Sunday, February 16, 2020

Love is Both Powerful and Gentle | Jesus via John Smallman

Love is both powerful and gentle.

February 15, 2020

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday February 15th

Humanity’s awakening process, as you keep hearing from many sources, is moving forward rapidly and most effectively. More and more people, who have so far been totally engrossed in the seeming reality of their lives in form as humans, are beginning to become aware that they are far more than their bodily experiences would suggest, and are now very actively seeking knowledge about life after death, and about their spiritual heritage. This vast increase in interest and awareness is partly because all in human form at this moment chose to be here to take part in and assist with the awakening process, and partly because it is only now that they are beginning to sense – i.e. remember – that life has a much deeper meaning than focusing only on life as a human in form can provide.

Truly, humanity is awakening, and signs of this can be seen all over the world as ever more groups are forming with the intent to bring to people’s awareness now the earnest and heartfelt need to make essential changes in the way humanity engages with itself, and with the worldly environment which supports it and makes life as a human possible. Change is the one constant in the life of form that you are presently experiencing, and each one of you personally influences the changes that occur, so make a point of becoming aware of how you, personally, influence the changes occurring in the world around you.

Before you incarnated for this lifetime you set the intent to remember the life purpose that you had planned before incarnating at the moment that would be most appropriate for you to fully engage with it. A sense of this purpose is now arising, just as planned, and you are feeling yourselves moved to engage with life in a more loving and compassionate fashion in order to do the work that only you can do. As you move forward your awareness and understanding of your unique spiritual assignment will become increasingly clear, enabling you to let go of any doubts or sense of inadequacy that may attempt to persuade you that you are not qualified for the tasks that you have set yourselves.

Remember you are never alone, and that assistance is always available from your support team in the spiritual realms if you will only call on them. However, many of you feel unheard and unanswered when you do call on them, and this is because often you only call when you are feeling desperate or overwhelmed, and when you feel like that your minds tend to be in a constant state of uproar as your egos go into panic mode, and the clamor of your thoughts drowns out the gentle guidance that you are being offered. Frequently your sense of overwhelm is caused by events over which you have no control, which leaves you feeling helpless and inadequate. However, that is not the case, you are neither helpless nor inadequate, you just need to focus on what you can do in a situation, as opposed to focusing on what your egos keep telling you needs to be done, and which it seems you cannot do. Each one of you is capable of making an enormous difference in the world when you just set and maintain the intent to be only loving whatever arises.

Love is both powerful and gentle. You do not have to take violent physical action to correct situations that are causing trouble, and history makes it clear that this has never worked. Gentle persuasion, offered lovingly and without judgment or condemnation, is extremely effective, and there are very few among you who have not experienced this personally, or at least seen others effectively dealing very successfully with issues in this manner. You have enormous power when you engage lovingly with life, and before you incarnated, knowing this, you did set the intent to be loving whatever arose. Now is the time for you to put that plan into effect.

One most effective ways in which you can open your awareness more fully, so that you can receive or access the information you need to complete your awakening assignment, is to allow yourselves to trust that all is divinely taken care of, and to realize that all you need do is to flow freely with the energies of the Tsunami of Love which have enfolded the planet to guide her forward. All is moving forward perfectly toward your awakening, so just let go of the doubts and anxieties relating to the news of conflicts, epidemics, and political chaos on which the media of every nature is constantly focusing its and your attention. Yes, there is much going on that needs to be dealt with, and so major changes are being planned and considered so that humanity can move forward humanely and compassionately into the new era that will lead to an end to conflict. The realization is becoming apparent to increasing numbers of people that conflict is a totally inadequate and ineffective way in which to attempt to resolve any kind of disagreement, either on an individual scale or on an international one.

Conflict has never served humanity except to demonstrate how utterly inadequate engaging with it is if you really wish to resolve issues and problems. Frequently, over the eons, people who have allowed their egos to control and direct their thoughts, words, and actions have enjoyed punishing and destroying those they have considered to be wrong, and therefore their enemies. Nevertheless, those same people have also suffered enormously due to their behavior, when the treatment that they have meted out to others is later used against them. Many are in pain and suffering, and the antidote is Love.

The time for conflict is over, especially now as you understand the immense destructive power of modern weapons that technology has made available, and which ever -increasing numbers of military organizations are deploying as “defense systems!” When new weapons are invented an intense need to use them arises because those who have control of them, while possibly being bright and intelligent people, tend to have an emotional age of somewhere between approximately eight and fourteen years, and thus have an intense desire to see these new and exciting weapons in action! Many grew up in abusive environments and learnt to be street smart, which means generally taking preemptive action to ensure their survival, and as a result they never matured as human beings, because they believed that they had to be constantly on guard against surprise attack.

To mature as a human, and to then evolve spiritually, as has always been your collective intent, it is essential to take time out to be quiet daily in a space in which you feel safe. During that time the nudges and reminders from your support team in the spiritual realms can bring to your attention the awareness that you are a spiritual being having a temporary experience in form. When this happens an intense interest in the real purpose of your human life makes itself felt, leading to ever deeper excursions into the depth of your being where Love resides permanently.

These quiet times need to be available from very early childhood, and yet many children are constantly encouraged to be doing things with no time available to just be quiet. The cultures in which most children grow up tend to encourage non-stop activity – and little ones do need lots of activity as their bodies grow and develop – leaving very little time for quiet reflection. And yet children do need regular time periods during which they can reflect on what is happening to them as they grow from infancy to adulthood, and in doing so they can start to become aware of the absolute vastness of their inner space. Day-dreaming is good for everyone, especially when you dream about engaging lovingly with others in honor, respect, and love. Love is your nature, as you very well know, so to spend time in contemplation of that nature, your divine nature, strengthens and inspires you, leading you to greater self-knowledge and intense inner peace. And doing that is part of the task you set yourselves before incarnating, so, as I have asked you so often, please make sure to take time out daily for this essential practice. When you do, you will start to see the Love that resides in everyone else.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Source: John Smallman