Completing the Past and Working Together as a World | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 14, 2020

Gosh, the alternative press is getting so partisan and positional that it’s hard to separate the news from the vitriol.

That doesn’t bode well for us as lightworkers.

There is an undisclosed war going on, between the Alliance and the cabal. But it isn’t simply another war where the strongest wins. This isn’t such a visitation of vengeance (the Punisher) that “the enemy” will never rise/attack us/enjoy life again.

It’s being done legally and probably with as much restraint as is advisable and possible.

We’re witnessing a change of planetary management and a rescue of the victims of the last administration, if still alive.

I don’t know what to do about it. There’s a need to track what’s happening, for sure. Videos aplenty are coming out on pedophilia, child sacrifice, sexual harrassment and assault, the creation of bioweapons, pandemics, toxic vaccines, more than I can possibly watch in a day.

It’s a most unusual form of journalism – not to produce, that is. Producing videos is fairly cheap and easy but it’s revolutionary in its impact. However, reporting it is time consuming – there aren’t enough hours in the day to watch all the videos that deserve watching. Reporting has become more difficult by an order of magnitude.


It doesn’t have to be a war, but the Illuminati won’t seem to loosen their grip otherwise. Alliance troops are taking them down, as we speak. Some on both sides are getting killed so this is not a matter for an online meme war.

This is a second American Revolution and the troops fighting for the world’s people are the Minutemen. They’re rescuing children who’ve been kept in cages, sexually abused, and can look forward to being sacrificed in the most gruesome way to extract adrenochrome.

This isn’t a pretend exercise or a small affair. This is to the world what the first American Revolution was to the nascent United States. So it does need to be reported, but not from a polarized, positional viewpoint.

Our reporting needs to be neutral, factual, descriptive. It was at one time in our history, I believe. It needs to be so again.

The cabal appears to be on its last legs and yet their attempts to make money from a situation seem never to cease. Congressional bills that will probably transfer trillions of dollars to their associates; the appointment of recovery commissions staffed by billionaires. The theft of public funds seems destined to continue, to be followed, I fear, by an attempt to microchip us, which won’t succeed.

We’ve only talked here about the Alliance’s work in creating a change of planetary management and the cabal’s reactions to their pressure. In the unseen world, however, the energies are rising and (1) contribute to the cabal’s discomfiture and (2) guarantee that at some point they’ll have to surrender to the Ascension energies or leave the planet. And that will be a natural and irresistible, rather than a human and negotiable, set of circumstances.


What a quandary we face. This situation is so complex, how are we to get through it as a world without creating fresh problems for ourselves?

Well, if we love our world and seriously want to look at the matter, let me take a crack at it.

First we have to enact a plan similar to my Six Point Program. (See 1)

We have to ensure that the world’s population is in a place where, thinking of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, they are ready, willing, and able to listen. And that requires having survival needs taken care of.

We’re already speaking – online. But the truths to be revealed in the not too distant future will, much more importantly, require us to listen.

Next, we have to draw a line. The attack/revenge cycle has to end. It has two characteristics: (1) it leaves us in misery and (2) it never ends. It’s killing us as a planet. There’s no more excuse for revenge after the agreed-upon moment in time.

Then we need to sit down and negotiate whatever international issues remain. We refuse to create more misery in our lives. Issues from now on must be peaceably settled.

Then we need to have regional and international truth and reconciliation commissions, where all is heard and, if warranted, the parties decide on what would be fair compensation.

Then we need to bury the hatchet.

There will be many versions of what I just wrote. Whatever version is chosen, these are the general contours of the process I believe we’ll have to go through as a world. Our aim would be to complete the past and be able to work together again as a world, for the common good.


(1) The Six Point Program

One, universal basic income covering all normal living expenses for every person living in that country, lesser for young children (under twelve). Everyone has their basic expenses in life covered and can choose to work on top of that.

Two, universal medicare. Public health of excellent standards available to all people living in that country, without distinction. Free medicare, pharmacare, and dental care.

Three, universal accessibility to all levels of gender-equal education for all people living in that country.

Fourth, universal elder care, child care, and single-mother care.

Fifth, the elimination of personal debt.

Sixth, the elimination of the national debt. (“The Big Change – Part 1,” May 8, 2020, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Completing the Past and Working Together as a World | Steve Beckow Completing the Past and Working Together as a World | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/14/2020 10:27:00 PM Rating: 5

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