A Great Place to Be | Heavenletters
MAY 16 2020
God said:
It is true that the weather affects you. Everything affects you. And you affect everything too. Nothing happens in isolation. No one weeps alone, and no one laughs alone. You can be affected on the surface level and be aware or unaware, and yet you are affected just the same. On the silent levels, it is a certainty that you are affected by every nuance of the world.
Not only that, beloveds, you, too, affect every nuance in the world, including the weather. Whatever climate you live in, you have an influence on the weather. In life, without awareness of it, you may be doing your own rain dances or sun dances, mood elevating or mood lowering dances, loneliness dances or any of the world dances you dance when, all along, very likely unbeknownst to you, you do not dance alone. You dance in a chorus of dancers, and every dance step of yours bounces off the rafters.
If only everyone knew the extent of their lives and how they contribute, what a difference there would be! If everyone knew the power they have and believed in the range they affect, everyone would be more considerate of everyone else. If you really knew this, you would remember that every word and deed and feeling of yours reverberates everywhere and affects everyone and everything in its wake. Remembering this, you would put your shoulders back. You would not feel burdened, yet you would have a greater sense of responsibility and love for your fellow man. You would be happier and feel lighter knowing the blessing you are to the world.
Knowing all this, it might be that your whole demeanor would change. It’s not exactly that you would be on stage (though, of course, you are always on the stage of life) yet you would know that every step of yours reaches others. Knowing this, you would take more care about setting an example. You would no longer think about your life as only for you. You would know that you are a shared Being. You would really understand what it means to say that every man is your brother. You would know that you breathe and live in every man, and every man lives and breathes in you. Like the conductor of an orchestra, you would grasp that you are a conductor of people, and that the music you play is a concert of the world.
For what does a conductor do? He conducts. He leads. You are already a conductor of life. In the orchestra, many instruments play many notes, and the conductor plays an instrument of his consciousness that makes a difference to the interplay of each musician and to the wholeness of the music they play. We can say that the conductor affects the weather of the music, so to speak.
An orchestra leader has a great sense of purpose. His intention is clear, and that is to make beautiful music. An orchestra leader’s intention and practice make a difference to the music, or there would not be orchestra leaders.
You already know how much someone can affect your mood. You may have one teacher in school who makes your heart sing, and another who dampens your heart. Your own mother may contribute to your great happiness one day, and then on another day, when she has allowed a dark mood to overtake her, she dims your day.
I am not telling you anything new, beloveds. I am telling you the monumental lengths to which everyone affects everyone else in the world and, so, affect the world itself. And now, beloveds, make this world a great place to be.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
A Great Place to be | Heavenletters #3112
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/16/2020 10:43:00 PM