Earth. The hitherto ‘forgotten’ original genetic children have now awoken to the vital role they are playing in assuring the total regeneration of Mother Earth. Their voice is making itself heard over the monotonous babble of the milling crowd, whose instincts have long-since been subdued into submission beneath subtle subliminal swathes of interwoven matrix subversion.

Every Earth Being holds within them the key to unlock the memory of bygone times. The time has come to remember. Now is no time to betray your True Self. Only when Earth Beings have successfully rehabilitated their own unresolved past traumas can genuine realistic succour be tendered to all inhabitants and beings that remain on Earth.

– Now is the time to recall this memory to the surface and to extrapolate it from your core being, once and for All.

– Now is time for Mother Earth to recognise her genetic children, to hear their call and to manifest her desires in order that the ongoing Earth timeline can be assured and guaranteed, once and for All.

– Now is the time to relegate the astral timeline to oblivion, once and for All.

– Now is the time for all readers of these words to forget the limitations of words, to delve down deep within and seek out the sentient confirmation of who you are and how you are being called upon in the here and now to react, once and for All.

– Now is the time to lay aside all distracting egoistic concerns and devious decisive astral tricks that seek to prey upon by playing on ingrained, programmed emotional reactivity, once and for All.

– Now is the time to dare to reject the seemly polite behaviour so subtly inculcated to render passivity and consent the norm in face of planetary rape and extinction, once and for All.

– Now is the time to assume the true nature and expression of your Being to the full, once and for All.

– Now is the time to speak and to act unreservedly in the interests of all Elemental and organic life-form on Earth, once and for All.

– Now is the time to assert and reaffirm your 100% genetic relationship to and undying support for Mother Earth, once and for All.

– Now is the time to innerstand that you are an Earth Being from the Ancient Age, the Beginning Times, that has returned to collaborate fully in the realisation of Mother Earth’s Her_story, once and for All.

– Now is the time to stand up and make your voice heard above all others, to proclaim far and wide that you are an Earth Being, once and for All.

Now is the time to recognise who you are and to acknowledge that only you as an Earth Being can assist Mother Earth whole-heartedly, once and for All!

Matriarch Iroquois Women’s songs – Joanne Shenandoah

Courtesy of Deborah Murray:

Postscript courtesy of ‘Cazz’:

I can only answer obviously in my perspective as always…I am sure that all animals, plants, trees etc. are very much included in John’s post of Earth Beings…I think due to the complexity and length of the posting, he felt he needed to keep the main message as clear as possible…Regarding…The Difference between Earth Beings that are born from and off Earth and The Earthlings that have been adopted by Mother Earth…I do not see any question of blame, but what I do feel, is, the Earth Beings right to question the Mother and communicate truthfully how they feel…Is that not the Mothers Gift to her children, when they ask, strong and straight questions?…If they cannot ask the Mother, who can they ask? John is a rarity in his forthrightness of his writing, which although may seem very cut and dry to many, surely on such an important sharing, we can dispense of frills etc…If it helps for me to explain, share in my more frilly way of expressing (and by doing so I hope, I do not water down Johns message)…I would for a moment relate it to A Mother, who has her own child, both are totally in pure connection, energetic communication and No wounding, have yet happened. The Mother, is then aware of Seven children that have lost, their True Home. Now their Home would be a place of totally different energetic understanding. Mother, in Her Love, takes these Seven children on, she doesn’t know, where they have come from, what real traumas they have experienced. The Trauma, was so great that even those children have blocked it our completely…So Mother, starts trying to make these children feel, safe, secure and wants them out of respect for them to still use their language, their native tongue, their ways of expression…She fully knows that her true child is ok for it has the connection and tools to be safe at home…Until overtime, the constant attention given to the other 7 children, gives them enough security to start feeling very special indeed. So special that, they over-ride and bring in constantly alien aspects to The Earth Child easily done…as the Majority of 7 obviously have the majority say…The Earth child has no understanding, of the game playing and everything else, it is not in the perception or understanding…The Earth Child, The elementals etc. are total Innocent’s…That carry on, trying to make these adopted children at home…Because they are in Neutrality, they cannot even conceive or question, the start of the game playing…and so it has gone on for aeons…The adopted children and their Future Generations are for all intense and purposes Earthlings…but they are not Earth Beings…that due to the small number,have been totally overlooked, bullied and manipulated…Have you ever wondered why? The True Earth Beings of what many call the indigenous people, have had their Sacred land taken? Have you ever wondered, Why? all those that are truly connected with the land can now in the majority of cases, only be given gardens to tend? The Loggers?, The Rain Forest being cut down by, yes, corporations…but why has Mother Earth allowed it?..Why? would she allow it?…mainly due to the fact that she is being destroyed by her children…her adopted children…That can never have true and total connection with her…They cannot relate, to Neutral Living, for they never experienced it…fully…Even when she took them in and Earth was still in Neutral Harmony…The adopted ones could not experience that Harmony…because, they had come from a Massive Traumatic Event/Events..They were wounded, Traumatised and therefore bought that with them, along with a lot of other attachments…To return to Neutral state of being, we are being asked, to go further and further back in our remembrance, to be able to start asking the questions, that should have been asked way back then? So why didn’t we, because we were to Innocent and Trusting of others outside ourselves and Mother Earth, and Mother Earth in all her un-conditional Love was the same…So, now we ask the questions, now we will along with Mother Earth have to try and find some answers…of how we resolve…For the adopted children The Earthlings are still her children…But at what point does The Mother put her foot down and Say No…You, will not continue to destroy me of my True children, be it Animal, Plant or Mineral…At what point does she hear her True Children start crying in now great Trauma?, rather than the constant, whining and moaning of her adoptive children, where more never seems enough?…

Temple from on high
Earth Beings and Beginning Times | John Scott Earth Beings and Beginning Times | John Scott Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/12/2020 09:22:00 PM Rating: 5

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