Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Fulfillment of Love | Steve Beckow

The Fulfillment of Love

January 26, 2020
by Steve Beckow

A new year

Michael tells us that “the fulfilment of the Mother’s Plan [is] the rebirth, the re-anchoring, the recommitment, the reactivation of love, of co-creation, of unity consciousness upon the planet.” (1)

How is that possible when so many people feel grievously injured by the planet’s one-time controllers and would dearly love, as George Bush Sr. noted, to hang the cabal from the nearest lamp post?

The assassination of Gen. Suleimani lends a new relevance to this question.

If we have trouble forgiving our neighbor for small matters, how is our world going to collectively forgive the recalcitrants? It sounds impossible.

Well, Michael has told us how. He hid it in plain sight. Through “the rebirth, the re-anchoring, the recommitment, the reactivation of love.”

I think he’s pointing at a portal and I also think I can speak to it.

What he’s saying, if I’m accurate, is that “the rebirth, the re-anchoring, the recommitment, the reactivation of love” occurs as a result of a heart opening.

Michael is pointing at our state of being after the naturally-rising vibrations create in us, each at our own timing, as watched over by the archangels, an opening of the hriydam or heart aperture. For short I call that a “heart opening.”

Even though it’s a distant dream now, my own fourth-chakra experience is still a vivid memory.

It results in a person being swept away by the inner Tsunami of Love and ultimately drowning in the Ocean of Love that the Mother is (Mary, Maré). The Mother herself explains the metaphor:

“Welcome, I am the Mother — mother of all, giver of life, giver of love. … I want to explain, for there are many thoughts and conceptions about who I am, about what I am. …

“I am known by many names, and that is appropriate. And I am thought of in many forms — as Mary, as Shakti, as Maré, which is very close because it is the word for ocean in your world and language. It represents the movement and the giver of life, the creator of life, of love, of form, of substance, of essence.” (2)

The Mother, who is All, is describing her aspect as Shakti, the primal energy, all movement and sound. This same Maré is also the Creator, Preserver and Transformer of worlds, the active side of God, and the Ocean of Love. (3)

In my estimation, “the rebirth, the re-anchoring, the recommitment, the reactivation of that – that love – by a heart opening would be powerful enough to cause all issues to disappear.

It would leave us in a natural state of forgiveness. One is then steeped in love and bereft of concerns. There remains nothing to be forgiven. Forgiveness itself disappears.

This answers the question: How will we forgive the recalcitrants.

Global forgiveness is in our future.

Before I go, the Mother once asked me to discuss sahaja. (4) I’d like to address that subject here.

There are two kinds of heart openings.

There is the temporary opening that results when the kundalini reaches the fourth chakra. It subsides over time because our dense-vibratory, physical bodies are poor conductors of refined vibrations.

I believe it’s also toned down for us so that we remain as lightworkers rather than head off for the Himalayas.

But that very same heart opening also occurs at a point beyond the seven-chakra system – much amplified and permanent. This realizational event is the door into permanent possession of an opened spiritual heart.

Ramana Maharshi called it “sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi.” (5) Shankara called it “vijnana.” (6)

Others have called it buddhahood, redemption, salvation, freedom from the wheel of birth and death. We call it “Ascension.”

We ascend or pass beyond the reach of Third/Fourth-Dimensional energy and consciousness. Our bodies are transformed as well, allowing us to retain that level of consciousness.

Sahaja can be thought of as the gateway into the Fifth Dimension, the afterlife Mental Plane, what Christians call “heaven” and Buddhists call “nirvana.”

I feel like a person giving away the movie’s plot.

What part we choose to play in the movie is up to us.

But that’s where the journey itself is going – into a rebirth, re-anchoring, recommiting, and reactivating of a love so potent, so transforming that it erases the memory of our lower-dimensional worries and concerns. It leaves us restored to the innocence and purity we are as fragments or reflections of the One Self.

If we got that down to our toes, it’d be the greatest New-Year’s gift we could give ourselves. It’d be 20/20.


(1) “Archangel Michael on Lightworkers’ Collective Life-Purpose Today,” Oct. 22, 2016, at I said I’d get to love in a future article.

(2) Aum/Amen, the Word of God, Prakriti/Procreatrix, Sophia or Wisdom, the God of a thousand names. (See “On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit,” at

“Universal Mother Mary [the Divine Mother]: You Are Moving Ahead Rapidly with Ascension,” September 25, 2012, at

(4) The Mother confirmed the linkages in 2012:

Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to. And I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?

Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of with your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement.

SB: It’s wonderful to have that confirmed. Thank you very much, Mother.

DM: It is wonderful for us as well, you know!

SB: Is it? How so, Mother?

DM: As we move beyond what you think of in your realm as emotion, that does not mean that the pervasive love and joy is not felt as we participate, witness, move and assist and beckon you forward. …

Now, you understand that most people – and yes, you will do a good job of explaining – have no conception of what this [discussion] really means.

Steve: Well, you know that I have a website that discusses Sahaja Samadhi at length. And that’s from Sri Ramana Maharshi, more or less. If I take that material and present it to readers, would that be adequate?

DM: That will help. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at

I promised the Mother I’d write about sahaja and related topics and here I’ve addressed that task.

(5) “Holding onto the Supreme State is Samadhi. When it is with effort due to mental disturbances, it is Savikalpa. When these disturbances are absent, it is Nirvikalpa. Remaining permanently in the primal state without effort is Sahaja.” (Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 89.)

(6) “A hallmark of vijnana or sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi is that one sees God in everything.

“There is a continuous consciousness of the unity of Atman and Brahman. There is no longer any identification of the Atman with its coverings. All sense of duality is obliterated. There is pure, unified consciousness. The man who is well established in this consciousness is said to be illumined. For him, the sorrows of this world are over. Though he possesses a finite body, he remains united with the Infinite. His heart knows no anxiety.” (Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., How to Know God. The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. New York, etc.: New American Library, 1969; c1953, 64.)

Source: Golden Age of Gaia