Saturday, February 15, 2020

Though I Walk in the Valley | The Angels via Ann Albers

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/15/2020

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Not a single soul has more power over you than you do. Your feelings are your feelings. Your vibration is your vibration. Your spirit is yours and yours alone, and it has power and dominion over your body, your vibration,and therefore over the external circumstances that affect you in your outer life.

If you remain connected to the Divine then, truly “although you walk in the valley of shadow of death you will fear no evil," for evil is an illusion. All is love. Evil is that which forgets its true nature. Evil is the ax that chops off an arm rather than renders the fallen tree fuel for the fire. Evil is the atomic energy, intended to power cities, that is used instead for the bomb that destroys lives. Evil is the person who is so wounded they feel it OK to hurt you... but are these things and these souls really evil dear ones? Not in our eyes. Never in our eyes. They have simply been misused. They have simply forgotten their light.

Regardless of the world and those around you, if you could remain steadfast in your light, you could walk with bombs going off around you and remain unscathed. In complete connection with the Divine, you could hug someone with a highly contagious disease without fear of contracting the very same. We certainly don’t advocate doing these things while you are still seeking to reconnect with your essential self. You are not yet ready, for when you have even a tinge of fear or doubt in the light and power of the Divine, you allow these things to enter your vibration. You allow yourselves to be affected by them.

There is nonetheless, a deeper truth. Nothing, no one – no virus, no scoundrel, no ex-spouse, no parent, no boss, no murderer – has more power over you than your Light when you are in connection with the Divine.

Your light, God's light, is millions of times more powerful than any darkness, than any who forget or are misused. Your light illuminates a singular truth. Evil is an illusion. There is only light that remembers, and light that forgets.

The light and love within you want to connect only with the light and love in your outer world. It has no desire to connect with their darkness. It desires only to shine through their darkness until they too can see their own light.

This love within you wants to shine upon the illusions of the world, and say, “I see you! I see the true nature of your soul. Even if you are lost in illusion and darkness, I know who you really are. I am the light, and love, and health, and wealth, and happiness, and harmony, and unity – the field of infinite potential that lives in all and breathes as One in all! I exist beneath your illness, your pains, and your suffering, waiting to arise and dissolve them in the light of my love! I am One with the light beneath all sadness, all anger, all upset, all jealousy. I see beneath illusion. I connect only with your light.”

And so, dear friends the more you strive to embrace yourself with love, and the more you try to see the light emerging in even the darkest situations, the more you will feel the love, the light, and the Presence of the Divine within you. Likewise, the more you will see it in all creation.

The more you find time in silence to connect to the vast, expansive nature of your true being, the more you will remain untroubled by your challenges, by the world, by others, and by the situations around you. Even the thoughts within you that try to dislodge you from your joy will dissolve into greater truth.

As a tree rooted in the earth and reaching to the heavens remains steady in the storm, so too, you – rooted in love – will weather the storms of life with a steady and abiding faith. You will at first imagine, then you will come to believe, and at long last you will simply know and experience the goodness and love that exist beneath all illusions of darkness, pain, and suffering.

Don’t fear the world, dear ones. Don't fear the politicians, the viruses, the wars, the crimes, the anger and hatred. Pray for them. Send it/them your light. Refuse to believe that darkness has any true power. Witness, with your inner sight and imagination, the light attempting to rise up within all things and all beings. Keep your own vibration in a higher space so you can ripple your joy, your love, your peace into the very vibrational fabric of humanity.

With practice, light is all that you will experience. You will witness the darkness, but you will know, feel, and live within a deeper truth. All is One. All is Love. All pain, suffering, and darkness are only illusions that you, or others, could be anything less.

Though you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Source: Visions of Heaven
