Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear One, when you look around in nature, you will notice that the trees, plants, flowers and so on are constantly growing...
When you look at animal and human babies, they are growing.
Besides the physical things, such as food and water that are part of the growth process, there is the unseen life force that causes the growth of all life:
It is the substance of Source/God that is the life force that is flowing through every human, animal and plant.
The baby, animal or the plant doesn't have to say consciously "Please make me grow!"
They all simply do.
It is the Source/God substance that is continuously growing all life.
It is effortless...
This Source/God substance is helping you to grow beyond just your physical form.
It is helping you to grow your reality, depending on what you are focusing on and engaging with.
With your thoughts, beliefs and focus you are qualifying (well being) or mis-qualifying (negative experiences) the substance of Source.
You have free will to choose how you are using the substance of Source that creates your world and reality.
You can choose to open the faucet to all good things in your life, as long as your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and actions don't disagree with the well being of Source/God.
As you go throughout your day, begin to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.
Do they agree or disagree with the flow of well being of Source/God?
You might say "But, what if I see unpleasant things in my world?"
To this we say:
"Stop focusing and engaging with it and bring your full attention to the well being of your inner world.
Connect with the Source within you.
Then, look for and find things of well being in your world.
This will open the faucet to the pure substance of Source and wellbeing again and will create more of it in your reality.
Your world and reality is responding to your focus and attention."
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Archangel Michael via Asara Adams | March 14, 2020
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/14/2020 07:04:00 PM