Thursday, February 6, 2020

Lightworker User Manual | Steve Beckow

Lightworker User Manual

February 6, 2020
by Steve Beckow

How often have I had a spiritual experience and was left wondering, what the heck just happened? What was that?

And I’ve said to you that we have no handbook or manual to help us piece together what we just experienced and came across.

So I decided to step up to the plate and try my hand at creating one.

I want to help the newly-awakened to get their bearings. I want to present the essential background to being a lightworker.

I don’t plan to use any more quotes than seem necessary. I’d just like to express my opinion.

I can’t tell anyone what they should do in their lightwork. I can only provide a foundation from which to enter into their lightwork, as seen from my perspective.

Your mission lies in the same place your bliss lies: Therefore, follow your bliss.

Where do we start?

I think we need to start by looking at the purpose of life. (1) If life had no purpose, what are we doing here? Why lift a finger? Why get out of bed.

It turns out life does have a purpose – both for us and for God.

The purpose of creating life forms for God is that God desired to know Itself. Since God is all there is, how does God reflexively know Itself? If there is only God – consciousness without an object, as Franklin Merrell-Wolff puts it – where’s the outside observer?

Now here’s where we come in. Here’s our purpose, given to us by God.

God created a dreamworld. In an illusory fashion, he divided his Oneness into small packets of light energy, each of which is called by many names: Self, soul, Christ, Atman, buddha nature, prince of peace, treasure buried in a field, etc.

These “sparks” of God were given the task of having their memories of their origin erased and then re-discovering who they really are, what is their nature, and where they’ve come from.

When one spark realizes Itself, God meets God. And it’s for that meeting that all of this was created.

How do I know that? In 1987 I had a vision experience, in which I was shown a spiritual tableau or working model of life. (2)

I saw a small golden star (the Self) streak out from a large golden Sun (representing the One) and fly off into space. I was drenched in bliss and this made it possible to access a deep level of knowing. So for instance I knew the Sun was what I call the Father, the One. I knew the small golden star was what I call the Child or Self.

I found I could will myself to find the star. When I did, I discovered it in a cosmic cloud, which I knew to be the Holy Spirit or Mother. It was travelling down a spiral tube, without its brilliance. At some point its light flashed back on and I knew that flash to be a stage of enlightenment.

It then left the cosmic cloud of the Mother and raced back to the golden Sun of the Father. I knew that to be the ultimate stage of enlightenment.

When I said to myself, I get it, the purpose of life is enlightenment, the vision disappeared.

Bayazid of Bistun portrays the aspirant at the moment of Self-Realization. This would represent God meeting God:

“I went from God to God, until they cried from me in me, ‘O thou I!”‘ (3)

O thou I. It’s at this moment that God realizes Itself.

Sri Ramakrishna describes Shiva at the moment of meeting:

“When Siva realizes his own Self, He dances about in joy exclaiming, “What am I! What am I!” (4)

God meeting God is a source of delight for God. God gets to experience itself for a moment, through us.

You may be saying to yourself, you mean all this is just for that? Just for that. A leela or divine play.

Life is a process of spiritual evolution aimed towards Self-Realization at the highest levels of existence, for God’s enjoyment.

Kahlil Gibran was right. We’re being baked in the oven, bread for God’s sacred feast.

The rewards for us are eternal love, bliss, peace, abundance, satisfaction. And since we are God, God’s Plan is our Plan.

But before we get our reward we have to get through the bramble bush.

(Continued tomorrow.)


(1) For more on this subject, see The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment, at

(2) Bayazid of Bistun in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 12.

(3) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 393.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia