Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Lightworker User Manual: Enter the Reval | Steve Beckow

Lightworker User Manual: Enter the Reval

February 11, 2020
by Steve Beckow

(Continued from yesterday.)

The ways in which lightworkers contribute are endless. Here I’d like to discuss just one way – humanitarian philanthropy, delivered to us by such means as the Prosperity Packages and the Reval.

The Prosperity Packages are financial packages arranged by St. Germaine’s World Trust that are meant to be used for humanitarian philanthropy, which I’ll discuss in a moment.

The Reval is part of a Global Currency Reset whose opportunity has been made known to lightworkers. By purchasing currency known to be subject to re-evaluation, lightworkers accrue wealth which is a second way to finance humanitarian philanthropy.

Humanitarian philanthropy means acts of charity, income redistribution, financial rebalancing, freedom from corruption, recovery, and rebirth designed to prepare Earth’s population for Ascension, provided it doesn’t come sooner than our humanitarian efforts.

Funding activities that eliminate hunger, poverty, homelessness, disease, discrimination, and persecution are examples of humanitarian philanthropy.

Lightworkers are being tasked with using financial resources to reverse the decline of humanity and set it back on a sure footing, headed in a useful and productive direction.

Most of us have led spiritual lives and, for one reason or another, are not used to managing large sums of money. We’ll have our work cut out for ourselves.

Our aim is to build a world that works for everyone.

C’mon, Steve. The world can’t be made to work for everyone.

Yes, it can. I told you that higher-dimensional society was beyond your imagining. Well, in higher-dimensional society, such is the love and bliss they feel that no one would think of harming anyone else. Their only thought is having your world work for you. In such a setting the world works for everyone.

All we’re doing is building such a society now. We may fall short. But we’re headed in the right direction.

In creation, it’s advised to take actions consistent with our intentions. Those actions become the channel through which the Divine can send the energy that will make our efforts successful. In building such a society now, we create for ourselves a channel through which the Divine can bring about the desired result.

Seen from this vantage point, our actions stand a greater chance of creating the result we desire – in this case, a world that works for everyone.

We’ll know when we reach it. Everyone will be deeply in love and bliss.

(Continued tomorrow.)

Source: Golden Age of Gaia