Tuesday, February 4, 2020

God Sings in Our Hearts | Heavenletters #3473

God Sings in Our Hearts | Heavenletters

FEB 4 2020

God said:

To what do you attribute that spring in your step? To what do you attribute your good fortune? To what do you attribute your being on Earth? To what do you attribute the Earth? To what do you attribute YOU?

You are like a bird in flight, only you are an angel, an angel disguised and disguised well, to be sure, disguised as a fledgling human being, not yet in flight, still on the ground. You are like a bird that has never been hemmed in, yet sees cage wires all over the place. You are a high flyer, only you have not flown. You have thought you are a bird that cannot fly.

This is a mutual enterprise that We are engaged in. In one sense, you are like a decoy of yourself. A decoy is not the real thing, yet you are the real thing. I, in the form of you, am not seen for what I am, and, therefore, you are not seen as you are. The view of the world does not even come close. It may be that, in your whole life, no one has had a clue. Not even you. And yet, and yet, there has been a glimmer seen every now and then.

I urge you to have a clue as to the Eminence you truly are. This is real down-to-earth Pre-eminence. You are an angel who does not understand where he has landed. Once an angel, always an angel. There are no scissors that can cut your wings. Thoughts have blocked your beautiful wings from view. Hidden from view, your wings are nevertheless ready to fly. Oh, fly into My heart that longs for you to know where you are always and Who you are always.

You who are always in My sight, I long to be in your sight. In a sense, I am a lovely bird caught in your heart, and yet you do not yet know I am here. I am the pulse of your heart, and you think your heartbeat is a mechanical thing. I pressed the key that brought you into existence in the eyes of the world, and, yet, you, as well as I, have always existed. Eternal are We.

What is this about your wanting to be other than you are? You may think that your placement on Earth is who you are. Have you equated your placement here with being less than angel? Where are you more needed?

How much does it matter where you are sitting when you have wings and a mind and a heart that can fly and reach the stars and spin the galaxies and find one more wonder after another while your heart is singing like a nightingale. Let the eyes that see not and the ears that hear not think of you as a silent sparrow, yet, whether your heart song is heard or not, it sings and sings forevermore. What a beautiful song is sung around the world and beyond the world and echoes in every treetop. The streams sing the same song, and the fruits and the berries and stones, the same song they sing.

Every motion on Earth is a dance. See the dancers in the mall and on the streets. See the dancers in homes and in the fields. See the dancers come to your door. See the dancers even when you cannot quite see their dancing or hear their songs. Join in the chorus of love and life. Let your heart sing so that I may be heard, and so that all can sing to their heart’s content.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/god-sings-in-our-hearts.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light