Thursday, February 6, 2020

Slow and Gradual is Not Sexy | Steve Beckow

Slow and Gradual is Not Sexy

February 5, 2020
by Steve Beckow

Tortoise and the hare: slow and gradual is not sexy Credit:

Some of us lightworkers have a tendency to focus on and wait for what we see as the game-changers – “the Event” is a wonderful example. (1) We’re all waiting for “the Event.” It’ll change everything.

A second example would be the Reval. Or Disclosure. Or Ascension itself. Each of these is a game-changer.

Focusing on big events like these is glamorous. They’re easy to grasp. We enjoy discussing them with our online friends.

Speculating on their nearness gives us a shot of hope (some would say hopium).

But what I’m starting to see is that the spiritual process I’m involved in is actually a composite.

One part of it includes those welcome, sudden, and unpredictable experiences, to be sure. Perhaps even a big event occurs – Ascension happens, or the Reval is announced, or the galactics reveal themselves.

The second part is the long, slow, gradual work up to the event and the long, slow integration of it afterwards, once the cheering dies down.

Let’s say the process is 19 parts slow and gradual and one part quick and sudden. It’d be as if monks meditated for 19 years to have a brief experience of enlightenment in the 20th year. (And maybe they do.) An awful long part of our lives are spent in the slow and gradual.

The quick and sudden can look after itself. The archangels and the Mother are watching over everyone’s enlightenment process, I’m quite sure. They bestow experiences when conditions are right, to the best of my knowledge.

I’m really more concerned with the slow and gradual.

I haven’t paid a lot of attention to navigating this part of things. I’ve been hooked on waiting for the big events.

Let’s face it. We signed on for however long it takes for this planet to be on the other side of Ascension.

But there seems to be still more to go – or so I imagine – before the big event is triggered. And that more to go may very well be slow and gradual.

And the slow and gradual is not sexy, not trendy.

If we’re hungry for experience, we don’t have to wait for full Ascension. There are enlightenment experiences at the fourth, sixth, and seventh chakras, short of Ascension, which would rock us, the more so if they were global.

A fourth-chakra planetary heart opening, though temporary, would be revolutionary. It’d reveal to us who we are to each other. Again we cannot imagine how we’ll then feel. Or at least I couldn’t.

Slow and gradual is not an attention-grabber. How does one stay alive, challenged, and happy when life promises to go at this pace for the foreseeable future?

In fact, when going at this pace is an ongoing fact of life, before and even after the big and uplifting events we’re anticipating? (2) How do we cope with the ordinary when we’re anticipating the extraordinary?

My life has always been a workshop, as I said earlier, so I will always “push my edge” (go deeper). Wherever there’s more to go internally, I’m eager to start in.

And the process of increasing awareness goes on forever, independent of circumstances. It emphasizes life in the present moment, which is where what we’re looking for resides. That’d be my way of engaging with the slow and gradual – remain aware and go deeper.


(1) The Divine Mother tells us that “the Event” is not one but many events:

“The Event is a tsunami of love [i.e., a heart opening], but it is not a singular event. This has been in preparation and this preparation did not simply begin with my gift of clarity.” (The Divine Mother in “Clarity, Purity, and Love: The Basic Spiritual Movement Restated,” at

Archangel Michael makes the same point:

“Often we have said to thee, in reference to what many have termed ‘the Event’ that it would be a series of events and these events, whether they have been acknowledged or recognized doesn’t matter, have been occurring over the past several years.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016.)

Archangel Michael agrees that one of the events can be called a planetary heart opening:

Steve: is the Heart Opening what Blossom Goodchild’s sources are specifically talking about when they use the words, “the Event”?

AAM: There are slight variations on the theme but, yes, it is very similar. It is the heart opening, yes. (Ibid., March 28, 2018.)

(2) I used to calculate that I worked ten years for every spiritual experience or taste of heaven, of whatever duration. And I was quite happy and satisfied doing so.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia