The Ladder of Consciousness: From Intellectuality to Experience to Realization (Part 3/5) | Steve Beckow

The Ladder of Consciousness: From Intellectuality to Experience to Realization – Part 3/5

January 21, 2020
by Steve Beckow


(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)

The subject of the ladder of consciousness is basic to my own spiritual practice.

Frankly, I think it may be basic to anyone’s. Let me discuss how it surfaces in my own practice.

What is the awakening from intellectuality like?

Saul describes a person awakening from mere intellectuality to a trusting of the gut feeling; that is, from the intellectual to the experiential. I’ve italicized the change in the conversation, to feeling:

“These … are the first signs of an awakening – an awakening to the realization that their lives truly have a meaning and purpose beyond everyday reality. They are beginning to feel a deep longing for much, much more than life on Earth offers, and yet this makes no sense to them. They are confused and lonely and lack a trustworthy listener or guide.

“But their intuition or gut feeling pushes them forward, insisting that something of great moment is happening, and they want to know what it is. As they search for answers they stumble upon books, blogs, web sites, and magazine articles covering these issues and with which they resonate.

“They meditate and pray, which may well be a new experience for them, and their sense that their existence does indeed have a meaning strengthens and intensifies, encouraging them to continue gathering information. As they do so they start to trust their gut feelings, their intuition, their inner knowing, which they find does not mislead them.” (1)

Some may not have meditated and prayed; they may have done something else, but chances are they’ll now be feeling a sense of awakening, in this case, to experience.

What is Realization itself like?

What then is realization?

I can offer you my opinion.

As a mere novice in the area, I consider realization to be a radical discontinuity in experience combined with a usually-temporary immersion in a divine state such as peace, love, or bliss and an explosive expansion in knowing.

What does it feel like?

I can only describe the first step. Let’s listen to folks farther down the road.

The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak: “This experience [of realization] involves raising a feeling inside yourself and then, one day, at one moment, in one afternoon, having an overwhelming sense of knowing: having a composition a thousand pages long come alive in five seconds of divine ecstacy.” (2)

Absolutely. She uses a knowledge-based metaphor to make her point.

The Arcturian Group: “There comes a time in everyone’s (teacher and student) evolutionary journey when he shifts into a realization of oneness. This may come in an instant after lifetimes of spiritual seeking, or it may be a slow and gradual process.

“This is ascension, the attainment of that state of consciousness that realizes everything Real is perfect and held in place by Divine law and that the ONE is ever manifesting ITSELF… ‘What you see is what you get’ as the saying goes… Your state of consciousness is interpreting for you the divine ideas embodied within the One.” (3)

So notice: Not an explosion of bliss; not a profound awareness of love, although both of these may come with it, but “a realization of oneness,” a knowing.

An inner knowing and a majestic certainty, for as long as it lasts.

Archangel Michael: “It is the feeling, the experience – and might I even say the knowing, the deep knowing – that you are not stuck, you are not limited, you are not confined by what previously has been informationally identified as time and space. You leave that behind and you enter into the flow of the universe, which is how we operate.” (4)

Again, with the knowing, the realization that we are not limited or confined comes our entry into the flow of the universe.

I emphasize this because so many superficial treatments of enlightenment emphasize other aspects of the experience but they don’t get across that enlightenment itself is an event that happens in the domain of knowledge, of certain, inner knowing. We realize the Truth.

We’ll look at Archangel Michael’s in-depth discussion of “true knowing” tomorrow.

(Continued in Part 4, tomorrow.)


(1) Saul, July 5, 2009, at at

(2) The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians. Bear & Company, Santa Fe, 1992, 49.

(3) The Arcturian Group, Feb. 10, 2013, at

(4) “Archangel Michael: I Come to Touch Your Hearts,” Oct. 20, 2016 at Michael here identifies flow as the paradigm of the higher dimensions.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Ladder of Consciousness: From Intellectuality to Experience to Realization (Part 3/5) | Steve Beckow The Ladder of Consciousness: From Intellectuality to Experience to Realization (Part 3/5) | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 1/21/2020 01:34:00 PM Rating: 5

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