Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Power of Prayers for Australia | Kat

The Power of Prayers for Australia

February 8, 2020
by Kat

Photo: Kangaroo in the rain by Barry Kearney

“Our prayers may be awkward.
Our attempts may be feeble.
But since the power of prayer
is in the One who hears it
and not in the one who says it,
our prayers do make a difference.”

~ Max Lucado, author and pastor

To all those who have been unceasingly praying for rain for Australia, you’re doing a great job because your prayers have been answered.

Heavy rains depleted the number of active fires by almost one third in one day, according to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service. (1.)

Heavy rain is continuing to pelt Australia as of this writing.

“By Friday, February 7th, there were no bushfires burning in NSW at the most dangerous emergency or “watch and act” levels — a situation virtually unseen in almost half a year.

Beleaguered volunteer firefighters who have fought the blazes day-in-day-out declared themselves “over the moon” at the rain.” (2)

Please keep those prayers coming so rain will keep pouring and Goddess willing, douse the deadly fires completely.

In a reading with Archangel Michael, Steve Beckow reported that, indeed, Lightworker’s prayers ARE helping Australia:

Steve: Have our mass meditations significantly impacted the collective consciousness?

AAM: Absolutely!

Steve: Do you want to say little bit more on that?

AAM: It is the coming together in heart and mind and spirit, unselfishly, because these actions have not been, by and large, motivated by individual wants or needs. So it is the unselfish coming together for the highest good, not only of these poor kingdoms, the animals, and the planet herself, the trees, the grass, the air which has been severely damaged, to come together to heal.

So what it has done – these many collective meditations – is not simply to demonstrate the power of heart intelligence but the power to result in tangible measurable ways how the collective can shift the direction of anything, not just fire but in anything.

Steve: So you are saying that the rains were a result of the various collective meditations?

AAM: That is correct

Steve: Oh, wow, isn’t that spectacular! (3.)

In other news:

It’s all hands on deck for the rescued Animals.

Three koalas were named for the three American firefighters who died in an air-tanker crash last week.

“Ian, Paul and Rick are resting at a temporary ‘5-star koala hotel’ on the Australian National University’s campus in Canaberra.” (4.)

More than 1.25 BILLION mammals, birds and reptiles have died in the New South Wales fires. And that could be a conservative estimate. That number does not include platypuses, bats, insects or frogs. (5.)

Just when you feel helpless to do anything about this devastation, it takes a little child to show the way.

6-year-old kindergartner, Owen Colley, from Hingham, Massachusetts, has raised more than $100,000 for victims of the Australia fires by making clay koalas. (6.)

“I want them to know more about Australia and I want them to know more about what animals are in Australia,” Owen said.

Enclose a list of places below where you can donate to help the Animals in Australia. (7.)

xo, Kat


(1.) Australia is Getting some Desperately Needed Rain, cnn February 6, 2020, at and

(2.) Rains ‘breaking the back’ of Australia bushfire crisis, February 7, 2020, at

(3.) Archangel Michael on the Impact of Collective Meditations on the Australian Bushfires, Golden Age of Gaia, January 25, 2020, at

(4.) Rescued koalas named for fallen American firefighters cnn January 31, 2020, at

(5.) Have more than a billion animals perished nationwide this bushfire season? Here are the facts RMIT ABC Fact Check, February 3, 2020, at

(6.) A 6-year-old is making clay koalas to raise money for the Australian fires. Cnn January 16, 2020, at

As Devastating Fires Are Raging In Australia, Here Are 24 Pics Of Animals Being Saved

(7.) How to help wildlife during Australia’s bushfire crisis, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia