Now is the Time to Awaken your I AM | Serapis Bey via Linda Dillon

By Sitara, May 26, 2020

You have been using this time of retreat wisely, and sometimes not so wisely… It has been the Mother’s time out for each of you, and certainly, for her beloved Gaia…

Linda Dillon: Serapis Bey is often thought of as the Great Disciplinarian, but he is also the Keeper of the Ascension Temple in Luxor. And certainly, we’ve done a lot of work with him in terms of that ascension work and work within the Ascension Temple. And so, he asked that we say this prayer this morning as the energies are shifting… so, let’s go.

Serapis Bey’s Ascension Prayer:

In the name of the Christ, my own real self, I call to the heart of the mighty I AM, to the Angel of Presence, to beloved Archangel Michael, Quan Yin, and the Maha Chohan to take me to the etheric retreat of Serapis Bey at Luxor.

According to the will of my holy Christ self and the direction of the Maha Chohan, I ask to receive the initiation of the Ascension Temple, especially as it pertains to harmonizing with the difficult people, and the difficult situations in my life.

And we call forth the victory of the Ascension Flame within my sacred temple of my I AM.

I want you to feel as if you’re going through that pinprick of light in the portal of your heart, of your sacred tri-flame, into your inner temple of your I AM. And take a moment as you enter this magnificent temple, which perhaps is a reflection or replica of the Temple at Luxor, or maybe it’s just your temple… and breathe that White Light Flame of purity, of beauty, and grace.

Open your crown and feel these white flames, like the Pentecostal Flame, like the gift of the Holy Spirit, the White Flame of Purity, coming down through your crown filling your head, your pineal, your pituitary, your hypothalamus… let’s really expand. Down. Make sure you get your occipitals, where you open your mouth of God, down through your throat, through your clavicle, and into your sacred temple of your I AM.

And feel… deeper… that energy, that energy of purity, cleaning out any cobwebs, any hidden dark corners. This white light isn’t blinding but it illuminates everything. And so, if there are difficult people, or difficult situations, or difficulty with some part of yourself, bring this flame of beauty and purity… which is a reflection of who you are… bring it to that and let it show you truly the beauty of who you are.

Now, let’s bring that white flame down through your halion, through your solar plexus, your umbilical, and if there are any issues that need cleansing, any addictions, let this white flame spiral it out, spiral it back to the Mother, the Father, the One, to The I AM, down into your sacral, into your tummy, into your pubic, into your root. Now, bring it back up into your heart.

All the masters work with the I AM, and if you aren’t, if you aren’t not working with your I AM, and The I AM, commit to yourself now to do so, as the master of your life seeking the clearest, the most beautiful, the most sacred pathway home.

I want you to go deeper into your heart… this temple is massive. And I want you to find your throne, and for some of you it may be gold, and silver, and covered in glistening stones. For others, it’s a bench under a tree, an antique rocker. Find your throne and take a seat. Bring all your energy and all your attention to this white flame, residing, flickering, glowing, in your heart.

And let it expand… more… and as it expands feel it engulfing, not only your heart, not only your throne but your entire self. Feel it encircling and enclosing your I AM. More… Let it grow to a towering inferno of the most beautiful blaze you’ve ever seen.

And feel it coming up through your high heart, and your throat, and your head, up through your crown. Claim your divinity. Claim your divine authority. Claim and anchor your I AM… now!


Greetings, I AM Serapis Bey. And yes, I will assist to clear out the nooks and crannies, the crevices, the canyons… the canyons of doubt, of self-denial, and yes beloved, even defeat… because there can be no defeat.

I welcome you here this day. And yes, as always I will speak of discipline, but I will also speak to you… heart to heart, brother to brother, brother to sister, brother to One… to awaken your I AM, because now is the time.

You have been using this time of retreat wisely, and sometimes not so wisely. Yes, the one thing I always look for is consistency, and I would think that you would want to do that as well. I am not here to chastise, I am only here to love, to elevate you, and to show you, to remind you of your purity, of your beauty, of your balance within your sacred self of the Alpha/Omega, of the truth of who you are.

Yes, this pause, this retreat, has been the Mother’s time out for each of you, and certainly, for her beloved Gaia. And to bring to the forefront, not what’s missing but what is truly there… buried sometimes, not only within your heart but within yourselves, within your dreams, within your desires, and within your actions.

There is a massive difference, beloveds, between stillness and Stillpoint, and I remind you that the process of creating this Nova Earth has not changed… and that you bring it to the Stillpoint of your being and The Being, of your I AM and The I AM. And then you expel so that you may bring forth upon this glorious planet the rebirth of love, the rebirth of beauty, of purity, because, in truth, the purity of Gaia is beyond question.

And yes, the human beings have sullied her, and dirtied her, and defiled her… and still her flame of beauty, of purity, shines brightly to remind you, not only of what is possible but of who you are.
As you are resurrecting, as you are being reborn, I wish to speak to you of discipline, not in the way of being harsh with your sweet self, but in the way of taking care of your beloved sweet self. Have you developed, are you sticking to, are you practicing taking care of you? Yes, of your vessel, of this beautiful physical form that the Mother, and we, and you have not only chosen but that has been entrusted to you. It is unique, it is unique in all creation… and that is pretty big.

This form that you have taken will never be repeated. Oh, you will claim and continue on with certain traits and qualities, but this you, at this conjunction in the Mother’s Infinite Ocean of Time, this time of rebirth, of complete redefinition of what it means to be Gaian, is upon you.

And so, if you are not being disciplined with your sacred self, and I do mean routine, I do mean gentle kindness, accepting, inhabiting, polishing, the purity and the beauty of who you are, then I ask you, sweet ones, you who speak of ascension daily, what are you waiting for?

I guide you, I invite you, we all do, but we cannot and will not do it for you. We have far too much respect, honoring, and knowing of what you can do, of what not only your potential is but your literal ability to bring forth this new dimensional reality… which, in truth, is the original dimensional reality.

I love, love when you come to visit me in our temple at Luxor. I welcome you, not as arrant child, but as beloved friend and colleague. But now I say to you, “Build your temple within. Build your temple, your physical being. Build your temples in your communities. Build them in your Cities of Light. Build them in the quiet places of deep serenity. And build them in the middle of the busiest cities and then invite everybody, not merely those that you feel akin to, that you feel simpatico, on the same page, the same path… those people will be there regardless. Invite those you don’t know. Invite those that challenge you. Invite those you don’t like because they, also, are your brothers and sisters.”

There is no room for hatred or greed, there never has been. You are the wayshowers and it matters not whether you are keeper of the gate, or portal, or somewhere in-between, because my beloved friends, it is time for all to come into the temple of the Mother/Father/One, of Gaia, and of your sweet self.

If you wish… and I hope you do… I will be the welcome committee. I will show you, I will help you to regularize… that is the discipline… it is the regulation of your actions, of your thoughts, of your being. Yes, this is about the destruction of ego, in so far as it can be distracting, and believing that it is, in fact, in charge.

But never do we seek to destroy your unique qualities of self. When you come forth into the balance, into the purity of your being, that is when we truly celebrate. That is when you fully claim what has already happened… which is your ascension!

So, turn to me, invite me as I invite you. Let us walk together yet again in the gardens of beauty, and drink from the fountains of purity. Go with my love and go in the deepest peace. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

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Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Now is the Time to Awaken your I AM | Serapis Bey via Linda Dillon Now is the Time to Awaken your I AM | Serapis Bey via Linda Dillon Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/27/2020 01:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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