Monday, February 17, 2020

Lightworker User Manual: All this Awaits us | Steve Beckow

Lightworker User Manual: All This Awaits Us

February 17, 2020
by Steve Beckow

(Concluded from yesterday.)

A free pdf of this booklet appears below.

And what will life be like after Ascension?

Contrary to popular conception, Ascension is not synonymous with entry into the Fifth Dimension. It actually happens a little while after.

It’s marked by the accomplishment of sahaja samadhi, a full and permanent heart opening, beyond the Third-Dimensional seven-chakra system. (1)

Sahaja brings with it the experience of transforming love and bliss, which revolutionizes life for us. I’m not sure if everything that follows springs from the experience of this state of consciousness, but this state colors and uplifts everything about our lives.

Nothing negative can approach us in that state. No crime will exist. No conflict or war could find a foothold.

Such things as worry, anxiety, lack and loss will become distant memories. There’ll be no need for sleep. Work as drudgery will be gone. No pollution will exist.

Our personalities may remain broadly the same. Free will will continue to apply.

Death will be vanquished. The Buddha’s reference to the wheel of birth and death is a reference to the Third Dimension. In the Fifth, we step off that wheel.

Diseases and parasites will go. Health will be perfect and a change of body will only come about because we will it.

We’ll acquire new psychic and spiritual abilities, such as the ability to communicate telepathically, to create by thought alone, and to time travel.

Business will change dramatically, being no longer driven by a selfish desire for profit. New technologies, like replicators and med beds, will be available in the transitional period prior to full Ascension.

A range of transportation technologies will become available, from spaceships to thought projection. New forms of governance, drawing on the conciliar model, will arise while borders will become a thing of the past.

The Cities of Light will be revealed. Gaia will in all ways be restored and we’ll rejoin galactic society.

Ascension to the Fifth is only one step on the new voyage of discovery we’ll then be launched on. And the discovery will not simply be of new lands, but of new dimensions, up to and including the Twelfth.

I don’t think we can imagine what life will feel like in this new internal and external environment. I know if I had tried to imagine it before getting a preview in 2015, (2) I’d never have known where to look, what to look for, or how such a revolution in my being might be possible.

All this is what awaits us after we conclude our gradual climb up the ladder of consciousness to the Fifth, the first of the higher dimensions.

See below for a free .pdf of this series.


(1) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at\

“[The] Heart is the seat of Jnanam [wisdom] as well as of the granthi (knot of ignorance). It is represented in the physical body by a hole smaller than the smallest pin-point [the hridayam], which is always shut.

“When the mind drops down in Kevalya Nirvikalpa [samadhi], it opens but shuts again after it. When sahaja [nirvikalpa samadhi] is attained it opens for good.” (Ramana Maharshi in Cohen, S.S., Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 96.)

(2) On that experience, see “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, at, “Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, at, and “Activating the Wellspring – Part 2/2,” March 15, 2015, at

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Source: Golden Age of Gaia