The Luminous Heart
By Laura McEvoy on Monday March 16th, 2020
Staying Open as Everything is Closing
It is a dark time but there are ways to shine our light. Fear and isolation may cause us to close down as our life styles drastically change and normal activities are ceased. By opening the heart we expand rather than contract. We can choose to use this time to create a space for grace. Here are a few heart opening ideas:
Connect with nature and enjoy the gifts of Spring.
Mediate to clear the mind of thoughts that don’t serve you well.
Help your neighbors, with shopping or babysitting.
Reach out by phone or social media to family and friends.
Create something new – write, paint, plant, bake, sew, dance.
Donate to social service agencies helping those currently in need.
Practice gratitude and inventory your blessings.
Have hope in the face of change.
Appreciate downtime – relax, play a game, take a walk, read a book, write a letter, take a bath.
Stay present. The past is over, the future is a mystery and the present is peace.
The Luminous Heart
There is a heart beyond all wounding
… the luminous heart
Receptive to nature’s innate restorative force
There is a heart beyond all darkness
… the luminous heart
Birthed of glimmering galactic stars
There is a heart beyond all betrayal
… the luminous heart
Pulsating with divine connectivity
There is a heart beyond hurt and grief
… the luminous heart
Open to joy and pure bliss
Each of us is a luminous being born of a luminous and loving creator. The universal force of love and light enables us to rise above earthly matters.
Source of all love, open our hearts and give us the courage to be vulnerable.
Let us offer our collective open-heart energy to our divine source. Help us to honor this gift by sharing it with one another. Together we pulsate in sync with the cosmic energy of love that penetrates all life. We are one, bound in love and light. We give thanks for the luminous heart.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Luminous Heart | Laura McEvoy
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/20/2020 10:01:00 PM