Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Truth Shall Set us Free | Kat

The Truth Shall Set Us Free

February 10, 2020
by Kat

Photo: Archangel Michael by Raphael, 1518

“I believe that unarmed truth
and unconditional love
will have the final word.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

To be honest, I woke up this morning annoyed with “waiting.”

In 20th Century parlance, someone would say to me, “You woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

That’s one way to describe grumpiness. But I feel more than grumpy. I’m absolutely utterly fed up.

Exasperation happens to the best of us on this extraordinary path of light. As well as impatience.

For instance, over the decades, I’ve read similar language in many channeled posts or blogs:

— “Oh, the changes that are coming are so wonderful.”

— “Big revelations are coming.”

— “Most people will be shocked by the Truth.”

— “Be patient. Not too much longer now. Soon.”

— “Much is happening ‘behind the scenes.’”

— “Fasten your seat belts, get out the popcorn, and get ready for a Big Week!” (Then the week comes and goes without event.)

I would like to address those points.

Bring it on! Let’s go!

Humanity has slogged through Power over Others, Perpetual War, Torture and Depravities of unspeakable description, the Slaughter of trillions of Humans and trillions of Animals, the near total destruction of our blessed planet Gaia and her Kingdoms —

Jealousy, Selfishness, Theft, Repression, Slavery, Poverty, Homelessness, Joblessness, Denial of basic Human rights, Disease, Virus, Addiction, Filth, Pollution, Manufactured Weather turned into weapons, Mind Control, short life spans, Death/Rebirth —

As well as deception from all quarters: Governments, Secret Space Programs, Militaries, Spy Networks, ET’s, Religions, Corporate and Technology giants, Banks, Businesses, Stock Market, Taxes, Agriculture, Medicine, Science, Education, the Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Mainstream Media, New Age Media—and on.

Homo sapiens are one tough species, baby. We’re still here after all that abuse.

Gaia and her Kingdoms are still here after all the horrors heaped upon her to the frightening point of her very real near total extinction.

So, let me get this straight, various channeled Beings don’t think we can HANDLE the TRUTH?!?!

With respect, my not so very calm answer to that is: BRING IT ON!! Reveal away!!

Believe me. Humanity can handle Truth—the Truth will be a relief.

EVERYONE, whether they’ve even heard of a “New Age,” can now feel in their gut that the world ain’t what it has long seemed. The cabal delusion is disintegrating, causing global chaos.

Whenever I read “The Big Event” is coming, I say, again, with respect, bring it on! Let it rip.

We are ready. We can handle the Truth. We need to know the TRUTH.

“You will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”

~ John 8: 32, (NET)

In a recent blog written by ‘Rinus Verhagen’ titled “Cabal Matrix Explanation for Dummies,” a suggested cabal playbook was outlined. (1)

It brought to mind what I have always believed was the EXACT cabal playbook, described by one of the most effective leaders of delusion, Joseph Goebbels:

“If you tell a lie big enough
and keep repeating it,
people will eventually come to believe it.
The lie can be maintained only for such time
as the State can shield the people from the political,
economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the State
to use all of its powers to repress dissent,
for the truth
is the mortal enemy of the lie,
and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

~ Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, 1933-1945

So wouldn’t revealing the truth be game over for the cabal?

Goebbels reminds me of the carnie-actor pretending to be a wizard, in The Wizard of Oz.

The con artist was attempting to delude Dorothy, Lion, Tinman and Scarecrow into believing he was a powerful wizard by scaring them with loud claps of recorded thunder, a megaphone and holograms, when in fact, he was a Carnival trickster hiding behind a curtain.

Isn’t it time to lift the curtain on the cabal charlatans? Won’t that hasten the New Age?

Won’t the Truth implement the beautiful changes we have long prayed for? Peace on Earth and a tsunami of abundance for all via the Revaluation of Currencies, The Global Currency Reset and GESARA? Just those few changes will shift Gaia and all life so happily. (2)

Who / how / or what / is to be the dispenser of TRUTH on Gaia I don’t know. But I ask, please, to whomever or whatever can give the downbeat on revealing the TRUTH finally—let’s go!

A-one, and a-two and a-three.

(Told ya I was grumpy.)

xo, Kat


(1) https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/02/rinus-verhagen-cabal-matrix-explanation.html

(2) GESARA, at http://www.blissfulvisions.com/articles/GESARA-NESARA.html

Source: Golden Age of Gaia